Historically speaking, why did we all of a sudden decide that we like gays? What is the actual reasoning behind "gay rights"?
Historically speaking, why did we all of a sudden decide that we like gays...
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It is an extremely easy way for the elite to push social disintegration, since gays have already been tolerated for decades (if not since forever) and they don't actually get married. Pushing this sort of stuff demoralizes their enemies while requiring no effective change.
Christianity and it's Jewish morals losing power in the west.
The real question is, why did we all of a sudden decide that we didn't like gays?
Part of the Free Love movement (since pop culture values love over reproduction to justify the nuclear family system over the collective one it makes people question whether consensual love is a justification in it of itself).
Judaeo-Christian values
Once a system of moral values like Christian values becomes supplanted by cultural relativism, there is a slippery slope until a new standard becomes universally accepted. Right now, there's no objective standard for what should be the limit of human choice.
Gays were always tolerated. They used to be called "confirmed bachelors" and were seen as weird but relatively harmless. Disgusting behaviors such as extreme promiscuity (such as that which brought the AIDS epidemic) have been more recently been held up as both what it means to be gay and the noblest traditions of liberal civilization. And then the gay sheds crocodile tears and laments "why do the breeders hate me so?"
Good, it can't come fast enough.
We don't know what that standard will be though. It could be very radically different to what modern liberals see as normal. Keep in mind that just 10 years ago, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party was still against gay marriage (Barack Obama spoke out against it). 25 years ago, Bill Clinton passed DOMA, now we're talking about supporting things that would have been taboo just five years ago.
There is a slippery slope, and we don't know where it will stop. People said that legalizing homosexuality wouldn't lead to polygamy, and now polyamory is starting to be accepted. I'm not really on the panic train, but there has to be a breaking point.
Practicing Homosexuals used to be executed in Europe.
Or chemically castrated and imprisoned.
>What is the actual reasoning behind "gay rights"?
literally increasing acceptance of liberal values and individualism.
same as most "rights"
that people should have them
Watch literally any tv series from the 70s or later and see how much (((they))) have worked to normalize homosexuality.
Polygamy is normal though.
literally nothing wrong with that
I bet you are one of those retards who claim that the nuclear family is traditional.
It's was the norm in the west before christianity, a Jewish invention. So isn't it actually returning to it's roots?
>Historically speaking
Well first of all, when the dominant culture is by all intents and purpose liberal, and starts becoming more liberal, it's hard to find logical arguments for the extension of rights to certain groups to the exclusion of others.
For example, arguing that all adult males should have the right to vote(which isn't normal at all historically speaking), means in essence that you are arguing for all adults in general not just men, because the line between men and women in this context is arbitrary.
Polygamy and polyamory are not the same though.
Empathy for others.
It wasn't the norm at all. A fetish being fashionable amongst some urban elites doesn't make it "the norm".
I was tempted to make a proper reply but it is not cool for Veeky Forums to suddenly become a forum for discussion for modern politics by inserting "historically speaking" into a post. Saged and reported.
What is wrong with being gay if they aren't harming other people? Promiscuity and degeneracy aren't exclusive to them.
When I figured out that they spike property values and don't drink all my good beer when they stop over.
>seriously believing in the values of a bunch of sandnigger pedophiles from 2000+ years ago
Lol fucking desert rats
But homosexuals can be nothing but promiscuous and degenerate. They are the perfect hedonist consumers.
In any case, all sex outside of marriage should be illegal.
god i love the gays
This is what I'm talking about, it's gone from "as long as it's within the bounds of bigamy, it's okay" to "as long as everyone consents", which is dangerous territory because the point at which something is legally consent is an arbitrary setpoint. Remember, up until like the 1920's, it was normal for ages of consent to be under 13. I fear that such a time will return as different sexual norms come through.
You can trace it back to the egalitarian thought that everyone's equal before the law. So it wasn't "all of a sudden" as much as the continual progression of liberal policies.
So would we have to fill out paperwork before every sexual act to make sure the sex is completely legal?
Specialized neighborhood sex police to check everyone's bedrooms for degenerate activity?
Male homosexuals.
Up until recently (recently being around the time after ww2) what did America do with gays? I know places like the UK had harsh laws (including the death penalty I believe?) but what did America do with them? They obviously weren't accepted until recently, but I've never heard anything about them being hanged or whatnot.
>it's the GAYS' fault people were lynching them in America decades before gay pride was a thing! Maybe if they just stopped wanting to have sex, they'd be treated better!
( '>')
It is jst another result of liberalism and the death of god.
I mean liberalism in the enlightenment sense, not in a modern political sense
I kind of find it like the most brutal sociological effect ever. They do not even realize it. They are essentially being recognized as "non-human but with human rights" or "non-normal but with normal rights".
Pretty much the complete opposite direction they want. Recognition of the LGBTQZFGATFJSLVNB community is a hilarious thing.
But what's their endgame?
Ha. Haha. This faggot thinks that modern gays haven't been shaped by Christianity.
question how many people on this board actually hate gays? i won't be surprised by anything
Capitalistic logic has entered every sphere of our lives. Everything has a prize and is up for sale.
