She's about to go lads. Get in now for the 3rd mission
She's about to go lads. Get in now for the 3rd mission
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$70 this pump?
the only mooning is the btc price... nothing else
NEO 160 btc wall is gone
I hope you all bought the dip Chinese whales are going to make us rich.
meanwhile 600 btc wall at 0.0124
Apart from the fact my holdings have gone up $600 this pump?
im poor as fuck need to pay rent, only have 1NEO
Please kill me
Holdings up $5,000 already. Keep it going NEO
holy crap... look at the pic. Today is going to be a fine day for sure o_0
already down go home
The chinese whale is shaking the weak hands and buying there NEO for cheap
Weak hands being shaken, hold and wait 30 mins to see what happens
>ale is shaking the weak ha
because btc price increased...
Holy shit dude
It's still up 5.2% on the BTC price.
What kind of cunts starts selling when its mooning
"I-it's not like I'm retarded for buying at the peak or anything"
can this 0.01 sat wall kindly fuck off back to china
>of cunts starts selling when its moon
when it will go 0.01+ i will believe theres a moon coming
Whales be like deploy the walllllllls!!!
all praise the Dildo of gainz
Buy VIA instead dumbo
2k BTC just got into NEO
we need more
wow, those walls got shredded fast! 80 USD before this day ends. Screenshot this.
Buy GAS instead, it's dipping right now
I bought at 80k, I'm already quite well off on this coin.
You don't know how crypto works at all do you.
too risky bro.
>Buy more chinese scam coins
Just read a story about how the two biggest chinese exchanges were gambling with their investors money with out telling them. Corruption goes hand in hand with Chinese and communism.
not gonna lie, envious if true
t. 50 NEOlet
>Corruption goes hand in hand with Chinese and communism
as if it was specific to communism, wall street jews gamble all the time with the money you got in the bank
im gonna be like that in a year because of my gazillions of digibytes. Screenshot this.
This is a coin that is objectively better than eth at one tenth of the price.
And most of them are Goddless Zionists, which are globalists, which are Communists.
you keep that on an exchange? wow
jesus was a communist too
I'm a small fish on bittrex, trust me.
I also have it insured. Once you reach a certain amount you get mailed about certain privileges.
omg !!
OMG an NEO take off, made 50/50
Jesus could also multiply fish and bread.
This is the buy signal
Sell... a coin that will probably reach 150+ before the end of the year. gg mate.
>he fell for the bear trap
>this is what neotites actually believe
How high will she go boys?
Lol, I generate 1 GAS a week from my NEO.
why would I want to buy something I get for free?
Neo holders, thoughts on Agrello? US Citizens couldn't get it. Hits exchanges next week Will it moon?
>smart contracts powered by AI
How buzzword can you get lmao
That's about how much I have in BitBean
I love you fuckers for shilling me this coin so hard I actually bought the dip.
LOL stop day dreaming bag boys! Neo is a shit coin and you are missing the dump.
Also bought dip on Monday. Made sweet profit, Wish I had bought as soon as ANS changed to NEO.
No fucking way I'd buy a coin/token named ANT SHARES
>I discovered le ebin inspect mode
You are a faggot.
The girl is fucking vile
Neo is like a profit generator. Chinks love it, Yanks love it, Brits love it. It's going to fucking skyrocket beyond everyone's expectations in due time.
Why the fuck do people put up sell walls below the current value?
nah, brainlet. lot of us 'whales' here. i happen to have 480 eth on an exchange right now. not a huge deal.
plenty of us who have been on biz for atleast a couple years have picked up enough crypto to be what would be considered a whale today
it's called scalping - you have walls on either side to control the price movement
>been sitting in train for 2 hours watching it moon
>come home right for the dip
>next liftoff is literally seconds after i buy
Thanks for waiting guys
cmon fucktard you didn't even bother to put the correct dollar equivalent. 67 BTC would right now be about 282033.15$.
That is more than double what it is, no way.
I bet you don't even own one whole bitcoin, normie scum. else you wouldn't need to overcompensate with such retarded shit.
implying that the picture was taken today.
I took it a month or so ago after making insane gains on NEO.
I'm a little down on that total now (44 BTC) Due to taking profits.
more proof that you're a brainlet. I'm not the user that posted the pic. look at da ID bb boi
breakin 0.01 soon
ok so I din't bother to check IDs. whatever.
I don't really care if that guy has 44 btc or 67 or if he lost like 20 while NEO went up (how even?) or you have 15k eth. it's just probably a fact that there a nice bunch of teenage fags on this board LARPing with thicc blockfolios and caps as "proof".
Why would anyone want to lower the price?
Plankton tier whales have co-ordinated this mini pump to dump bags on anons.
Don't fall for it.
8K volume will not do ANYTHING you retards.
To break 0.01 last time it required 80K BTC volume sustained over days.
Don't be this stupid please you fucking retards, DO NOT BUY UNTIL THE UPTREND IS CONFIRMED WITH SOLID BREAK OUT AND VOLUME.
What a waste of your time to even think about it, maybe if you go make some money you'll stop thinking it's so unlikely for others to do so. You're crippling your own potential with your mindset
Here a recent cap fs...
It takes 170BTC yo buy all orders to .1 on Bittrex.
Fuck off with your XRP bags.
don't worry about how much money I am making. I don't care about yours either. just a heads-up for other newbie anons there are definitely a bunch of fags on this board. don't take it personally, kid.
REKT fucknut.
Here we go
How dumb are you fuckers? The amount of BTC doesn't correlate with the dollar value displayed. It should be 269k not 169k. He obviously mistyped whilst doing inspect element.
so now what is the first TP ?
First pump to 250k
Second pump to 1200k
Third pump to .. ?
I already explained why, it was an old fucking cap after my initial big gains on ANS.
I have given a recent cap.
I want to sell my puny 50 coins but it keeps going up
alpha centauri
It's kinda embaressing watching the members of this double digit BTC group try and pump a coin that is controlled by real whales.
From the sad shilling all day to this "pump" that barely breached 0.01, everything is screaming of backfire. I wouldn't be surprised if half their group has already dumped to avoid losses.
The real whales aren't ready to let NEO move yet, this pump will be suppressed. Buy now if you are completely and utterly retarded.
shut the fuck up you're literally mad cuz u didn't buy it when u could afford it at 2 cents. wE'RE all making thousands while ur poor fucking nigger.
You said it wouldnt breach .1
Are you going to shill us XRP? A coin that would need insane amounts of money to reach $1?
so they can accumulate at a lower rate and pump to Valhalla so they can dump.
It was already at 24000 satoshi 2 month ago which is 1 usd with todays btc value you dumbass
You faggots really didn't see the bullflag forming the last days? Hahahahaha I'm riding the wave hard.
You're forgetting the price of BTC went up, while the price of XRP went down.
It was never worth $1 at 24k, you moron.
>mfw 4,000 neos
ok m8 ty for advice. enjoy the crash and losing your grandmas life savings.