how do we solve this. it would mean more to everyone.
how can you stand to know your fellow human is suffering thru no fault of their own?
How do we solve this. it would mean more to everyone
>your fellow human
>He thinks i give a fuck about other people
Never gonna make it.
We developed a fairly effective method nearly a century ago.
i know right.
neeeeeeever gonna make it, OP
neva eva
make what ?
I'm not "blessed" or "luckier".
I just enjoy the work of my ancestors who were superior to the low IQ/inbred shitskins and spent a lot of energy and thoughts in building my civlization while the others were being lazy/stupid.
My ancestors did all of that to maximize the survival/success of their genes which resulted in me, now my duty is to do the same thing, enhance what they did and transmit it to the next generations.
If Mamadu the nigger in Africa is poor as shit then he can blame his ancestors, not me, I owe him jackshit, the fact he lives or dies is totally foreign to my interest.
I don't feel guilty about him living in dirt and me in marble and I never will.
i'd be curious to know where you rank in comparison to this list.
How is it relevant ?
Also good for them if they have some billionaires, now maybe they can stop leeching on the white man to feed and heal them and finally rely on their own people.
It's already solved - just give them access to internet and they will be able to access all the knowledge they need.
please stop trying to turn this in a racial thing.
Face it you fag fuck you got btfo.
Africans are known scammers I work with a lot who admit their country men's rich are. They are selfish. They sold themselves out since the beginning. Fuck em.
Because that works so well in first world ghettos. OH WAIT, DETROIT IS STILL A SLUM. If you hand someone a free meal for life, they never consider that it might be worthwhile to actually improve themselves.
Since the Constitution has some fairly important things to say about the level of social engineering that would be required to fix child illegitimacy rates, the only option left is to cut welfare and force them to move out of their comfort zone in order to survive.
I'd be curious as to how many of them earned their money by through creative endeavors versus how many used strongarm tactics to raid the national treasury.
Also lol @ 11 billionaires on the entire fucking continent.
there are poor people of every race.
you have a very ignorant understanding of the world and geolocation as it relates to education and wealth distribution.
you seem to think the entire world is the size of your hometown.
aren't you bothered by your own severe lack of understanding , do you realize what a fool you would sound in a talk of world dignitaries and leaders?
>How to get rich quick in Africa.
>fellow humans
The irony of your post is those few billionaire african warlords got rich picking up where the white man left off when they abandoned their colonies in the 60's.
>the white man made us war lord :(
The world needs ditch diggers, too.
superior knowledge would automate those tasks.
You're not blessed, you are lucky, and you are a cunt
Your ancestors were probably cunts too, and if you ever get to uave children with that shitty attitude, your children will be cunts too
trolls try to derail legitimate discussion because they feel threatened by intellect and have nothing thought provoking to contribute.
We were star lords and shiiiieeeet.
>3/4 in the top 4 are white
Wew lad.
i refuse to stoop to your level.
you're not going to make it.
>legitimate discussion
Sure, ok
Do you have any objective points to make? Or are you just going to make subjective claims like stating x is a cunt?
I'd rather be a rich cunt than a poor cuck scraping together money to send rice to some African village that a warlord will pillage anyway and use to buy Ak-47s.
> I'm not luckier
> I just enjoy the work of my ancestors
are you a moron?
it's true tho
when I was little my dad told me that we are very lucky. I could just as well have been born in some african shithole. but that's simply not true. that wouldn't be me.
if you choose to not value everything your ancestors did for you, you can just go to the woods and start all over again. but I doubt that anyone would want to choose this over enjoying the passion and love your civ put into creating what you can see all around you today.
if rather wants to care about his children than some civ that didn't make it I can understand it, even though I believe they should get help building up stuff for their descendents
>pointing out facts
>get called out on it
>how do we solve this?
biological weapons
success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
you fail to see the whole picture here
i am not special or lucky in any way. in the bigger body of my people's timeline I'm just a little cell. I can create new cells for this body or make its environment nicer. I'll be gone someday anyways.
I consider myself part of that body and carry its genes. If my foot gets fresh oxygen it's not luck, it's my lungs and veins work.
You can make life better for the people that come after to you or be a cancer cell like soros manipulating markets.