Except two things that are harder for that logic to penetrate into. Two things that most people won't change for anything material: their family and their deep beliefs.
So they're going to undermine those: family and beliefs.
The attack on traditional family bonds and religion/beliefs is only going to escalate in the future.
Endgame? Automatization and centralized social consume managed by an elite. A form of bubble life serfdom.
i'm going to respond to this with my own story
I got booted out of my family after college when I came out. I was 21 and still a virgin. I moved to a city searching for a job with what little savings I had and hoping my degree would get me anything while I lived in my car. I think promiscuity becomes natural at that point. See most don't have sex until college and even then a lot don't until after they graduate, all the while men are as horny as they were in high school because they never relieved the need like i assume most hets do in high school. And with a small dating pool and the alienation from traditions and religions, you naturally reject anything else. I had one night stands quite a few times over the course of two years before getting a bf, half of that was because I was too busy and the other half was because other gays weren't interested in getting a bf. it's a lonely life desu
>all sex outside of marriage should be illegal.
you must be the life of the party.
i only tolerate the nonflaming homos.
>caring if strangers are promiscuous or not
>And with a small dating pool and the alienation from traditions and religions, you naturally reject anything else.
what are you talking about here.
As Marx and Milton Friedman outlined, capitalism cares not for your petty social values. Business rules above else and the Anglo American market era of Reagan and Thatcher resulted in the adoption of the modern liberal political system.
It is one in which business has realised that mass appeal can be made by targeting identity and demography.
Of course the sexual revolution of the 60s is not to be ignored, but it was daytime TV, sitcoms and the like which saw gay people not as individuals but as profit, and introduced them.
From then on it was a matter of normalising homosexuality among the middle class, and we all know how the middle class follows trends.
Unless you're in a big city, the gay dating pool is way smaller than the straight one.
>all the while men are as horny as they were in high school because they never relieved the need like i assume most hets do in high school
There is no such thing as "relieving the need". Sex is for reproduction and love, not sensual pleasure.
Promiscuity kills societies, Schlomo. As I said, sex outside of marriage weakens families and should be banned.
you have less people to pick from than hets do and because churches and conservatives don't like you many will reject their romantic lifestyles in favor of hedonism, subconsciously or not (but like I said a lot did it to get sexually needs out more than some kind of rebellion)
why do people jack off? to practice for producing a child? the point is that a lot have only porn to satisfy lusts in high school. hets get gf's in high school/college and fuck, so they know what it's like, and while some remain hedonists most will settle down. i think hedonism is a big problem for lgbt i'm just trying to explain why it happens more in male/male than in male/female
Christianity, a Jewish meme, kills societies.
Not a Christian, I just realize that hedonism destroys society.
By all means, show us the examples. This is a history board, after all.
Sure you aren't, Schlomo
It's just another way to make non-whites look like savages. Till the 60s the modus operandi of dehumanizing non-whites was by mocking their religion and depicting their culture as savage.
After the eradication on native Americans this approach was looked down upon and the image of the noble savage (who's conveniently dead) was constructed. By the 90s showing other cultures in that way became completely unacceptable.
However, there were still traditions/cultures that needed to be eradicated or neutered the way Japanese, Native American etc were, namely the Islamic (much less so since they were considered the closest to the whites), Hindu and Chinese. This would be much harder since you couldn't directly make fun of their monkey gods or funny hats if you were to be taken as a serious academic. The way to dehumanize them was to prop up the "Western" (read: white) ideals of tolerance in juxtaposition to their savagery. One of the examples of this tolerance that was promoted was gay rights. This gathered a lot of momentum and became it's own thing. It along with feminism is the face of the liberal God that was created to replace the Christian God that was no longer useful for propaganda. The God that the savages don't believe in, and as such are deserving of the annihilation of their culture or people that is about to come.
not him but Augustus banned affairs and I'm pretty sure he exiled the poet Ovid for it, but I learned that from an American documentary so that's not saying much. To say it in less inflamatory terms than the other guy it's because family unit is reliable and stable under marriage rather than lots of kids without definite mother and father. I think it probably has more to do with promiscuous women than with promiscuous men since they don't actually have babies
Augustus was straight, conservative, etc., but Trajan and Hadrian were both bisexual with numerous lovers between them. Augustus' great-uncle and adopted father, Julius Caesar, was himself probably bisexual and very promiscuous.
It turns out whether someone is straight or not, or promiscuous or not, doesn't determine how good a leader they are, or how powerful or stable their civilization is.
i meant more for a broader sense of sexual freedom rather than elite individuals, like active encouragement of free love over marriage, but personally i'm indifferent to it. I was trying to explain why hedonism is seen as bad and provide an example outside of judeo-christian societies against it, mainly because i just wanted to explain what this guy's point was without /pol/ buzzwords I'm this guy btw
Jewish conrol of our media and government
As opposed to...?
>gay agenda is about demonizing non-whites
Believe me Muhammad you're not really that important.
I can see playing devil's advocate, I'm just saying using specific examples like the first Emperor is very faulty reasoning. For every Augustus, there was a Trajan.
