>We Wuz Da Ancient Israel Founders N Shieet
>Go And Chimpout
>Leftys and pol white knight them
Are they?
>We Wuz Da Ancient Israel Founders N Shieet
>Go And Chimpout
>Leftys and pol white knight them
Are they?
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Isn't there genetic evidence that Palestinians and jews from ME share same ancestors?
Doesn't make them more entitled to Israel than Israelis.
Is there any evidence that Palestinians AREN'T descended from the ancient peoples of Israel.
Apart from the fact they have been living there all along
>they have been living there all along
No, I would say the Jews are bigger we wuzes what with the enslavement in Egypt having no evidence for it and because of how they got most of their religion from the Persian Zoroastrians but claim they invented it way earlier.
But it's true. And it's not like most israeli come from european or north african immigrants
Fuck off JIDF
Both are Canaanites (J1 and J2 haplogroup)
The actual hebrews are E-M78 like the Samaritan Cohanim
Any good source for that jews didn't build the pyramids?
Some of them are actually descendant of the ancient israelites, it's just that they converted to islam or christianity. Some aren't of course.
I would say the european jews are the masterrs of We Wuz. They have mixed so much that they don't even look like the original israelites nor do they follow their traditions (except the orthodox ones but they aren't zionists) yet they think they have a claim on that land.
>And it's not like most israeli come from european or north african immigrants
>None Paleniggers are immigrants or descended from them
>pol and leftys actually believe this
According to them, not being as much of a mudskin makes you European.
Modern Palestinians are Hebrews mixed with their Semitic Arab southern neighbours
Modern Jews are Hebrews mixed with Russians, Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Turks, Ethiopians, god knows what else, etc. they also revive a dead language and make territorial claim based on 2000 years bygone state, but sure, they're not the wewuzzer
It's a virtual consensus among mainstream non-Israeli academics that there is no evidence that the Jews were ever enslaved in Egypt, they didn't build the pyramids, there was no exodus etc.
>Modern Jews are Hebrews mixed with Russians, Spanish, Italians, Greeks, Turks, Ethiopians, god knows what else, etc.
>Ashkenazi Jews are the only Jews in Israel.
Better not let the Christfags see that.
Explain this
Canaanites and Israelites were from the same stock anyway.
The Canaanites were the ancestors of the Hebrews my friend.
A meme
"Jews" carrying R1b have it and so do Jews carrying R1a
Now explain the fact that both Egyptians and Canaanites who are both Hamitic carried J haplogroup (pic related) and that the purest Hebrews (aka Samaritan Cohanim) are E-M78
Jews are Canaanites in denial, while their Hebrews overlords were closer to Samaritans
No, not really. They've lived there for awhile.
In my first-hand experience as a Jew, the Orthodox tend to be the most Zionist of any of us. I don't know anyone else who insists on calling the West Bank "Judaea and Samaria" or rants about "the animals" living on "our land." You may have read about some outlier group on the internet but I can assure you that most Orthodox are avowed Zionists.
The least Zionist are the completely secular Jews, the sort who acknowledge their ancestry but have never been bar mitzvah'd and don't ever go to synagogue.
I thought the Orthodox jews weren't zionists because of those laws involving the Temple Mount.
Is there a specific group of jews that are all anti zionists?
Your claim makes no sense - you're saying semitic-speaking populations are mostly hamites, but people belonging to this subclade of e1b are semitic?
Also the r1a in ashkenazi levites isn't the same as the kind found in slavic-speaking east europeans. I think the same is true for some of the r1b found in Jews too.
Proto-Semites were E3b too (see Natufian DNA), most Middle Easterners on the other hand are merely Semiticized Mesopotamians
>Also the r1a in ashkenazi levites isn't the same as the kind found in slavic-speaking east europeans. I think the same is true for some of the r1b found in Jews too.
