Were the pharaohs indo europeans?
Were the pharaohs indo europeans?
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it's possible that the hyksos dynasty were
No, they were part of the negroid federation.
Go jump off a cliff.
the hair is probably that way due to it being a gorillion years old
Who cares?
(((Geneticists))) and (((historians))) say no but infographics on Nordicist blogs say yes. I'll let you decide. Hint: the answers is yes.
Some dinasties? Yeah. The Egyptian at large? Nope.
they spoke an afroasiatic language so no
they were west-eurasian or middle eastern
The blonde hair is a result of one of the processes of mummification.
What do Egyptians think of WE WUZZING? Are they even familiar with the concept?
Yes, they hate it. Especially the Copts who are actual descendants of Egyptians with almost no genetic variation
>almost no genetic variation over thousands of years
I find that hard to believe
The same happened with the lebs christians, they didn't mix with the Arabs elites and are nearly pure cannanites.
believe it, faggot:
Bonus story to prove that what you "beleive" means jack shit:
mixing ethnicities has historically been and even continues to be rare except in the case of mass rape or mass population movement
The genetic distance between ancient Egyptians and modern Egyptians is about equivalent to the distance between the French and the English. Given this fact, is it really so hard to believe that the section of the population most averse to mixing with outsiders are virtually they same as they were in ancient times?
>nordic facial structure
No.. The hyksos all had semitic names, they probably were amorites from Syria
Actually geneticist and historians do say yes.
>The blonde hair is a result of one of the processes of mummification.
pic related was a typical person from the Amarna period, this skull was preserved naturally by the desert climate.
The Cult of Seth choose people with red hair.
No They don't, retard
Ramses' hair was red and he was Caucasian.
Yes they do nigger.
That actor is Jewish user
Jews aren't Caucasian now?
they're caucasian but they aren't indo-european.
Askhenazis are, actually. They have R1 haplogroups (apart of other caucasians, from the caucasus, ones).
How could they be Nordic if Indo-Europeans weren't Nordic and "Nordics" looked like hairy monkeys?
Haven't you see the recent DNA evidence showing that Egyptians are the same race as Levantines?
ashkenazi and sephardic jews do obviously but they're still closer to middle easterners than any europeans except maybe cypriots.
Levantines aren't Indo-European.
>They have R1 haplogroups
Non Indo-Europeans have R1 haplogroups.
I never said they were, but they have continuity with Indo-Europeans throughout their history.
Jews primarily speak English and Yiddish, two Germanic languages, so yes, they are Indo-European.
Even when taking into account Israelis? And neither of those are their native language anyway.
not him
Hebrew is a modern invention, it is like a bunch of Poles started using Latin and larping as ancient Romans.
What do you mean by that and what is your point? Egyptians were not Indo-Europeans.
Yamnaya peoples brought tech to the Levant, this in turn overrun the Egyptians. Then the Hittites and Iranian peoples are Indo-European. The Phoenicians literally migrated and mixed with Indo-Europeans.
Indo-Europeans have continuity with Levantines and Egyptians.
It is me, or are afrocentrists and /pol/tards the same side of a shit-covered coin?
"We wuz pharaoz and shiet, just look at this shitty infographic of some mummy with kinky/light skin hair. That proves the kangs were pure niggas/germanic master-race.
Then the brown man came and genocided and displaced them, and the evul archeologists want to hide the truth of our noble heritage."
A bunch of thieving niggers, both of them.
There have been cultural exchanges but ancient Levantines, ancient Egyptians, modern Levantines, and modern Egyptians are all virtually identical. So while it might be true to say ancient Egyptians were more like Levantines, this isn't really saying much as the genetic distance between the groups is tiny. And none of these groups are Indo-European.
False, the yamnaya people themselves never set foot in The levant
The Egyptian people have always and continue to confuse people because they don't fit into the neatly defined concepts of race, especially today in light of American racial concepts.
People can't comprehend, they must be arabs right, or blackss, or white? If not any of those three, then its incomprehensible to the modern mind.
But that is truth, they are not black, white or arab, they are Egyptians, they are their own people.
If you absolutely must categorize them, they can be considered distant cousins of Arabs and Berbers, somewhere in the middle.
Basically, they're native north African people. Egyptians, and their skin tones vary from light to dark.
No, fuck off And die, dumb wewuzzer
I never said Yamnasya people, I said Yamnaya Tech.
> retard
>Basically, they're native north African people.
Except they aren't, they're levantine neolithic farmers who migrated across the Sinai and settled in the Nile valley. They were a "brown alpine" people, with probably a dash of IE in the upper classes.
Even worse than wewuzzers are you guys who deny the validity of race. "le egyptians were egyptian, race is irrelevant" meme is commie hogwash.
But the new genetic study on Lebs is that they have Yamna-related admixture acquired after 1700 BC.
Maybe 'twas the Sea People if not Hittites.
>Yamnaya tech
What? The spooked wheel? Thats literally the only thing They came up with
Yes, modern Levanese, Not ancient, And its like 3%
>They wuz Black
>They wuz White
I wish the mods would fucking ban Egypt threads
Please read this article
> en.wikipedia.org
> a bunch of retards took over society because they're too dumb to understand anything or invent
Why do you assume I don't know about the Mitanni?
They were Hurrian speaking people with maybe a mixed Indoaryan/Hurrian elite, the language they used was Hurrian
> a bunch of retards took over society because they're too dumb to understand anything or invent
What are you trying to say?
As a black guy, I will say that they were just egyptian.
