Not even tipping here. I'm wondering are there any modern compromises in response to evidence that does actually contradict the bible?
I spoke with my uncle last night who told me the Earth is only 6000 years old and I didn't really have a response. Carbon dating is also apparently bullshit because of trees that are fossilised vertically or something.
How do modern Christians respond to research that contradicts the bible?
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Theologians just reinterprets the Scriptures. Since both nature and The bible are direct products of god, they cannot contradict each other, so if It happens its a problem of our interpretation of the Bible
Are you American?
Probably grow up between protestants
Because in Catholic thought things were never taken that literally
Now i'm probably going to be called names by retards but it's true
The Bible is a collection of oral stories that were used to explain the birth of the universe and of the covenant between God and Israel and later between Christ and the world
People study it to understand and explain it and some people even in the same faith may come to different theological conclusions
The only thing that matter for a Christian is to love God and to love each other
The rest is commentary
How would you discuss this with a Christian? My Uncle is protestant (Baptist I think). I just want to know if it's worth it.
I'm also Australian. Very rarely meet a real Catholic.
I don't think it's really worth it honestly
Especially if your uncle is old, destroying the worldview of old people is just cruel
If you really wish to you could explain to him that many stories are metaphors but i don't think you would gain something about it
Also, to explain to him in a concrete manner you would have to know the stories and some theological stuff
Anything that contradicts the bible is eventually disproven by future science. It's been that way for thousands of years, and there's literally no reason it will change.
You'd ask him for the truth, and not pretend you knew better than him (because you don't).
It's empirically provable that every generation thinks its science has finally got it right; that this generation's science will never be proven wrong.
And each and every generation's science is proven wrong, by the next generation's science.
Your evolutionary worldview tells you that mankind went from simple animal to the pinnacle upon which we now sit, and it's delusional, incorrect, and dangerous not to shed yourself of that lie.
Cognitive dissonance is hard to overcome so mental gymnastics overtakes logic and you get evolving religion.
Because I do not think that there was ever actually stated how old Earth is in the Bible.
The age of the world is based from the bible on several points.
1. That the creation week was literally 6 days of 24 hours each.
2. That mankind was made on Day Six ("in the beginning")
3. That the genealogical records in the bible are accurate.
4. That Luke's genealogy of Jesus through Mary's side of the family all the way back to Adam is accurate.
5. That the family tree from Adam to Jesus can be calculated and known.
6. That we can date when Jesus was walking around in Jerusalem, and when he was crucified.
7. That we have reliable calendars from 32 AD to the present.
A man named Bishop Ussher did the math and came up with 4004 BC as the creation of the heavens and the earth, and Jesus was crucified Nisan 10, 32 AD.
As to carbon dating, it's bullshit because it has no idea what the starting conditions are, the same fatal flaw as all radiometric dating. It cannot accurately "date" known samples.
As to the polystrate fossils, they disprove the naturalist and incrementalist viewpoint that the layers of sedimentary rock (dried mud/sediment) that cover the world used to be the earth's crust for a million years or so at a pop.
A fossilized tree sunk deep into 20 or so layers of these "crusts of earth" cannot be a result of incremental accretion over millions of years, but instead a demonstration that the sediment was penetrated by trees during the Flood, which layers dried capturing the tree and the resulting petrification that happened thereafter.
Stop thinking you know more than your uncle. Start respecting your elders.
Why do you fucks solely target Christianity
>listen to the religious authority they are way smarter than you
>but not the scientific authority I'm smarter than them and they all get proved wrong eventually
Evolutionary theory is not "this generations science" but is over a hundred years old with incredible predictive power. Way more than any proddies have ever had
pls leave the history board and never return
>their science will never be proven wrong
Lmao this idiot has no idea what science is.
Protip: Making a discovery that proves a controversial theory or disproves something accepted is the best way for a scientist to get fame and grant money.
You think real creationists visits Veeky Forums?
