What would have happened / would the world look like today if America had gone along with Churchill's wishes to march on to Moscow after defeating Germany so as to defeat the USSR that he so hated and despised?
Alternative Ending to WW2
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They would've lose, simple
eastern europe would've been nuked to the ground.
Who? Russia or the West?
How? Russia had been decimated by the war, the generation that was 18 in 1939 I believe only 3% of males survived.
yeah everyone wanted another war and i don't think churchill wanted it too
Churchill may have wanted it, but only because he was a bit of a cunt.
Ah yes what a shame it would be to defeat the soviets completely preventing the cold war.
Would've been nice if anglo cunt didn't start it in a first place
shut up Ivan you fucking idiot
You mean Polish cunts.
US and Europe end up being rather hostile to eachother.
That's pretty low mindset for the person of his rank
The Soviet Union had double the land army, and double the tanks and artillery of both US and UK. A few nukes weren't going to scare anybody at that point.
Quality > Quantity.
For a war with Russia the US could've started producing completely unhindered far more tanks, planes and ammunition than the Russians could hope to produce, it wouldn't have been over in a month but the tide would turn within a year once US industry and bombing really started to weaken the soviets.
Also there was no way for the allies to defend Germany from a combined Soviet assault. Keep also in mind Greek civil war was going on at that point, which would have shifted in favor of the communists had war broken out. If the Allies lose Greece, and inevitably another war breaks out between communists and allies in Italy, the allies are completely out of the Mediterranean, and forced to fight in tiny strips of land in Belgium, Netherlands and France.
>completely forgetting North Africa / ME.
Why would general population support invasion of a nation that just saved them from nazi menace?
Saved who? You saw how quickly public perception changed with the commies now being the enemy within months.
Within a month, the SU would have curb stomped the Allies out of Germany, as there was no way to defend it. The Allies simply did not have enough troops, as the Americans had to split their forces in occupying Japan and the Philippines. The Allies were bleeding on all fronts from Communist insurgencies at that point, Greece, China, Korea, Indochina, and Italy.
If according to you they started focusing on a purely European war and they sacrificed E.Asia including losing Japan, then maybe a stalemate could have been reached, but they would still end up with no Germany, which is worse than what they had started with. Such a war is entirely moronic at that point in time, Churchill was butthurt because the Brits were losing Greece to the communists, but everyone knows that it would be the US goys that would be doing most of the fighting for the eternal anglo, while they sat on their asses on that shitty island.
>Saved who?
I don't even know
I think his plan was to groom the germans and use them as the main force of invasion.
I highly doubt the Germans were up with that after the Allies bombed the living shit out of them.
>Believing the Anglo had any chances against Russia in Iran.
>Thinking Libya, Palestine and Tunisia mattered at all that point
>Forgetting the Suez crisis happened 11 years later and if war broke out it wouldn't have happened immediately btfo the Anglo.
Yeah because the Jews were the fighting force required to beat the soviets... Before the war there was heavy unpopularity in Britain for fighting Germany yet it went ahead anyway, the same with the US entering the war yet it went ahead anyway.
Nice fantasy you have there.
>losing Japan
Wew give me a break, the Russians could rush Germany and the allies withdraw but as has been said in this thread it would not be a month long thing it would take some time but the Soviets would not be able to last 2 / 3 years once the Allies really got going, to say the Soviets would be stretched if they had to take France too would be a huge understatement.
Larger industry doesn't matter when the Soviet Union had such a numerical advantage. It'd be America and Britain vs Soviet Union with pretty much all of continental Europe under its wing. Within a year the Allies would be fighting tanks built in the Ruhr, within two years Parisian conscripts.
>thinks only jews were in the camps
>thinks only jews cared about jews in the camps
The Soviets were already planning an invasion of Hokkaido starting during August 22. But Stalin decided against it because he didn't want to damage relations with the allies seeing the war with Japan was ending.
>thinks Soviets cared about minorities
I was't talking about ussr, but yeah they did
You seem to think that the only forces available are those currently available in the European theater.
The Russian navy was absolutely pathetic and would be no obstacle for the US bringing troops over across the atlantic, the allied navies could go right into the baltic sea and bombard coastal Russian cities and the Russians could do absolutely nothing to stop it.
Too many straits between the Atlantic and Leningrad, the only industrial area of note facing the Baltic.
>hide beside the seas while soviets control most relevant part of the world
What's the point of war then?
Yes the only available force are the navy...
Are you fucking retarded, can you follow the conversation?
>tfw no nuclear nomansland to seperate us from those slavshit troglodytes
Can you? The allies can bombard from the baltic and potentially invaded whilst also doing other things...
Larger industry is everything, but lets not forget the most important thing, the west could bomb Russia, but Russia could not easily bomb the USA. The Alaskan front would easily be in the USA's favour and they'd have air superiority there immediately.
>1st guy: west army is too weak
>2d guy/(you): but atleast we have navy
>3d guy: what the point of navy when fighting on land?
>(you): but we have not only navy
Churchill didn't want to march on Moscow so I don't know why you are coming out with this shit but in all honesty if the USA and the UK had started a new war with Russia it would probably have ended with the Red Army drinking vodka in Paris.
Here's a fine alternate history scenario where Operation Unthinkable happens, fails logistically and they have to deal with the fact that Germany turned into a warlord chaos as they basically rearmed the Wehrmacht
Hi jew.
Wow the discussion on /pol/ is actually better than the one here, shameful.
>Quality > Quantity.
Yeah... Not really a factor if you are massively outnumbered.
Allies win, but it's long and drawn out. Nukes likely used on at least a few major Soviet cities. Leningrad would probably have been completely destroyed.
Soviets likely have uprising problems in their "puppets"
The US have more men of fighting age at that time than the Russians by far.