Y-DNA is patrilinear bloodline, Aaron, like all humans, had one patrilinear haplogroup not two nor three
I'm using Zionism in a broader sense to mean support for the state of Israel. The Orthodox issues with Zionism are grounded in religious law, for example some opposed the creation of Israel because it was to be a secular state, rather than a theocracy. The Temple Mount stuff has to do with all of these obscure religious laws you're supposed to follow in order to ascend the Temple Mount. You have to be cleansed in a Mikva and all this other silly shit first. Some also don't think that Israel should have been established prior to the coming of the messiah. They have all sorts of quibbles like this, but it shouldn't be construed as somehow being anti-Israel or on that side of the fence in any way. Most Orthodox fully suppport Israel.
There are some Hasidic groups who don't support Israel, but we're talking about maybe 75k people out of the millions of orthodox.
If you have issues with Israel, the Orthodox are absolutely not your friends. Really they are not the friends of anyone, imo, the only difference between Haredi and Salafis are the funny hats they wear.
Should also distinguish between plain old Orthodox Jews and Ultra-Orthodox (sometimes called Hasidim or Haredim). Orthodox are just really religious, they may wear a kippa and observe Shabbat but assimilate to some degree into mainstream society. Ultra Orthodox are the black hat wearers.
Palestinian descend from a little something called Philistines or PELESET, ferocious CyproMinoan raiders
Oh fuck I thought they were pretty cool guys, I was just about to meet one yesterday.
>Is there any evidence that Palestinians AREN'T descended from the ancient peoples of Israel.
Yes. Their genetics. The fact that Samaritans are closer related to Jews (even European Jews) than with the Palestinian Arabs.
The most common haplogroups among even Ashkenazic Jews is J1 and J2.
Nablus Palestinians are genetically identical to Samaritans. Gaza Palestinians are something else, mostly Arabs imported from Egypt and whatever.
I mean they're people just like anyone else. Some are nice, some are probably pretty cool. I have never had an ultra orthodox friend because they don't really mix with other Jews, but I've had plenty of regular orthodox friends and dated some orthodox girls. I've met ultra orthodox and even had dinner with some a few times (I was ordered beforehand not to extend my hand to their wives in greeting because under religious law they could not touch me and it would be awkward), they're amiable enough but definitely embody the stereotype that Jews consider others to be lesser peoples. Unfortunately they breed like rabbits compared to the saner varieties of Jews and will be the majority in a few decades, at which point Israel will vanish in nuclear fire.
You are completely right about this. People will never get this. Palestinians come in hundreds of different clans and all of these clans have completely different histories. For example, I have a Palestinian friend with the last name al-Kurdi so I asked him what his roots are. He told me his clan came to Jerusalem in the 1400's from Kurdistan. This isn't uncommon and most clans are well aware of their history. There are Hamas people with the last name al-Hindi, which shows they come from India.
>dated some orthodox girls
Do them have to wear their strange clothes too?
>at which point Israel will vanish in nuclear fire.
I really hope it doesn't happen, even if I hate Israel, destroying it will cause lots of instability and the fucking Armaggedon will happen.
>The most common haplogroups among even Ashkenazic Jews is J1 and J2.
Which is Canaanites as proved by the latest studies
You don't seem to realize it yet, but according to "your own" Torah you must be genocided
Deuteronomy, chapter 20, verse 16-18:
But in the cities of these peoples that the LORD your God gives you for an inheritance, you shall save alive nothing that breathes, but you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittites and the Amorites, the CANAANITES and the Per'izzites, the Hivites and the Jeb'usites, as the LORD your God has commanded, that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominable practices which they have done in the service of their gods, and so to sin against the LORD your God.
>I really hope it doesn't happen, even if I hate Israel, destroying it will cause lots of instability and the fucking Armaggedon will happen.
What would exactly happen if they're destroyed? its not like they're keeping the region stable or anthing, if not the complete opposite
No, but they dress conservatively. Knee-length skirts, no bare shoulders, etc. At least around their parents.
As far as Israel goes, we'll see. Bibi is pretty aligned with their interests but he is ultimately a pragmatist. Same with Avigdor Lieberman. Theyre not crazy like the Haredim. My friend once drove through an ultra orthodox neighborhood on Shabbat when he was living over there and they chased his car throwing rocks at it (you're not supposed to drive on the sabbath). Those are the people who will be ruling Israel in 50 years.