The dick contest between europeans/indians/african is pointless and stupid.
You know that Yamnaya and Indoeuropean speaking people are not the same thing, right?
It's like you people can't understand the concept of the passing of time (Yamnaya culture ends in 3000 bc, Indoeuropean speaking groups appear in the near east around 1700 BC for the first time), by then they were diverged greatly both genetically and linguistically from the Yamnaya and they owed their ancestry to other groups other than Yamnaya: Hurrians, Hattians etc, even corded ware which was yamnaya derived had some heavy mixture from the native farmers, and Corded ware was roughly contemporary to the Yamnaya, now we're talking about a 1300 years gap between Yamnaya and these indoeuropean speaking populations
it's like saying Romans set foot in America because Europeans did
So you admit you're wrong, thank you.
So you admit you're wrong, thank you.
No, you're a retard and have 0 reading comprehension, it's just mind blowing how stupid you are.
Yamnaya never set foot in the Levant, period.
Some people with both Hattian, Pre Ie farmer AND Yamanya ancestry set foot in Europe, just like some Spaniard with both Roman, Celtic and Iberian ancestry has set foot in America, but not an actual Roman, can't you understand such a basic concept?
Ok let me make it even easier to understand.
You have a father named Carl, a mother named Stacy, a grandfather named Chris and another named Jhon, you go to Russia, your grandfather Chris didn't, you have some Chris ancestry, but you're not Chris.
>set foot in Europe
I meant set foot in the Levant
It's mind blowing how stupid you are
Is Chris black?
You're disregarding large swathes of history with that attitude of "bro who cares who they were what matters is THAT they were amirite heh". This is a history board faggot.
Then they are north african. Neolithic is long enough ago to say they're native to that region, or else what, no one is anything other than Ethiopian?
>Even worse than wewuzzers are you guys who deny the validity of race
Race is invalid, genetics is not, but your silly racial categories are wholly incorrect, but worse is your attempts to classify them based on fucking phenotypes, christ thats dumb.
That was disproven
> Levantines
> fair hair
Pick one
Except Nordicists don't base their claims on made up lore about Yakub and instead base it on scientific and linguistic evidence
It's clearly preserved their black skin as well then.
>ancient Egyptians spoke an afro-asiatic language and consistently depict themselves as swarthy with black hair
>we are smarter and better educated than niggers
Lol if I go on an Afrocentric blog, they have evidence that's as equally convincing as nordcuck shit. It's all based on half-truths, cherrypicking, etc..
Those people couldn't be Nordic as "Nordic people" didn't exist yet.
Germanics/Nords are a result of Indo-European rape of native paleolithic hunter-gatherers.
There is neither of those for Egyptians being Nordic, retard, there is conclusive evidence that they were genetically Bronze age Levantines and linguistically Afro Asiatic, so nothing to do with Indoeuropean speakers, so fuck off, wewuzzer, you are wrong.
>scientific and linguistic evidence
Of which there is none. Light hair and a narrow face is not evidence of being "Nordic"
Yes, and that's also like one or two mummies against hundreds with black/dark brown hair
>Wow you didn't understand my poorly written example based clearly on my own bias? What a peon!
You're a retard
Jews cluster closest to southern Italians
>And its like 3%
Same as modern Persians lmao
hair doesn't age like that
Most of the DNA is so fra Egyptian.
We do however know that several pharaoes and a dynasty was greek (white). The leftists on his places all of the evidence below that of nigger claiming they were kangs, based on Egypt beinmg in Africa hence Egypt must have been black.
>The question was the subject of a heated exchange between Mary Lefkowitz, who has referred in her articles to a debate she had with one of her students about the question of whether Cleopatra was black, and Molefi Kete Asante, Professor of African American Studies at Temple University. In response to Not Out of Africa by Lefkowitz, Asante wrote the article "Race in Antiquity: Truly Out of Africa", in which he emphasized that he "can say without a doubt that Afrocentrists do not spend time arguing that either Socrates or Cleopatra were black".[48]
>Asante wrote the article "Race in Antiquity: Truly Out of Africa", in which he emphasized that he "can say without a doubt that Afrocentrists do not spend time arguing that either Socrates or Cleopatra were black".[48]
That part is only true because Afrocentrists simply assert that she was black, with no evidence to back it up or nay discussions. To pretend that Afrocentrists non-sense is not thriving and growing in academia is a lie, the cultural marxists know instinctively that this form of iconoclasm must be nurtured to reach their goals
>greek (white)
Some of them were. Others weren't.
There were a fuckton of different dynasties which did not share a single common ethnicity. Ancient Egypt was a multicultural society with blacks, Jews, whites, and various pre-Arab brown people.
We wuz kangz? Fuck off nigger!
Do those people look black to you, you fucking retard? They're just as obviously not black as they are not white.
looking at virtually any tomb painting would prove you wrong, imbecile.
Not sub Saharan, but definitely not Hitler's ideal either.
>are afrocentrists and /pol/tards the same side of a shit-covered coin?
Yes. Both are equally guilty of bad history, bad linguistics, and bad genetics (often all at the same time) in pathetic, and transparent, attempts at selling their preferred narrative.
They weren't blacks or whites!!
God the world has gone retarded
I've always wondered how one is supposed to get upo on a penny-farthing without it tipping over in the process, and your picture made me finally look it up. So thanks.
What was the answer?
[spoiler]You jump hop onto it at high speed.[/spoiler]
>white people in africa
hmmmm let me think
Is that HIM? Is it KEK?