Why is the Weimar Republic the most interesting period of German history?
Why is the Weimar Republic the most interesting period of German history?
>savage brutes are shown mercy as long as they try to civilize
>fail and go back to savagery
It's the story of the Human condition.
Only if you like chaos and social decay. In which case you should love 1970s America as well.
America was better in the 1970s other than urban crime. Reaganism (and Clintonism as the Democrats surrendered rather than fight fascism) ruined it.
the tragedy of its downfall has a certain appeal. a society developing from freedom into tyranny, from democracy into totalitarian dictatorship also goes against common narratives of history as progress and against our intuitions about how things are likely to develop.
also we tend to think we can learn to prevent things going that way in the future if we understand what happened then well enough.
I actually am interested in this. What's a good book on the subject?
It's a classic tail of a country that might've become something truly great had it not been succumbed to its inner demons. Perhaps it was doomed from birth to do so, perhaps there was another way.
It's especially tragic to read about the fall of Prussia. It was reborn from the heart of German militarism to its only functioning bastion of democracy (one might argue those generations of ingrained cultural discipline served them well). Unfortunately it was unable to resist Hitler's encroachment forever and ultimately fell under his spell like the rest of the country.
I must confess that I do mentally masturbate to the thought of Prussia rebelling to defend its traditional independence and newfound democracy and an analog to the American/Texas Revolution taking place instead of the Second World War.
"The Vanquished" by Robert Gerwarth explores the chaos and misery of post-WW1 Europe, and how this environment acted as an incubator for extreme ideologies like communism and fascism.
because it was gangs of new york tier crazy shit, with the fate of the world in the balance. My dream goal is to complete my documentary on the power struggle in it.
Because it led to the rise of the Third Reich.
Its where trap porn first appeared.
It was worse. Adding to all the street gang warfare and jewish slumlords the perversion of sexuality was a thing to behold. Theres enough books on that subject from weimar.
>ywn live in the timeline where Ernst Thalmann became Fuhrer auf Deutschland and had Hitler and his party of thugs executed.
It's like the Wild West of Germany before Hitler came down
Yeah, I heard "Mein Kampf" is a good one on that topic.
For average dumb people it's interesting because of the myths surrendering it ("degeneracy", sex, hyperinflation, war on streets and other memes). For historians it's interesting because it was a democratic experiment that failed.
blowjobs for 30c american
>classic tail
Stopped reading
>America was better in the 1970s
All of my kek.
i think that's your nostalgia talking. in the 70s you had rampant corruption, the gas crisis, mass political violence, general instability, etc.
There was some much political intrigue happening, monarchist restoration attempts, constant threat of a coup and the appeasement. Not to mention the bizarre hyperinflation
xD tooo funny!
Was it really a degenerate shithole full of vice and unemployment until Hitler came around and saved it? I thought it had a pretty good run from 1925 to the early 1930s.
You had families living in Berlin that would all be sex workers. Even the children. You had MtF traps, you had meth and opiates everywhere.
There is a reason it gave rise to Nazi Germany.
So what you're saying is that it was a libertarian paradise? As if I needed another reason to dislike Hitler.
No they had roads.
Those roads were just unowned property that had yet to be claimed. Had it been given enough time there would be a toll booth on every intersection. It was just logistically challenging in a time without computers. Once enough people realized that the roads were free then they would have taken possesion of them as is their natural human right.
>inner demons.
Stop reading there
He clearly doesn't know anything about Weimar Republic. Don't listen to him.
>Was it really a degenerate shithole full of vice and unemployment until Hitler came around and saved it?
No. It was largely rather coservative. Only Berlin was progressive and avant-garde. Most Germans remained the same old philistines from Wilhelmine period.
>not uh, only the major population centers were degenerate
Splitting hairs
Cities are the life of a nation
No, only Berlin. And it wasn't really degenerate. You should read something more about Weimar Germany than neo-Nazi propaganda. For example for most of its existence prostitution was illegal (it was legalized only in 1927), same with abortion (legalized only in case of grave danger to the mother in 1926).
Art movements like Bauhaus and New Objectivity were unpopular among the masses which still preferred traditional Wilhelmine style.
