was this accurate to history?
Was this accurate to history?
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Fuckin jews rewriting history to promote their degenerate agendas, in this case homosexuality deviancy.. plus I dont know why but I fuckin hate Colin farrell
Greeks, the famous """""""straight"""""""" people
They portray Alexander as a white man so no
It's not Central to the mythos of the man .. normalizing something that belongs in the shadows promoting it as if it was a beneficial part towards his victories or personality that espounded them
Yeah should of had bbc produce it then they could have had some affirmative action actor play Alexander.
Why do americans think that british accents sound ancient, historical and dignified?
I wish you'd drop this meme, so we can have historical movies without everyone speaking like their cousin and their mother are the same person.
>It's not Central to the mythos of the man ..
yes it is, anyway aside from some shitty acting issues it's a great film
Non meme answer - yes. Lots of things are surprisingly accurate for such a mainstream movie. Lots of things actually happened, like that argument during feast at Philip's wedding. They didn't went full SJW and depicted Greeks and Macedonians like the racists pricks they were. There's even that subtle differentiation between Greeks and Macedonians and both groups are somewhat separate. Theres even homo love, which was pretty common in the Macedonian camp.
Lots of things are changed, but that's understandable considering the narrative constraints. Some events were moved in time and space (like Cleitus saving Alexander or Alexander killing Cleitus), some characters were cut out and some characters appear even though they weren't present. For example Antigonous and Cawsander weren't at the battle of Gaugamela. Antigonous was administrating Asia Minor and Cassander was in Macedon with his father and didn't even appear at Alexander's court until shortly before Alexander's death (fueling rumours that it was him who poisoned the king).
Alexander is actually said to have had blonde hair.
Stone blacked the Persian princess Alexander was married to though.
Don't mix homosexuality and the very passionate appreciation of youth, which is what greek men felt towards boys.
Youth is beautiful, nostalgic, etc. And younger men, before hair and scars, even look sorta feminine.
Note, I am not a pederast, nor gay, not excusing these. Just saying that what people call ancient greek homos was not homosexuality, and had to do with appreciating youth. The reason women were excluded from it was that women aren't people at that time.
>Alexander is actually said to have had blonde hair.
Alexander is said to have had fair hair. The word used to describe his hair is the same used for red hair, or that dirty blond-brown hair slavs have. In modern greek its "blond", in ancient greek it isn't.
Also the guy who wrote it did so 300 years after Alexander, and did so after seeing a statue of Alexander, made by a guy who never saw Alexander, and only had witness depictions to work with.
And also, that same description of Alexander you are quoting also said he had the walk of a lion, the mane of a lion, and smelled very, very nice. He smelled so nice, that even when he took of his clothes, the clothes smelled nice also. This is the source you are taking for gospel and trying to wave genetics out of.
greeks put penises in eachother's bums
More like between thighs.
In Macedon homosex was common. I was not talking about the Greek pederasty.
Oliver Stone is one of the rare openly anti-semitic people in the US today. He bitched about Israel on Colbert and said Putin is ruled by Jewish Oligarchs
>you will never fuck hephaestion
Nice try kike
By and large, yes.
I'd say not very. Given that Alexander was a very charismatic man who inspired awe for millennia, whereas this movie is sleep inducing.
>and said Putin is ruled by Jewish Oligarchs
He must have changed his mind about that considering that he fucking love Putin now.
Acting and execution aside, its clearly Stones labor of love, and the Soundtrack is fucking Amazing.
The equipment of the Macedonians was surprisingly good.
>Roxana, the fair skinned Persian princess is portrayed by a literal black African-American woman
>"Persian" soldiers are very clearly speaking Arabic and even saying Muslim/Islamic battle cries which you can hear if you listen closely to the Persian sides with the audio tuned up higher in the early parts of the movie
It was decently accurate for a historical movie. The portrayal of Alexander kinda sucked though, he came off way too sulky, not nearly charismatic enough.
>literal black African american
Rosario Dawson is Cuban and Puerto Rican you fucking idiot.
pretty much...or at least as much as any movie could be.
still racially black
We got to see her tits so I forgive it.
There are depictions of him during his lifetime (tomb of his father) depicting him as a fellow NORD
And yet she still looks like a fucking nig so what's your point?
>decently accurate
>Oliver Stone's Alexander
>Portrays Gaugamela
>But not Issus
Shit. Utter shit.