Is there any evidence, beyond what's written in the bible, that show the age of the world as you see it?
>Because in Catholic thought things were never taken that literally
Not true.
Everyone thought the earth was 6000 years old before the 18th century.
t. Retard
'sup Retard
>spoke with my uncle last night who told me the Earth is only 6000 years old
The actual citations for this were created by a Scottish monk with minor geological understanding. The main beliefs of the majority of Christians is theistic evolution.
Ulsher calculations are protestant fantasies
Nobody cared how old the earth was
Those were divine mysteries
I swear to God protestants ruined every dignity we had left
They thought that the center of the world was Jerusalem though
>Calculations based on the Septuagint have traditionally dated creation to around 5500 BC, while the Samaritan Torah produces a date around 4300 BC, and the Masoretic a date around 4000 BC.[15] Many of the earliest Christians who followed the Septuagint calculated the date of creation to be around 5500 BC, and Christians up to the Middle Ages continued to use this rough estimate: Clement of Alexandria (5592 BC), Sextus Julius Africanus (5501 BC), Eusebius (5228 BC), Jerome (5199 BC) Hippolytus of Rome (5500 BC), Theophilus of Antioch (5529 BC), Sulpicius Severus (5469 BC), Isidore of Seville (5336 BC), Panodorus of Alexandria (5493 BC), Maximus the Confessor (5493 BC), George Syncellus (5492 BC) and Gregory of Tours (5500 BC).[16][17] The Byzantine calendar has traditionally dated the creation of the world to 1 September, 5509 BC, María de Ágreda and her followers to 5199 BC, while the early Ethiopian Church (as revealed in the Book of Aksum) to 5493 BC.[18][19] Bede was one of the first to break away from the standard Septuagint date for the creation and in his work De Temporibus ("On Time") (completed in 703 AD) dated the creation to 18 March 3952 BC but was accused of heresy at the table of Bishop Wilfrid, because his chronology was contrary to accepted calculations of around 5500 BC
Augustine, City of God book 12, chapter 11
>Unbelievers are also deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years, although we can calculate from Sacred Scripture that not 6,000 years have passed since the creation of man
I swear to God you have the asnwers right there but you CHOOSE to be retarded
Correct. The wisdom of mankind (science) is foolishness to God.
And to an objective observer.
You deny history that you don't agree with.
Maybe this isn't the field for you. You don't get to vote on what happened in the past.
And tearing him apart is another. And it happens to the best of them. To all of them. Every generation.
At least I do. And off hand I'd say there are about a dozen of us who know our ass from a hole in the ground.
>Those were divine mysteries
>"i can't explain or it's wrong"
>"let's ignore it"
Yes, absolutely.
Read the thread, asian tard
As opposed to Babylon, the devil's city, where your pope resides.
What's your point?
The point is that the atheist would rather maintain his willful ignorance than do any actual research on other people's positions.
Yes yes, you are the true followers of Christ and the only prophet is Luther because the Holy Spirit left the world for 1400 years before he returned with him to bring salvation
Yeah yeah
but the pope doesn't reside in the USA
Here's Augustine's position:
>Unbelievers are also deceived by false documents which ascribe to history many thousand years, although we can calculate from Sacred Scripture that not 6,000 years have passed since the creation of man
And Origen:
>...Celsus, secretly wishing to attack the Mosaic cosmogony which indicates that the world is not yet ten thousand years old but is much less than this, agrees with those who say that the world is uncreated, although he hides his real intention . . . Nevertheless unintentionally Celsus fell into proclaiming [as is truly the case] that the world is quite recent, and not even ten thousand years old
Luther was one of you, a filthy Jew hating papist.
The USA may be on the fringes of the world system of Babylon, but it is headquartered in Rome.
>they were allegories dude, relax
>but what about homosexuality?
>it was the old times dude, we are not going to kill them, but it's wrong hahaha
>what about the rich people, why is it so hard for them to go to heaven?