There were of course some changes, but the society as a whole did not change that much. A good example of this is 1925 presidential election when they voted for Hindenburg - an old national hero who was a candidate of the conservatives.
Except it's pretty well documented that Berlin was wild and free and very degenerate. I'm not claiming that it was present in every city, as south Germany was very conservative and greatly opposed what was going on in the capital.
Prostitution was widespread and very underground. They legalized it after they couldn't enforce what laws were already in place to prevent it. Their government was losing control of the entire situation, to the point where you started to have different political groups warring each other in the streets.
>neo-nazi properganda
History books and documentaries celebrating how free and open the Weimer Republic are neo-nazi propaganda now?
Take off your /leftypol/ spectacles. Not everyone is a /pol/ boogeyman out to get you.
>Why is the Weimar Republic the most interesting period of German history?
Oh my god, it's not just me! The Juxtaposition to me is just fascinating. A 1920s hip and happening jazz culture coexisting with armed militias and chaos in the streets. Ran into an obscure little tome in my university's library about policing in the Weimar Republic. They were dealing with some crazy shit.
>claims not to be a visitor from /pol/
>decries degeneracy
M8 you're using a very obvious shibboleth there
I'm sorry should I delete a word out of my vocabulary because it sends you into a spastic fit?
How about we just talk about history instead?
Stop trying to politicize everything.
It's not documented.
>prostitution was widespread
What does this mean? This is a very vague statement. How many prostitutes were in Berlin in 1926?
>They legalized it after they couldn't enforce what laws were already in place to prevent it
They legalized it for a completely different reason. Check it out.
>Their government was losing control of the entire situation, to the point where you started to have different political groups warring each other in the streets.
That happened in early 1930s when Weimar Republic was practically dead.
>Not everyone is a /pol/ boogeyman out to get you.
No but you very clearly are.
>average dumb people
Do you mean anons who browse /pol/, or people that miraculously avoided biased college courses on the subject?
I assume something of a combination, since you cunts seem to believe wisdom is manufactured exclusively at Berkeley - a really effective marketing campaign on their part.
All revolutions have some kind of impetus. Germany's was probably the widespread sex-obsession in the cities where prostitution, including prostitution of children, was completely legal and accepted.
Don't believe me, look at the satirical works of Expressionist/New Objectivists and tell me that they didn't live in a decadent society.
>people who aren't progressives are fucking borgeious shits!
Commie detected
>There is a reason it gave rise to Nazi Germany.
Yeah, Hitler invented the ideology after living around a bunch of dumb hippie niggers.
It'd be like an aspie nerd getting drafted in 'Nam, and then coming back home to live with hipsters in San Francisco.
There were other, more sensible, locales.
He has a point dude. If you want to fashion a more effective argument, you gotta be self-aware and use language that hasn't been hijacked.
>That happened in early 1930s when Weimar Republic was practically dead.
Why was it dying? Had it something to do with government being a tangled mess?
It's interesting because it's so oddly similar to today.
t. knows nothing about history but felt like he needed to comment anyway
It wasn't dying, it was dead.
>President Hindenburg, already bent on reducing the influence of the Reichstag, saw this event as the "failure of parliament", and with BrĂ¼ning's consent he called new elections. These elections cost the parties of the grand coalition their majority and brought gains to both the Communists and the National Socialists. This left BrĂ¼ning without any hope of regaining a majority in parliament and forced him to base his administration on the presidential emergency decree (Notverordnung) of Article 48 coined the term "authoritative democracy" to describe this form of government, based on the cooperation of the president and parliament.
>normalization of homosexuality
>rising of both far right and far left
>economic problems caused by Great Depression/Great Recession
Keep telling yourself that there are no similarities.
>homosexuality was definitely not normalized throughout Weimar Germany. Hate crimes were common.
>Only the far left is rising. The far right is actually losing ground in Europe because everyone has seen how much of a failure Drumpf is (which is why LePen, Farage and Geert got BTFO).
>economic problems are not even anywhere near close to the late 1920s or 1930s level.
Not even close. The 1800s is.
Holy shit, fuck off libtard
Jesus, how can you be even this dense ? Why would you even claim that the far right in europ isnt growing. What did you mean by this ?