You're a typical bitcoin fagget who can't see how much bitcoin is becoming shit, from the centralization to the fees. My guess is that you've had a stake in mining so therefore you have reason to protect your kingdom.
>iota can be replaced
Uh, like bitcoin? Like the hundreds of current bitcoin replacements?
The first one in a new space, like iota or bitcoin, to make a name for itself often stays for a while, regardless of knockoffs. Lets use bitcoin as an example. It's literal trash now but people trust it because of recognition over the years and market acceptance in this space.
Iota still holds scarcity due to limited supply, although not as limited as bitcoin. In addition, iota solves problems that bitcoin has with scalability, expense, and being self sufficient. Iota's value comes from it's incredible self sufficient tech, just as bitcoin's value was largely in it's (partially self sufficient) tech.
You see miners creating value through incentive to make money. I see miners as a liability that are making buttcoin expensive, centralized, and adding fucking drama (muh bitcoin cash will fix it).
Bitcoin was the first to "remove the middle man" but now we are starting to realize that there's still a middle man (miner) and he's a fucking leech. That's not an asset to me and its value is only seen to the top 10% of miners who can afford massive rigs. Mining bitcoin no longer provides much value to everyone in this space. People want freedom.
>that will be $6 for your cup of coffee, sir.
>pays $6 plus $2 in bitcoin fees
Tell me, would you prefer a house that relies entirely on the grid or a house that is self sufficient and doesn't rely on the middle man for energy? Don't tell me that the self sufficient house has no value. Can it be replaced by something better? Of course it can, just like anything in this world. Just like bitcoin.
Bitcoin will always be a hedge but it's not useable currency.