Anyone else really love these old political cartoons where they represent countries as women?
Early 1900s nationalist waifus
These cartoons would be preety hilarious if they were drawn in Saudi Arabia and everyone had to guess wich country each woman was.
This is strange.
Only when she's a barefooted peasant qt.
Britannia didn't age very well sadly
was sexyness forbidden or something
>that china
this one is pretty cool
Easily the saddest death of an Empire. And I'm not even English.
I thought that was an adorable touch.
I thought it was about that China was fucked up with lots of unequal treaties and the fact that Japan will do the same.
>Russia and Italy has similar skin tone to Turkey
>China in the background looking over the wall and jealous over not being invited
As far as I know, personifying countries as women started with the Romans, who had a different woman personifying each of their provinces. This is a coin with Hadrian on one side and Britannia on the other.
Depicting countries as women is nonsensical because women are the least nationalistic people in the world and in fact most of them are outright civilization wreckers.
I like it more when there's no names and it's obvious who is who as in
this gave me cancer
More like women are the most redpilled people because all society follows being organized around a figure of power and that changes over time. Sometimes that power is religion, sometimes that is the power of the monarchy, sometimes the belief of nationalism. Stay too long with an illusion of power that is waning and you go down with it.
Nationalists ultimately are just children attached to a meme.
Unironically really made me think.
But that also means renouncing in the participation of history.
replace the right with a hick on her shart in mart scooter and it'd be more accurate
>But that also means renouncing in the participation of history.
The fuck does this even mean. History happens regardless of whatever people do.
"Participating in History" implies some sort of destiny to be achieved and that is pretty much the wrong way to view history since you're not looking at the past so much as looking towards some sort of predicted future.
That is positivist/religious apocalyptic tier historiography.
The systems that society organizes itself around may not matter in the long term, but they do matter right now. They determine the possibilities of your life, pretty much. Not commanding (or just commanding indirectly) these systems makes a big difference.
No. I don't think it would.
I think he's talking about the people's right to self determination
>women are the most redpilled people
Women don't follow, women get followed. They shape the entire nature of society through sexual selection, the reason why western men are being reduced to subhuman neotenic cuckolds with low sperm count is entirely the fault of their maternal ancestors who select for it. We are quite literally their slaves.
this, women alone have the power of eugenics this is why rape is actually seizing the means of reproduction and tantamount to male emancipation/liberation from female tyranny.
>Women don't follow, women get followed.
In the west.
Not so much elsewhere.
I really like it, not just in political cartoons.
I remember seeing a mosaic with a lot of the provinces in my history textbook when I was kid. I'd love to find it again.
>yuri shall conquer the earth.jpg
Rome had the saddest death of an Empire. How dos Britain even crack the top 10
What's the difference
You don't find elaborate dresses sexy? The mystique and color give me a semi
>Italy's brown
Turkey is unironically whiter than italy.
Why? Must everything abide by your /pol/ meme outlook?
Hmmm? Who are you replying to?
Very few countries have strictly arranged marriages where men decide who the woman marries. Not even all muslim countries have them anymore, countries like Jordan or Lebanon or Tunisia are basically on par with the west in this.
Why are Americans so hard on themselves?
And people say Germans aren't funny
Speaking of propaganda. I've always wondered if the Italians saw the irony with their propaganda saying Americans are mobsters
>western women look like ancient greek women
Frankly Mussolini cleaned up the mobsters while they not only flourished in America, American troops actually freed the mobsters Mussolini jailed and openly collaborated with them. So it's perfectly legit to call them mobsters.
>Russia looks like fucking Indira Gandhi
Literally why
This guy looks badass
He looks like the 56% man
Rome's death was less sad because it was always dysfunctional. The seeds of its destruction were always there. Its only periods of greatness were thanks to enlightened dictators like Augustus. Rome only held on as long as it did because there was no outside competition.
Britain on the other hand was a fully realized great empire that decided to commit seppuku for no reason. Unlike Rome its death was meaningless and unnecessary.
Yeah everyone knows the Greeks were niggers. baka desu senpai
Sadly, I don't get it.
You have to be an actual brainlet not to get that. It's so straightforward.
>Easily the saddest death of an Empire.
fucking read about rome, you pleb
Time magazine is turning whites into jewish conspiracy puppets?
and also, fuck you.
Female national personifications needs to become a thing again
Americans literally worked together with the sicilian mafia so i don't really see the irony
G*rmans BTFO
Russia is the best girl
Fuggin spergs, the countries are depicted as beautiful women not because some aspect of the personality of women, but either because they are meant to be adored like beautiful women (in propaganda) or because the relations between them can be satirized as social dynamics between women (in political cartoons).
>tfw they removed Britannia from the coins
>Anyone else really love these old political cartoons where they represent countries as women?
Only when they are all waifus, but these are all fat.
Anime should've been invented sooner.
He's got a whole series if you want them.
Hibernia and Germania.
>local autist cuckolded by Chad Bull
I didn't come here for feels
I don't get it
>nobody saved Russia-chan from the Teuton
because the whole world hates us so why not join the fucking club
>Stagnating for hundreds of years is in any way comparable to reaching the height of your power and then suddenly dying within fifty years
The feeling I got from this picture is "Kaiser Wilhelm looks disgusted as fat guy walks down the street with a prostitute" desu
>the truth about German ancestry.jpg
>What an arrogant cunt - France
>He thinks he's being polite, what a retard - Britain
My sides have been sent to Auschwitz
Except because most italians hated and hate the mafia and the USA literally empowered the mafiosi.
Yes please
>the light of western culture slowly dying in pain is comparable to a merchant thalassocracy losing his markets but still remaining fine and dandy because their bastard daughter inherits the house
>Light brown hair and no beard
>France has a thicc ass.
>Italy has unibrow.
Stupid nigger