Did you read my Nostradamus Quatrain about crypto? Were you in that thread. Did you talk sjir to me over it? Did you cringe? Less than 24 hours later, this is published. BTW, I GOT TRIPS ON THE NOSTRADAMUS POST. TRIPS DON'T LIE.


There is an influx of capital coming to crypto the likes of which the largest whale on here is incapable of conceiving. The impossible will become the probable.

what should I buy?

They are looking at underdogs. Safex and Dentt are in the running. BNB guaranteed.

Dent? Safex? Why would they invest in shitcoins I've never heard before?

Mikko of Dent has connections to Cuban.

Mr. orca can I have money to pay my 2000 dollar credit card debt. I'd forever be in debt to you. I really need this debt off my back. I'd really appreciate 2k.
Yours truly user

I dont really know what you should buy yet. I am buying more Intel, and will sort through it.

Orca, what was your post? I missed it but you seem like a smart person and I'd love to read what you wrote. Do you have a copy saved you can paste?