$10.13 TO SEND MY BTC TO A PAPER WALLET WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wait a day or 2 you penis wrinkle.
set a lower fee then you faggot
should have used litecoin
I try to set my own free and "risk overpaying and my order never being confirmed" WTF
Muh digital gold
Face it cucks. BTC is slow and old. Stop tricking normies.
Segwit will cut fees in half. It'll still be high, but segwit will allow for LN to be initiated which will cut fees down to $0.
what is LN? okay I'm going to wait for this to happen before I send to my paper wallet because F a 10 dollar fee. I TRUST YOU user
If you don't know what is happening in a 2 days then I don't think I can help you other than to say - Just wait 148 blocks, then do it.
what is a block?
that's why Decred will win
dead serious btw, I just started 2 wks ago, bought at 4200.
oh you
What is google?
Even if any of this were true, you're cucking yourself if you think for LN fees will be cheaper
Instead of miners you'll have rent-seeking businesses running all the nodes and colluding on fees
Good luck, you'll need it
Read the bitcoin whitepaper, it will explain what a block is, then learn what SegWit is, and also go look at xbt.eu to see when it is activated.
thank you
never even heard of the term "block" before, how would I know what to google?
Block is refereed to the "blocks" of gold you mine in Minecraft.
For each block of gold that is mined in the game Minecraft, the chain of blocks in the game of Minecraft is updated, which updates the transactions of BitCoin.
It's really complex, you should call Microsoft support.
LN means lightnovels fag
You can change the fee if it gets stuck. It's called fee bumping.
no fee.
21st century, and beyond interstellar coin
OP here phoneposting from bed. My fee went down to 9 dollars. What regulates the level of fees?
>pls be on bittrex
Bittrex needs to get on this shit
The free market.
The mempool is being cleared right now, fees will go down again throughout the next few hours.
Also, segwit is being activated today.