So this is what stage 4 cancer looks like
So this is what stage 4 cancer looks like
>t. Persian
let me guess, you are from Turkey
also no.
If both halves of the Roman Empire survived into the present with both remaining Latin/Greek, would they still call themselves Western/Eastern Roman Empire or something else? After the fall of the Western Empire, the East referred to themselves as Roman Empire while everyone else called them the Greek Empire; they were called Byzantine Empire only after they fell.
Why are T*rks the shittiest posters?
Why are wh*Tes so fucking retarded?
my thread worths 1000 of your peasant threads
Your post makes no sense. Trajan overextending the territory of Rome is what lead to it never ever going on an offensive war of conquest again after his personal glory crusade failed to materialize a permanent ending of the Arsacid/Parthian Empire.
The manpower drained from sapped legions being affected by disease, attrition, and replacements taken away from valuable frontier ones stationed around the Rhine? And the cost of the war itself for Trajan's expedition? They never got compensated. So he's right, this was cancerous for the Roman Empire.
t. Memet
If they both survived to modern day for some magical reason they would be one state. The division was purely an administrative one. With modern technology allowing the country to be controled by a single government, the division would not make sense.
I really doubt that would work out the way you think it would. The Latin Western half would not want to reunite with the Greek Eastern half. So not only a language and cultural barrier would keep the two divided but also a religious aspect with the whole schism over iconclasty.
>Implying Parthia didn't collapse from Rome's fuckery.
Also, Rome didn't have anywhere to go on wars of conquest anyway, Germania is a boggy forest shithole, Caledonia is a bunch of rocks, Africa and Arabia is a bunch of desert, and Persia was too distant to conquer without getting overextended.
See, the thing is Rome needed to do some internal development in their provinces instead of just heading onto the next war. Should have left some legions in Britain on slave raiding and building civilizing across the border in Caledonia.
>implying Parthia didn't collapse from Rome's fuckery
It didn't. It collapsed from yet another successive civil war due to infighting between the last Arscaid ruler and his brother successfully forcing him to abdicate and become his vassal in the aftermath of Caracalla's failed invasion and lead to the rise of the Sassanids which would only further be WORSE for Rome with its imperial ambitions over Mesopotamia and Western Asia.
>Rome didn't have anywhere to go on wars of conquest anyway
You are so wrong its painful. Dacia alone was hugely relevant because of its metal mines and gold deposits, Rome wanted to go past the Rhine before frequent setbacks even after the Teutoberg massacre happened, and so on with Germania. You are spin-doctoring so bad to save face for Roman failures that its kind of hilarious.
No this is
Its kind of amazing that rome conquered damn near everything of value in their entire known world
They had it pretty good, yeah.
What's even more amazing is that it was a major factor to it's downfall. It expanded too fast and couldn't Romanize fast enough. When coupled with the political strife that plagued the Empire, it led to administrators cutting costs and time by buying off local leaders giving them a Roman education at the expense of widespread integration.
>dude we'll give your leaders wealth and intricate knowledge of all facets of Rome while failing to sufficiently integrate the common person
>pls stay loyal while our Empire goes through cataclysm after cataclysm that provides you with plenty of opportunity for independence
>pls clap ;__;
>get blown out by Germanics repeatedly when trying to expand past central Germany
>have to give up Dacia
>have repeated issues with Proto-Baltic/Slavic tribes in the Balkans and Southeastern Europe
>walled from the East by the Parthians/Persians
They never conquered "damn near everything of value".
Germanics ruin everything the touch, why would you want to conquer them?
Can anyone explain how exactly you manage this much land and that many people? Surely the Romans were outnumbered 50 to 1 by their subjects.
The western empire never really fell it just relocated, even the Germanic Holy Roman Empire called themselves Roman
>Doesn't exist for multiple centuries
>It just relocated bro
Sure thing
Didn't Dacia wind up being kind of a bad investment cuz it was so hard to defend and basically opened the door for any barbarian dickhead to stroll right into the Empire to rape and plunder?
it was, just like trying to take Babylon was a waste of time
however, the Dacian king sperged out and attacked Rome even when the emperor told him they totally could crush them if they wanted to and to please stop being autistic.
Babylon stopped existing after it tried to rebel pointlessly and retardedly against Xerxes back right after he was coronated.