Why do Americans live in McMansions?

Why do Americans live in McMansions?

>low land prices
>no public transport
>intense fear of niggers

>>intense fear of niggers
maybe they shouldn't have bought them when the merchants came?

I don't see anything wrong with that house?? Except for the stupid coloumns it looks prettt good. I like the brick pattern and general color of the house.

why do americans live

new rich and trashy people, thats all.


america has stage 4 consumerist cancer as a result of a milieu of factors, it'll be a miracle if it's saved

We are wealthy and can afford large houses :)

inb4 you get called a commie just for this

If you can afford large houses then why did the real estate market crash in 2008?

A lot of money and no taste

>owning up to their mistakes

Me on the left.

m-me on the right

Because we can Yuropoors

me..me in the middle.

Gave loans to ghetto niggers. Big mistake.

bricks are fake too.

Only gen Xers and boomers want to live in McMansions in suburbia. Boomers are rapidly moving closer to the city or at least to more ranch style houses rather than those shitstains

...you're the penies?

Apparently the midwest is governed by a bunch of farmers with guns and drone collections living in mcmansions


>live in Arizona
>real estate egants promote AUTHENTIC ADOBE HOUSING
>go see that shit for myself
>it's literally a wooden house with a tiny adobe coating for effect
Seriously, they promote mud huts that aren't even made of actual mud.

Americans are literally new money: the country. And as such they are uncultured and pretentious.

Europe is no money: the continent

Absolutely abysmal tastes. Americans should always be ruled by Europeans.

>Seriously, they promote mud huts that aren't even made of actual mud.
I'm sure that you'd rather have that shit insulated.and air conditioned in accordance with modern building codes.

Have you ever seen modern London, Paris, Helsinki, Berlin etc?
>commieblocks everywhere
>"experimental" postmodernist dogshit like pic related
>absolutely catastrophic urban planning (Amsterdam being one exception)
I'm not even going to defend the Americans because it's true that they're plebs when it comes to architecture, but modern Europe is even worse.

maybe you should stop driving a prius you fucking bigot

lending to people without any money, i.e. niggers.

America decadent nation nation full of nigroes and trannies China work hard to industrialize and will dominate the world


This is my dream. No one to bother me. I'd be satisfied with a two story. 3 bedroom, 1 and 1/2 bathroom house though.

>absolutely catastrophic urban planning
Most European city centers weren't planned in any meaningful way, and it actually makes them more friendly to pedestrians as they become far easier and interesting to walk around in. Features which modern city planning only recently have realized is important and haven't yet managed to emulate.

I can tell this is either Phoenix, Las Vegas or somewhere in the Californian desert counties. Basically a company (usually a HOA) purchases a patch of land in the middle of buttfuck for cheap, starts a preplanned community but with zero services and amenities and then waits for people who'll take the bait.
It looks extremely pretty, but there's NOTHING but those houses and you literally have to drive for an hour to even get groceries. West Valley in central Arizona is famous for that shit. That said, some of those communities can grow into actual cities over time (Gilbert used to a small town of 5,000 people in 1980, now it has 200,000 people and everything available), but often they don't.

The majority of white Americans descend from people who came from Europe in the 19th century after the blacks were already here.

I don't understand. Why not just plan a small town center with buildings that can be rented out for commercial use from the beginning?

Because that way they aren't making instant profit. They basically build a community and then expect the businesses to arrive by themselves. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

But the property values would go up if there was a local grocery store. Like I said, I don't understand.

>property values go up
That's the thing - the entire point in settling in the middle of nowhere desert is that it's cheap as fuck. So they buy it cheap and sell it cheap although still with a significant margin obviously.

But having to drive for hours just to buy food isn't cheap.

Gas is super cheap in America.

These places remind me of towns in post-apocalyptic stories where the whole world is just fucking desert and this is the last bastion of human civilization

why would anyone wanna live here

>property values would go up if there was a local grocery store
The suburban Arizonan thinks:
>who cares when you can just drive there?

Cheap and away from vibrant diversity.

How long until the second housing bubble pops?

Like I said, the communities can grow into actual cities over time. But this creates an unreal amount of urban sprawl - pic related demostrates the growth of Pheonix metro.

Soon, hopefully. Motherfuckers will never learn and 100% deserve it.

We're not in a housing bubble right now if you're thinking about America. Australia though has a colossal bubble, probably the worst in the world.

Atrocious land use policy and an absolute refusal to recognize it as a problem

>whiteys literally flee cities and urban areas because some nogs settle in

Do they fear the melaninated warrior?

Why do /int/posters post on Veeky Forums?

No, we fear urban leftist courts prosecuting us for defending ourselves from the dindu menace.

What's wrong with McMansions?

The opposite is happening now, actually. Cities are where people with money live now.
Because even they know their board is terrible

This is true. Blacks not only move in, but they elect other blacks into office who will inevitably ruin the municipality in question, with their tribal nepotism, corruption and accumulating ginormous debts. Not to mention the politicians go out of their way to actively bully white people and use them as a scapegoat for everything, so no wonder whites get the fuck out while they can. Look at Detroit, Cleveland or Baltimore for illustration.

You couldve whipped those nigs into behaviour
Probably wouldnt see those crime ridden ghettos and social problems nowadays
you guys cucked yourselves

I'm pretty sure that's an actual mansion and mcmansions are huge houses squeezed onto tiny suburban blocks side by side.

Even if the melanin friend was the most amicable race in the planet I'd still prefer to live near my own, and only my own. Diversity is an eyesore.

>You couldve whipped those nigs into behaviour
Nope, this is what southerners believed and they were gravely mistaken. The nigger will turn on you the moment he has any sort of numerical and political advantage over you - no amount of whipping and conditioning can fix them. People in the south had this idiotic paternalistic approach to niggers, they basically thought of them as their proverbial children they need to guide through life because they're too stupid to do it on their own. Then they get shocked when 5 second after the emancipation they started killing white people everywhere and robbing them blind.
The only solution of the dindu problem is the physical removal of dindus. Nothing less will do.

The thing in OP is a little gaudy, but isn't nearly as bad the utilitarian houses they shit out everywhere they can,
>Attached Garage
>Five or more roofs
>Small porch where one or two people can sit out on
>All the bedrooms are upstairs
>First floor is Kitchen+Living room+Staircase

>five or more ro

Phoenix is such a disaster.
45 mph avenues everywhere and no highways