If you want to talk about societies at large, people have always been getting it on, even the commoners. Prostitution is the oldest trade, and has always been widespread, in every culture, both successful ones and failed ones. Polygamy has been common in many cultures. Even in the Christian West, which tried to keep people monogamous, secret affairs, mistresses, and the bastards they produced have never been hard to find.
Humans are just naturally semi-monogamous, no matter how autistic about sex their culture is.
Degenerate elites doing something doesn't make it good, or else we would all be fucking kids and doing spirit cooking.
If everyone was promiscuous, society would collapse tomorrow. The only societies on earth that are close to the sexually liberation fantasies of liberals are a few isolated tribes of niggers.
Look at how common prostitutes have always been and realize every society has been promiscuous. Some just try to hide it more than others.
>hets get gf's in high school/college and fuck, so they know what it's like, and while some remain hedonists most will settle down.
since heterosexuals are like 95-97% of the population thats quite a sweeping generalization to make. I bet you 3 to 5% or maybe even way more heterosexuals never get laid in highschool and college. Why the fuck do you think /r9k/ exists? why do you think so many loners are attracted to this site in general?
Prostitutes have never been considered fully human though. The problem is, almost everybody in modern Western civilization acts like an unpaid prostitute.
We learned to stop giving a fuck about it and let people live their own lives they want. So long as they aren't shoving down your throat 24/7, let them be.
The gays who shove it down a person's throat 24/7 and act like violent + militant fucks deserve to have bade shit happen to them like any other person who acts like a dick.
Video related: youtube.com
this tee bee aitch
flamers are just way too obnoxious to like.
gays who don't treat being gay as their only identifying trait are cool
Just gonna leave this here
Majority of gays act "normal" and don't even tell people that they're gay. I'm speaking from experience, the flamers are a minority but they're the ones who are outwardly and expressively faggoty so people assume all faggots are like them.
That's why I stopped doing one-night stands every month or so: it got incredibly lonely and depressing. Cuddling while watching Ken Burns' The Civil War is the most underrated thing in the world. I also feel that modern hedonism isn't the same as the hedonism of elites who don't work nor pay bills, for obvious reasons, so maybe that lack of responsibility turns it into something besides essentially masturbating with another
>The Institute on Religion and Public Life
>Jews are against sexual liberation and pro traditional religion
This is like bizarro /pol/
The really progressive Jews are the ones who are either atheists or non-committal about their religion. Most of them who take it seriously are very conservative.
I was friends with the loner autists in high school believe me, but normies fuck each other in high school because teenage years are the horniest you get. I mean a lot still wait until marriage or fuck only when they're six or so months into a relationship, but they have sexual contact nonetheless. I knew the flamers at my high school and I'm sure they lost their virginity on Grindr but I was outwardly normal and so are other gays, and since you don't announce your sexuality you don't know unless you're told. het outsiders comprise probably far more than 3-5%, especially in high school, but gays are by default sexual outsiders, at least because of the natural stigma. Idk maybe it's changed in the past couple of years, especially in some hyper liberal place like a cali private school or something but most people just assume a normal guy is straight cuz it's default (not complaining "heteronormativity" or whatever btw)
Christianity is just another branch of Judaism
>>gay agenda is about demonizing non-whites
All liberal agenda was pushed by those in power to demonize non-whites. Gay agenda is one of the things that really took off.
>Believe me Muhammad
Muslims being a problem is a recent and unforeseen thing. Whites had always considered muslims to be allies of some sort.
>you're not really that important.
Only as important as any unconquered piece of land ever is for any conqueror.
Sending you some love user. The world would be a better place if we were all a little less lonely.
The world would be a better place if you were dead.
>Presbyterianism spawning from Lutheranism
Your picture is shit for this alone.
pretty rude desu
Buggering another man isnt a problem
Shit like pride parade are though
Where did the gay lisp come from? I swear it must be forced because every flaming gay uses that higher pitch lisp.
>liberals want to demonize non-whites
Are you retarded?
apparently it's something about listening to women more than men and getting speech patterns from them but i call bs on that. I know ppl who grew up with only a mom and they sound normal
>but normies fuck each other in high school because teenage years are the horniest you get.
and i wasn't part of that and i'm extremely bitter about it. i can't tell you the sheer torture of having a huge sex drive that never found an outlet. i'm also pissed off that now that i have a gf i realize i'll never be as horny and experience the kind of sexual release i always felt and fantasized about sharing as a teenager. i realize its childish on my part but I feel like it's an experience i've missed and will never experience.
anyway i'm going off topic but i get that its probably harder for gay people generally in this regard
Faggots have feminized to female-typical brains, this is well proven by brain scans.
>drama queen
>low IQ
>loves dicks
A faggot is basically a female with a cock. Even the stereotypical gay profession - hair stylist, fashion designer, makeup artist - are typical female departments.
Now realize that most men actually understand deep down that females are fucking insufferable but they tolerate them because they're attracted to them and because they have to breed with them. They're not attracted to the faggot and ass sex can't produce any children so obviously they can't stand him.
too bad people draw their lines for over indulgence very far away from each other.