What went wrong ?

what went wrong ?

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Anglo-Judaic order


Sudetenland shouldn't be part of germany.

Initially (1871): too much power for Europe, too little power for the world, also they came too late to the table.
As for the guys that started the world wars? Autism.
Not today, but back then why not? It was majority German.


I think we all know

This, and seriously so. A crude and militaristic state used foreign alliances and opportunism to conquer most of Germany and turn it into Prussia-lite. Prussia had no culture other than naked aggression. Then suddenly in the late 19th century, the rest of Europe acts like its suddenly a big shock and allies against it when it is already too late, having spent the last couple centuries supporting it against Austria.

>Not today, but back then why not? It was majority German.

>move into your country over the course over a 1000 years
>form a majority in the border region
>this belongs to my country now

>it was majority German
>ethnic makeup should determine what country you're a part of


Them what should? The ethnicity of your ruler? By that metric, Prussia and Austria partitioning Poland was justified since it was just a lesser German state.

>ethnic makeup should determine what country you're a part of
it does

Does that mean that cities or regions where minorities make the majority of the population should have the right to leave a coutry?


sure, like kosovo or krimea

austria hungary was a meme, that's why it collapsed

Being in the same time in the center of Europe and stupid

No it doesn't. Should Berlin be annexed by Turkey just because roaches live there?

There are 3 million Germans and 100k ethnic Turks in Berlin, that's hardly comparable.

there are enough places in europe where muslims are the majority

great, do you think that turkey, nigeria and afghanistan will be allowed to join the EU after they take their rightful claims?

Look, show me a city or town in Germany in which one single foreign ethnicity that doesn't assimilate and completely lives for itself forms a majority, or even better, an entire coherent region in which that is the case. Unless you can and unless these theoretical majorities lived there for hundreds of years, there's no way you can compare the situation today with Sudeten Germans.
Besides, I suppose you're Czech, for your information the Germans were expelled in 1945, so there's no need to be upset.


German majority, that's not changed by 624 Syrians.

>show me a city or town in Germany in which one single foreign ethnicity that doesn't assimilate and completely lives for itself forms a majority,

They dont make a majority for a whole city yet but there are parts of cities where we have up to 70% of foreigners and the ghettos keep growing.


Germanboos ITT blaming everything on everyone but Germans is typical Germanic inferiority complex.

Name one.

>Can't differentiate German and Germanic
>Posts about German history

German autism, like always.

Same language, you mental gymnastic autist.

This. It always grinds my shit when I see something like "GERMANS sacked Rome" when it was sacked by the Visigoths who had fuck all to do with modern Germans.

Frankfurt, Offenbach,

The Schieffelin plan failed. Otherwise, Germany today would include a significant chunk of France, all of Poland, and most of Ukraine.

why do they keep doing it?

28,8% foreigners, many different ethnicities
37% foreigners, many different ethnicities
Hmmmm... do Anglo-Saxons aka Germanics aka English speak the same language as Middle-Frankish aka other Germanics aka Dutch or Swedish, or Germans, or Danes?
Go read a book then post on Veeky Forums

>Germany today would include a significant chunk of France, all of Poland, and most of Ukraine.
but those territories are not german, that wrong
Also France is a meme, it should be divided just like austria hungary

>Hmmmm... do Anglo-Saxons aka Germanics aka English speak the same language as Middle-Frankish aka other Germanics aka Dutch or Swedish, or Germans, or Danes?

English hasn't been "pure" germanic for centuries, They have French vocab.

Your mental gymnastics don't change the fact that Germans come from Germanic tribes, you fucking momo.

Frankfurt and Stuttgart

>Germans come from Germanic tribes
And from Celts, and to a lesser degree Slavs, also numerous other nations have Germanic origins, therefore equating Germanics and Germans is incorrect nonetheless, no matter how much you insult some guy on Veeky Forums.


>but those territories are not german

They would be if the Schieffelin plan had worked, and it would have if not for Moltke screwing it up by weakening the right wing so much that it couldn't perform as required.

It's funny how quick are Germans and Germanboos to claim that France, Poland, Czech and Ukraine were inhabited by their people.

But when the shit hits the fan, you see people like you, saying that Germanics aren't Germans.

Never said that, you can't hold me responsible for the statements of someone else.

you're missing the point


That's some shitty bait.

Fuck off, Jan
Here is the actual ethno-linguistic divide of your shithole

We will send our army to liberate the "Dutch" there from your Brabantian tyrany

>Doesn't even show the Volga Germans
Also, that map seems to be really overstating the German presence in what is now Romania, those Saxons were mostly landlord types, they weren't that numerous.


To prove they can into relevance.


wilhelm blundered his way through WW1 and then austrians ruined the rest

The Dutch are G-d's chosen people

>28,8% foreigners

the eternal butthurt frog

What level of arrogance gives the German the right to claim dominion over the Dutch?

>migrant background
these have different meanings.
Also Germans aren't a "minority", they just are no longer a "majority" which is to say, they're a "plurality"

>napoleon deletes a corrupt and inefficent state made up of extremly small states and then makes larger less corrupt and easier to manage gernan states
>germany's ally goes to war with russiass ally, which leads to russia and germany joining the war, france joins because they have a alliance with russia
>france did literally nothing in world war 2
I can understand being mad about the HRE getting destroyed by napoleon but that's the entire reason germany exist

>the lowlands were a part of the HRE
>HRE was germany divided
>lowlands are german

my sides

disgusting autism

A little thing called F R E E D O M

>Not today, but back then why not? It was majority German.
Germans were invited to settle there in the Middle Ages, but they are the historic border lands of Bohemia/Moravia and the region is essentially indefensible without them.

the eternal austria is the real villain

>implying this is not the greater netherlands


Why not? ... but please without the swiss!

it's growing larger and larger

Read a book or move to

>>the lowlands were a part of the HRE
Emphasis on were, Charles V and his son removed the lowlands from HRE before it became independent.
Also by that logic half of Italy is also German.


>hosts a Second World War even though the first one was a complete flop
>pisses off exactly everyone

Nothing will stand our way or another
I gonna get you
one way
or another


>tfw no Dutch gf