Anyways, what you consider "your people" and therefore the people you want to support is your decision. If it is your family, your city, your nation, humanity, or the entire ecosystem of the planet.
ah ok so you're saying if we do enough mental gymnastics we can remove the word 'luck' from the human vocabulary
you are a loony
I'm saying that I literally am the people who built this up
sorry I thought you would be able to get that
You're entirely right, but the poster you're replying to lacks the capacity for abstraction required to understand your point.
apology accepted
you are their descendant by no action of your own - any privileges your ancestry gives you are therefore entirely luck
this definition of luck isn't even mutally exclusive with your crazy drivel about your ancestors literally being you (very stupid btw), unless you also mean to say you were also them (fuck my life)
plz just stop, I can't anymore
holy shit
They are fucking strangers. I care about people in degrees of separation. It's normal and natural. Family>Extended Family and Friends>local community>City>Region>State>Country>Ethnolinguistic associations>Civilized World>Third World Shitholes
Want to solve this issue? And the issue of overpopulation. Give every young woman on Earth the option to, on a one time basis, receive $5,000 provided she gets her tubes tied. Most of the third worlders would take the cash.
We spent less on the wars.
Proteins consist entirely of atoms. Therefore, the atoms in the protein could be considered the protein itself.
Cells consist entirely of proteins. Therefore, the proteins in the cell could be considered the cell itself.
Organs consist entirely of cells. Therefore, the cells in the organ could be considered the organ itself.
Humans consist entirely of organs. Therefore, the organs in the body could be considered the human itself.
But why stop there?
Families consist entirely of humans. Therefore, the people in the family could be considered the the family itself.
Tribes/Populations consist entirely of families. Therefore, the families in the population could be considered the population itself.
Ecosystems consist entirely of population (of different species). Therefore, these population could be considered the ecosystem itself.
You are your atoms, so your atoms are also you.
That's as simple as I can put it.
Either you accept that, or you work against it in self-sabotage and harm yourself.
Just because the atoms in your body will be replaced in 10y max, doesn't mean they shouldn't work for the best of your own body.
> You're not blessed, you are lucky, and you are a cunt
bullshit, parents work hard and pass their customs down to their children on purpose
bad decisions compound over generations, just like good decisions
> lmao dude other people will take care of us xD
> wtf why are you building society, you should be doing nothing like me
> wtf why do you have nice things, i should have nice things too
how in the fuck is luck such a hard concept for you fuckwits to grasp
the individiual is lucky, he didn't do jackshit except be born into whatever level of privilege he happened to be born into. he did not choose to be born nor did he choose his ancestors - hence luck.
here is your problem in a nutshell: luck is scoped to the person, not to the ancestry. you can do all the retarded mental gymnastics in the world to arbitrarily move the scope up one layer, but you'd still be an idiot.
Who cares about the definition of luck. That doesn't matter.
What does matter are your decisions as someone "lucky enough" (or privileged or whatever you want to call it) to be born somewhere with good opportunity.
You aren't obligated to do anything for others, but after you've achieved your own personal goals and have your life together, you should really look into helping other people. This tribal mentality is retarded and you should ditch it, or you will probably end up aimless and unhappy yourself.
>hey guys tribal mentality that got us where we are today is so dumb, why can't you be an enlightened soul like me and care about people equally
Because my tribe is far more important to me than tribes of strangers
>success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
That's the thing you fucking idiot: It's not brought by chance.
If I order pizza and don't go hungry, I'm not lucky. It's brought by the pizza boy not fucking chance.
Just as my prosperity is brought by the blood and steel of my ancestors.
Sorry meant to quote this one:
nigger detected
>World ranking 41
Humanity is doomed to failure
Depopulation. I think it's something like 80% of the human population that need to just be put out of their misery
thank God all fair skinned people aren't like you .
> If I order pizza and don't go hungry, I'm not lucky. It's brought by the pizza boy not fucking chance.
you identified a completely different scenario that wasn't luck - your mastery of the concept is already exceeding many others in this thread; unfortunately you missed the part where you were supposed to explain how you order your ancestors before you even exist.
posting is free though. you can try again another time when you've fleshed out the argument.
> Just as my prosperity is brought by the blood and steel of my ancestors.
too bad all that blood and steel didn't amount to a 3 digit iq :/
I wouldn't think that that line of thinking will lead you anywhere worth being, but I'm really not sure. I guess it falls under personal preferences on how to look at life, which is a really complicated subject so I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what's best for you or any of us.
Thats exactly what we should do, luck is an arbitrary concept that depends on the short term, since in the long term, luck is actually nothing more than statistics coming together due to variables that we can read.
You know that if you throw a dice 1000 times, each side will come pretty close to 1000/6 everytime.
