Does anybody else think we should meme this man into getting the catholic canonization he rightly deserves?
Does anybody else think we should meme this man into getting the catholic canonization he rightly deserves?
Who is it?
It's you
I dont think I deserve to be canonized by the catholic church
That miracle you performed was pretty cool.
Why would Catholics specifically ever do that?
You know the Vatican was late to even accepting space travel righ?
Reincarnation is a bitch
I don't think they canonize excommunicated Catholics, but it's worth the lulz.
That's impossible heretics who've died outside the church cannot be saved.
Claiming that "Church" something different than "denomination" is like claiming "sex" is something different than "gender".
As a matter of a fact - the root of all Western degeneracy are countless little cults claiming "E pluribus unum", Great Britain and USA being historical home of all masonic-related gangs.
>muh cult only
>is like claiming "sex" is something different than "gender".
sex is biological, gender is a social construct
We just do some ritual - it'll all right
>sex is biological, gender is a social construct
Sex is biological, gender is made up. Same goes for one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church and madeup "denominations".
Fuck off.
I think by "made up", you mean social construct
If yes, then we agree
memes are made up too - there are the .jpg and then there is the meme
"Social construct" basically means it was made up by many people over long period of time. Which doesn't change the fact it's made up.
Just compare Luther to Calvin (one generation later). And now compare Calvin to modern pop-rock "evangelical" Christianity and "I love Jesus but hate religion" self-contradicting nonsense. Each generation of heretics makes up own rules fitting their demands best.
>we're worshipping the same way 1st century Christians did
>1st century Christians sure were worshipping with pop music, electric guitars, clapping hands and light shows.
Holy Catholic Church teaches the exact same things since Her marriage with Christ during Pentecost. Prove me otherwise.
>"Social construct" basically means it was made up by many people over long period of time.
Exactly. It meas it is part of culture, which is made up by humans. They way you dress, the way you behave, as a man or woman, all this is gender and thus social construct
You're a brainwashed cultist and by definition wrong.
1. Mary is called the Mother of God. AD 431
2. Prayers offered to Mary AD 600
3. Immaculate Conception (that she was sinless) AD 1854
4. Assumption of Mary AD 1950
5. Mary Proclaimed Mother of the Church AD 1965
And Church of God is natural Tree of Life: Christ is the soil, Peter is the root, apostolic fathers are the trunk, branches are faithful organised in dozens of rites and monastery fellowships, reaching in many ways but living off the exact same juice going from soild and roots through trunk, generations of faithful are leaves feeding the tree even though they are the weakest parts of it, comming and going, and works are the fruits.
Heretics see this Tree as some sort of weird, severly multilated, cancerous rhizome going at every direction at once, leading nowewhere.
This poster fears the drugs that would help his mental illness.
I'm surprised you didn't throw in transsubstantiation and seven Sacraments.
Already known teachings of the Church are proclaimed dogma of faith WHEN they're threatened by the external threats. They don't appear from nowewhere, they're based on already existing teaching going back to the first century and the Apostles.
better be bait lol
I laughed. However, the Pope himself went to Germany in the Reformation Day.
>Mary is called the Mother of God
The Holy Trinity states that Jesus is God, so isn't that correct?
>Prayers offered to Mary
It's supposed to be praying WITH Mary. I'm not going to lie that many catholics actually pray to her though.
>Immaculate Conception
Never understood this crap. That she was a virgin is something, but that she was sinless makes no sense since she was a woman. Of course you could argue she was picked by God since she was sinless, but there's nothing in the Bible about that.
>Mary proclaimed Mother of the Church
This was probably done just to get more catholics in those third world country since the Virgin Mary is extremely important in those places.