>Which is Canaanites as proved by the latest studies
No, it was shown to have some evidence in ONE study where the samples were all found in Lebanon. Not exactly "proof" of anything.
>You don't seem to realize it yet, but according to "your own" Torah you must be genocided
I'm not a Jew, i'm just interested in this type of thing but i guess you can turn this thread into religious bullshit.
Are they LARPing? I'm afraid so....
>My friend once drove through an ultra orthodox neighborhood on Shabbat when he was living over there and they chased his car throwing rocks at it (you're not supposed to drive on the sabbath). Those are the people who will be ruling Israel in 50 years.
They're just embracing their ME root
>Ashkenazi Jews cluster with Sephardi Jews, Lebanese Druze, Lebanese Christians
>Palestinians cluster with Jordanians, Saudis, Bedouins
wew they really are LARPing.
The west will chimpout.
>Nablus Palestinians are genetically identical to Samaritans
Source please.
I can honestly single out the posters from other boards by their repeated shitposts
Modern day jews are mostly non levantines.
>A study for lebanese to LARP as white
Top lel
It makes sense historically. The Arabs didn't consider Samaritans
People of the Book because there is no mention of them in the Quran. Because of this, lots of Samaritans in their main city Shechem (modern day Nablus) were forced to convert to Islam. You still have Nablus Palestinians show up to the yearly Passover thing. However, lots of Arab villages were started by Yemeni Arabs and other Arabs from the Peninsula, this is why it depends completely on the person.
The Samaritans themselves admit that people of Nablus are mostly ethnic Samaritans who were forced to convert.
>unironically linking the independent
Please leave.
>The Samaritans themselves admit
You have to be a fucking idiot to use their word as proof they are right.
>Modern day jews are mostly non levantines.
You actually just sourced Eran Elhaik.... You don't honestly believe that idiot, right? He's an attention whore who calls geneticists liars when they destroy his garbage theories.
>Eran Elhaik
lel I love when people link his garbage studies. For those who don't know what a lying rat he is:
>Uses Jordanian Hashemites as a proxy for what ancient Israelites were like
>Uses Armenians and Azerbaijani Jews (who are actually Mountain Jews from Persia) as a proxy for what the Khazars were like
All he did was prove the Jewish point further. He found a clear connection between Jews in Azerbaijan and Jews elsewhere.
The logic for using Mountain Jews as Khazars? Because they were horseback warriors, just like the Khazars were, therefore they must be the Khazars. The fact that people still post his studies is embarrassing
>It is accepted that the Jews and the Samaritans are descendants of the ancient Israelites.
This kills the LARPer.
Many historical documents shows massive conversion events during the period that followed the crusades in the city. And pre-crusaders Arab travelers described the city as a mixed town with small muslim minority and it spoke foreign languages including greek which is the reason it was spared pillaging by the crusaders. Now, what's the constant element from that time until now? It's Samaritans and their elders have had written documents of such history along with the local city residents. Samaritans according to many genetic studies are close to Palestinians, as Druze and Lebs.
Yeah, because the Arabs didn't take over overnight. They are still much more closely related to Jews either way. I don't deny a lot of Palis from Nablus are Israelites, but to say the majority of them is idiotic considering a lot of Pali clans have their roots in Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
If anything it's the Jews in Israel. Most haven't been there for long and are only there based on dubious claims that they are descended from people who lived there.
The Crusaders actually treated the Samaritans really well. All because of the whole "Good Samaritan" thing. It was the Arabs that wiped them out entirely, after the Byzantines made them nearly extinct.
Mizrahi Jews will always have the best claim. Since they are a majority of Israelis, I have no problem with it. They look pretty Biblical to me.
Oy vey goy
Ich bin 100% Semitischen, i'm not Euopean at all
You do realize there are 1,500,000 people from Russia in Israel and a quarter of them aren't even Jewish, right...?
I will always support the Palestinians. They are one of the few remnants of the Roman Empire remaining. Palestinians are the grand-children of Hadrian. Just look at them, they are white. Atleast compared to shitskin Jews who have plagued Europe for 1,000 years.
i forgot the pic
damn maybe jews really aren't white...