>dude allegories lmao, it was the old time, just be happy and believe in God
>why believe in god then
>because I "feel" god, you don't get it
This is what I usually get from those fucking retarded evangelicals. I fucking hate them, the De Heretico Comburendo edict should have been enforced around the world.
>Here's what two papists and a heretic believe.
No evangelical in the world holds those strawman positions.
>I fucking hate them, the De Heretico Comburendo edict should have been enforced around the world.
Let's murder tens of millions more! Blood for the blood god!
The resort to anti intellectualism.
It's the most relevant in the USA.
Now go and read about the early church allegorical thesis
There is origen too
Mr cherrypicking with 0 context
Nigger please. They usually don't reveal their "power level", gays go to hell and shit like that.
Also, yes, they "feel" God and they pretend that when they are happy is because God is in them. What a bunch of bullshit. Their courses are even worse, they claim to identify the gift that God gave you (by gift I mean shit like speaking in tongue, exorcism, etc).
It's all shit I wish all protestants should have either followed calvinism or converted back to catholicism.
Schismatic detected.
Every single evangelical in the world holds to these positions*
>why do people who live in a mostly christian society, where christianity is by far the most influential religion, and the religion they are most familiarized with, talk about christianity
One of the great mysteries, really makes you think.
Around 40% of amerilards are young earth creationists. Given that Veeky Forums has mostly americuck posters, mostly of the conservative variety (most republicans are creationists), it shouldn't surprise you genuine brainlets (read: creationists) post here
>*evangelize in africa and tell the government to ban and harass gays*
>*uses church money to travel and do "missionary" work in exotic places*
>*interprets Bible in whatever way they can so they can attract more people to their cult*
>*dances and speaks like a retard claiming it was the Holy Spirit*
>*collapses on the floor*
>*everybody walks the dinosaur*
Both of them believed in a young earth calculated by the genealogies in Genesis, as well as the dozen church fathers mentioned in the Wikipedia article I posted, and the official Byzantine calendar.
You've posted nothing to suggest
>Ulsher calculations are protestant fantasies
>Nobody cared how old the earth was
>Those were divine mysteries
Yup. Best and brightest. We don't like to brag about it though.
As an evangelical christian, I do not hold to those beliefs.
Therefore your theory is disproven, while mine is not.
Protestantism was a mistake.
You're not an evangelical Christian, then.
>destroying the worldview of old people is just cruel
If you think this is possible, you're a fucking idiot and you are doing this for the wrong reasons.
And yet I am, leaving you looking quite the fool.
>people cannot impose their wills upon others
In the same vein as Best Korea being democratic, sure.
I see you are unacquainted with my posting style, and manifold posts spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to the uttermost ends of the earth, i.e. here.
>trying to rationalize 7 Habits of Highly Effective Bronze Age Goat Herders in the present day
iron age*
>I spoke with my uncle last night who told me the Earth is only 6000
Show me the passage? You do know that Genesis is allegorical or metaphorical as most of the bible is. Sections of the old testament even use algebra to assign people or cities to one character. Also, Protestants don't represent other Christians.
One of the highest scoring replies to a news stories twitter article yesterday stated that one of the 12 apostles she was a cross dressing gender fluid.
The theology is bronze age, Akhenaten invented monotheism in the 14th century BCE.
>this bit is just a metaphor
>but this bit is meant to be taken literally
>how to tell them apart? Well, modern science has disproven this one, but it hasn't disproven the other yet
>only one
2 Peter 3:8
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
This passage alone kind of implies that they were well-aware the Earth was older than only 6000 years (Earth years)
Usually by claiming that scripture was just some sort of extended metaphor, ignoring it and pretending it doesn't matter because it's some obscure part of the bible no pastor reads from, or some other jazz.
Though fundamentalists/orthodox types are considered nutters I gotta respect them for sticking to their guns and having faith that every part of the scripture is true no matter what anyone else says.
"when people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together"
-Asimov, The Relativity of Wrong