Other than the racism, is there anything that unites Confederate and National Socialism ideology? The Confederacy, other than slavery, was about decentralizing power down to the states and not having a strong federal government that could possibly threaten slavery. National Socialism was about centralizing the authority of the state, and make everything within the state work to the benefit of the state. So why in the fuck do so many people seem to unite the two?
Other than the racism, is there anything that unites Confederate and National Socialism ideology? The Confederacy...
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally nothing.
Nazism was founded on revanchism and a desire for Germany to subjugate others and strip them of their rights.
The Confederacy was founded to defend the South from Northern subjugation.
The only thing they have in common is being the enemy of the Northern-run leftist media.
>Matt Heimbach
I went to high school with this fag. He used to be super into left wing extremist groups so it's funny to see him totally turned around.
He was always an ass though.
Tell us embarrassing teenage Heimbach stories
>implying this literal homosexual makes any sense whatsoever
Please tell us more user
>Mike Enoch
>Baked Alaska
>Richard Spencer
Personally I'm really right wing but I never tell anyone out of fear someone would associate me with those faggots.
Here's a picture of sophomore year Heimbach for proof that I'm not bullshitting.
Needless to say he wasn't popular with the ladies.
I remember him being a fan of the Earth Liberation Front
I also remember that he made at least one bomb threat in middle school and regularly made promises to kill or otherwise attack some of the other students.
I had gym class with him.
Yup, this is why I identify as a libertarian or classic liberal despite being essentially a paleocon/paleolib
It's always extremist who do that kind of stuff. Guess the horshoe theory isn't wrong.
Honest question, is this guy even white? There was a tripfag on Krautchan back in the day called NordAmerikano who was some fat Puerto Rican nigger. Looked exactly like Heimbach.
I thought the pic was shopped, and it was but only the swastika was added. Some people unironically put pepe and wojak on a poster and expect to be taken seriously.
What the fuck is wrong with you burger?
As far as I know he's of German ancestry.
Not like Heimbach is the kind of guy that would admit to being anything other than "pure aryan master race"
He was pretty much the streotypical /r9k/ robot in high school. I didn't keep up with his nonsense after that.
>gays and autists
Latin americans are mixed, central americans even more so he probably was one of those guys who tought he was white because his great grandfather was from Germany.
It's like Zimmermann (the one who shot Travyon), he isn't white, his mother is fucking Peruvian.
That's America for you.
Oh one more thing, I remember him bragging about his fapping technique during a homecoming football game.
That's probably the most embarrassing story I can remember about him.
>Nazism was founded on revanchism and a desire for Germany to subjugate others and strip them of their rights.
>an actualy ideology
And the basic national socialist agenda isn't based on that you illiterate buffoon
I was a total sperg in high school and an alcoholic on top of that so I can't judge.
>I also remember that he made at least one bomb threat in middle school and regularly made promises to kill or otherwise attack some of the other students.
How did he not get expelled for that?
>his fapping technique
Are you the leader of a major white nationalist political movement though?
It was a passive kind of threat "I wanna fucking blow up this place" or something like that.
He also knew how to play the bullshit game well enough to suck up and pretend to be very sorry.
No, I'm way worse than that.
Mein Kampf is literally loaded with calls to avenge Germany's defeat in WW1, seize Russian territory, and to kill and expel the inhabitants.
>"northern subjugation"
nice meme
Don't think of ideological positions as a set of ideas but a bunch of products you can consume and it starts making sense.
I wasn't the most popular in high school but at least I didn't turn like that fag. Heimbach. Didn't he try to get some Orthodox priests to join his cause but he failed miserably?
Don't worry, you don't fool anyone.
Yeah the Confederates would never subjugate people and strip them of their rights.
Confederates didn't subjugate or strip the rights from anyone, the slaves in question were slaves long before they reached America.
And the Confederacy was founded explicitly to preserve the institutions of slavery and white supremacy.
>Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite ideas; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery, subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition.
Alexander Stephens, Vice President of the Confederate States of America
Emphasis on the "preserve" part
Their goal was not expansion and conquest, but to defend what they already had.
Even at its worst, that's a far cry from Nazi Germany's Master Plan East.
yeah it would've been so bad to kill off communism whoah so bad omg
if no one else is going to do it they then are allowed to do it in any way as they please even if it means killing slavs left and right
Another stone block in the structure that is my argument that most of the most extreme members of the "alt-right" were former leftists or fringe libertarians who just adopted a cartoon version of right-wing ideology when they realized far leftism or radical libertarianism wasn't working.
Heimbach became Catholic, but left when he found out the Catholic Church doesn't think much of racists. He joined up with some sedevacantist group for a while I think, then converted to Eastern Orthodoxy, though I think he got excommunicated for being a bigot.