Not all Pali clans are from Saudi Arabia, that's just pure ignorance. Many of the large clans in the south which are the region clans are big in, are genetically close to the Levant, and why is that? Because they are Nabatean in origin which makes sense since it was where the Nabatean kingdom existed. Also, many clans aren't even Arabs from Saudi arabia, as Al-Masri, Al-Junidi and Al-Kurdi, their names should tell you of their origins and when exactly they arrived to Palestine - Al-Junidi are also kurds. You also clans which are Jewish in origins like Tawil, Shakhsher, and Hadad. As for Nablus, the rest of the native clans are from Hebron and they came to city during a civil war which they were trying to kick out Arabs from Hebron, and some of them are jewish, kurds, turks, and Arabs. In short, Palestine is a clusterfuck of origins. Second, by the time crusades ended the age of Arabs was over, and it was the age of Kurds, Mamluks, and Later Ottomans, and those did more harm to minorities in the Levant than Arabs.
Read above, Arabs also treated minorities well, it was Kurds and Mamluks, and later Ottomans that mistreated minorities. Samaritans thrived by the end of Arab reign and even had clans in Damascus.
Everyone knows this. This is why Jews don't belong in Europe. They were Semitic invaders who didn't get pushed out soon enough. But of course the Jewish media normalizes the idea of Jews being white by pushing half-breeds or quarter-breeds as Jewish.
>Not all Pali clans are from Saudi Arabia
No one said all.
>posting Arab Jews as proof Jews aren't white
>Linking Independent
>Linking a crackpot
>implying light eyes came from Europe.
Each one of those people is 100% Ashkenazic, that's just what the rural ones look like who weren't marrying in with Goyim over the years.
>Lerner was born in Brooklyn, New York, of Romanian Jewish descent
He's a European Jew, clearly a shitskin.
>Goren's original family name was Gorenchik. He was born in Zambrów, Poland
He's a Polish Jew but is very clearly a shitskin.
>Born in Paris to an immigrant Polish Jewish father, Alter Mojze Goldman and a German Jewish mother
Sorry but European Jews who aren't half-breeds are shitskins, and no amount of Jewish hollywood propaganda will ever change that.
>implying they didn't
Blue eyes originate from the European Steppes near the Black Sea
Does it remind you of something, Khazar friend ?
True. However and to help further understand the disagreement, I think it is largely because you tend to define Palestine in the historical sense as in the area of the British Mandate and try to form a picture of the history of the area as a whole which isn't the correct way to view things. Because, historically Palestine was indeed the name of this region, but when it comes to politics, and administrative divisions the areas north of Jersualem shared more history with Syria and southern Lebanon, and the areas south of Jerusalem and to its west shared more with Egypt. How's that related to this genetic conversation? The area I spoke of in the north contained many either Christian towns like Nazareth or as in the case of Nablus a Samaritan town. While the southern part had the newly built Muslim towns like Ramlah and the muslim army town of Gaza, and also Bedouins which is why you find some Palestinian genetic stock close to Bedouins, and some close to Lebanese, and some to Druze, and some to Syrians. Final note, most of the genetic studies used a sample from a hospital in Gaza which explains the shift towards bedouins.
>dark eyes
>dark hair
>big lips
>big nose
>kinky hair
That man is more of a negroid than he is white.
Sorry for the horrid punctuation and grammar. On phone and its late
Yeah you are right about that. That makes sense. It's complicated because if we are talking about the historical region of Palestine, a lot more people could be fit in the box of "Palestinian" rather than just who is defined today. However obviously there will be genetic differences between all these groups, which is why although "Lebanese people" is a new (and somewhat arbitrary) concept we still find unique things about the genetics of the Lebanese.
>using outdated source
Try to keep up pol:
>Using an ABC modeling approach Nakagome et al., predicted that the light-pigmentation allele at rs12913832 emerged around 42,000 years ago or earlier; a date close in time to the initial peopling of Europe. A plausible scenario of the origin of the blue-eye mutation that reconciles our results with findings from other studies is one where this variant appeared in an ancestral population before the ancestors of the WHG migrated from Near East into West and Central Europe
Lots of pure Levantines have blue eyes.