You know that if you give a continent warm weather and nice landscapes, sandniggers will do nothing more than lounge, eat and fuck like rabbits.
Harsh weather made europe search the seas, build empires, destroy empires, evolve and overcome. (Except for the christian dark ages)
Young people don't know how to protect their interests so they always get the short end of the stick when it comes to employment.
One thing I'd like to point out though is that I don't look at helping others as a way to make you appear morally superior to others. And I don't suggest it to make myself sound morally superior. That would be stupid, since we're on an anonymous board and we have no reputation to uphold.
The reason I encourage helping others is because I think of it as a way to find meaning in your own life, once all other goals have been accomplished. (Like I said earlier, this only applies if you've already succeeded in your life)
It's not just a way to improve the lives of others, but also a way to maintain your own sanity.
On some level, I feel like only helping the already wealthy communities we come from isn't exactly the same, and wont bring you the same sense of satisfaction.
Take it for what it's worth. I'm trying to lecture or talk down to anyone, just like to spread what I've learned.
middle easterns invented complex math.
please learn more things about the world before you pretend to be an expert
>luck is an arbitrary concept that depends on the short term
its not even remotely arbitrary? did you just want to use the word arbitrary?
luck is a useful word because it conveys meaning; your assertions about what you think it is are completely irrelevant to its use
It's not luck, it simply is.
Me being me is just a logical process, I couldn't have been a chinese or a peruvian because that wouldn't have been me.
If you extend luck to everything that is successful for you and out of your control then you are "lucky" to have oxygen to breath too.
You can be grateful towards what others have done for you but feeling "lucky" is retarded because it isn't random, it's a consequence.
>(Except for the christian dark ages)
The "christian dark ages" never happened, it's a stupid meme invented by english historians from the last century after they read too many Enlightment authors from the bourgeoisie who loved to badmouth the aristocracy.
There was actually more intelectual and technological progress per year in Europe during the Middle Age than during Antiquity.
If you think that gallic, germanic, nordic or slavic populations and territories were more prosperous and developped in 0 than 1000 then you don't know much about history.
>you should really look into helping other people.
why? will it benefit me or my children?
Universal income on the bancor protocol of course.
We don't, woman's place is in the home and the sooner western society remembers this the better.
Africans need eugenics programs - we need to convince the various warlords and corrupt beaurocrats that their interests will be best served by creating a new type of African - the smart African.
>fellow human
>everyone in the infographic is brown
Good joke.
These people live in regions with every natural resource they need to be successful. The fact that they haven't been able to develop a decent society after hundreds or thousands of years is solely their own fault.
Remove their parasitic rights and make coviety male snd thus intelligent and based on merit and cooperation again and things will improve asap.
It depends, because raising children has meaning on it's own, and you might not be able to afford the time or money to help other people. In that case, don't worry about it.
But I think it does benefit people who don't have a lot of goals left in life, like if you're already successful and raising your children is easy because you have all the free time and money to do so. You'll find out that working and raising kids isn't the only thing there is to life, and unless you find some more meaning to your existence you can end up depressed or worse.
That's just my belief though, I recommend you read about that kind of thing if you're interested.
it should be retitles
Shitskins: A Global Problem
>there are poor people of every race
But is every race's homeland shit?
Eventually - thanks Merkel
1) you sound mad
2) here is your problem in a nutshell: your argument about the individual discards the context of ancestry and lineage because it is convenient so you can shame any individual whose generations of ancestors figured out how to make more of their lives than shoveling shit; if you look at a "person" as a recurring entity in nature directly resulting from the actions and preparation of it's ancestors. the ancestor perpetuates itself through planning and thinking and focusing all its will on preparing it's children, the next iterations of itself. It's ok to stop thinking about being an atomic individual for five seconds of your brief and pointless life.
3) I feel bad for your children because they'll have the misfortune of being born to (You)
So what I've learned from this infographic is blacks are shit.
>how do we solve this. it would mean more to everyone.
Every business in the world solves it - by providing jobs and opportunity.
>how can you stand to know your fellow human is suffering thru no fault of their own?
If I was a billionaire or close to that, then I might make a dent in the issue. I can't solve it, noone from /biz can. The only realistic thing is for those in trouble to help themselves the best they can.
good perspective bro
I can sense "le 62% face" through the screen. One war will be enough to take away all of that shit (ask German women sucking GI dicks for a smoke, or Japanese ones for a Cola), and all empires fall. China was the richest and on average most prosperous place in the world for a long time, and look what happened - 100 years of humilation. You sound like a soft motherfucker too.