Just found out this 24 year old I work with bought $5000 worth of Bitcoin at $10 and the rest is history. He's actually a really nice and unassuming person and we get along great. I hope that someday my cryptos will moon like that.
I'd never tell anyone. I'd be scared to get kidnapped and tortured for my private keys.
why is he even working to begin with
I have no clue. If he invested that money properly he could make almost $150-200k a year off the interest.
can you send him my address thanks
must be nice having 50k usd to risk when your fucking 16
It's that thinking that will keep you poor, you are only ever risking your initial investment and if you recover that you aren't risking anything.
t. guy that isn't risking 30k
Because he has a trillion useless electrons on a computer somewhere and you need actual money to live.
Now how does he make it liquid or at least electronic USD?
yes because $5000 worth of bitcoin is 50k you fucking mongoloid
Must be nice having 50k when you're 16. I don't even have $500 when I was 20.
I fucking hate anime trash
then youre a fucking retard
or lazy as fucking shit
if you cant manage to save up $500 from the ages of 16 to 20, assuming you arent a piece of shit and got a job at 16, then you are a fucking dunce.
No you cuck, 50kusd is $5000 bitcoin you fucking moron stop trying to be smart
too obvious of bait
are you guys brainlets or something?
See But seriously $5k isn't rich at 16 if you work and live at home. I worked summers hay carting which pays based on the bails you move, if you are willing to work hard ~$300 a day is pretty standard.
It's the only webm I have that fits without sound, fucking half-chan hates audio.
at 23 how much should I have?
What education do you have / want?
How long have you been in the workforce?
What is your job?
When did you leave home?
Too many variables for a meaning answer, for some comparison I did year 11, became an apprentice electrician straight out of school and moved out at 18, buy 23 I was a 4th year apprentice making ~$800 a week.
(all in roobucks, may not apply to burgers)
Because I'm from the third world?
21 years old
in grad school
2k in savings in bank
8k crypto portfolio
20k in debt for student loans
i work part time as an intern for $12/hr about 20 hrs a week
jajajajajajaajaja que que?
what did you mean by this?
For what purpose? Just retire...
Graduated last year - Business and IT
Currently working in a Helpdesk Role (12 months) and I earn £1300 a month.
Have my own car
Got some crypto
0 savings
Save £260 a month, it will suck but should be possible and you will be glad you did.
so? you can do the same shit with a different shyte coin, bitcoin will have a competitor eventually. sorta like apple vs android
Thing is, at the age of 21 (with the help of my parents) I had saved around £10,000 but I lost this due to a car accident that was my fault. Anyways its do mentally defeating now to have nothing saved. I used to save £500 every month! now I can't afford to save that much and it sucks to save less because it takes more time to reach that amount whereas now it feels that £10,000 isn't even that much at this age. I feel behind! FUCK MY LIFE
concha tu madre, es other fucking continent 3rd world.
Welcome to life, it will beat the shit out of you at random until the day you die. This happens to everyone and the only difference between winners and losers is winners don't give up.
Why £260 ?
20%, this should always be a minimum target.
FUCK I am poor.
The other issue is I make so much more gains by putting money into Crypto than saving it in measly fiat. I've x4 my money.
You know that only comes to about 2 million, right? That's not enough to retire on.
>$2 million isn't enough to retire on
You could live off of even conservative investments like bonds if you had that much.
delete this pic mate, your only luring more pajeets and tyrones
keep telling people more successful than you how to use their money
tfw ppl say muni doesn't matter
tfw ppl say muni doesn't bring happiness
tfw ppl tell you how use ur muni
tfw ppl deep down jealous of you
Only a 24 year old kid would be dumb enough to tell his co-workers he owns 2 million in Bitcoin
He won't have it long, that's nigger-tier, telling co-workers your finances, esp when you lucked out. At best he gets treated differently/like scum/ everyone wants a handout at worst the gossip spread to the wrong person and he gets tortured for the bitcoins.
Op must work some minimum wage job with literal retard coworkers
That $2million is going to be $40m when he'll be retiring m8
>at worst the gossip spread to the wrong person and he gets tortured for the bitcoins
this is actually very likely to happen. you would be surprised at the amount of people being kidnapped, especially fresh money (always idiots that cant into protecting their shit), and have all their assets stolen. you never hear about it though because they are scared to death for rest of their life.
This aint a Michael Bay movie you faggots
... i don't even