Was it always a male fantasy for a European settler to have sex with a native woman?
Was it always a male fantasy for a European settler to have sex with a native woman?
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It's a female fantasy too.
Are you saying the women don't want to be C O L O N I Z E D?
Conquistadores were males.
I think we are seeing that play out right now.
Explorers are almost entirely male
Like John Redcorn?
There were a handful of women, I remember reading of one who took a couple men as concubines.
>There were a handful of women, I remember reading of one who took a couple men as concubines.
This is now my fetish.
Worked the other way too. White women were regularly kidnapped and forced to be concubines to Indian chiefs.
Supposedly some of them actually resisted efforts to "rescue" them.
by feeling guilty about it she's just fueling the fetish
That makes so horny.
Did they pick the fairest skinned injun for this movie or what?
Still gives me a boner though
>tfw no dominant, fem conquistadore with a six pack and big muscley thighs to crush my native boipucci
The actress is only half native. Her native side is Quechua I believe.
I see only two brown persons in your pic, OP
What are you talking about?
wouldn't you want to fuck something as exotic as a redskin?
at the time it was like fucking an alien
Actually Indians from the northeast US are pretty fair skinned.
*from North America in general
It's why every SJW will claim to be part Cherokee princess for SJW points
Imagine this OP
>Be sailor
>Some retarded Italian thinks theres a route to Indie by sailing from the other side
>Me and the boys go along cause its obvious the fucker will go back once he realises theres niting but endless ocean
>We set sail
>We keep going
>We keep going
>No land yet
>We keep going
>Everyones starving, entire crew near mutiny
>Explore this new place
>After months at sea you see a woman
What the fuck do you think would happen?
It's always those damn fucking SHITalians, in this case worse, a ginger SHITalian
There was 1 women and she was married to someone else in the expedition.Stop making things up
The gene exchange went back and forth.
I want to impregnate
True. I think it has to do with the solutreans that migrated over
fuaaaaaaack, do you have a sauce on that the leddit comments must be interesting
Lol no
How do you explain this haplogroup then?
>tfw bean
>tfw want to get c o l o n i z e d
I live in a heavily white area of CA (they exist), I guess it could happen...
>literally phenotype studies
Where is the evidence of such trip to the Americas.
Haplogroup has nothing to do with phenotypes.
Could you explain further?
Try being cramped on a boat with nothing but dudes for months on end, then getting off and seeing the only women around
What is there to explain? Haplogroups are just paternal or maternal ancestral markers from millennia ago, they have no outward expression coded into them. They don't determine what you look like.
The possibility of european mixing is more plausible with the past european population which came from Asia. Again, where is the proof of such hypothesis you claim?
Tnx Im just ignorant on genetics
Also the colonization influence isn't yet discarded, and it's one of the principal possibilities.
Where is the proof of such solutrean occupation?
For example the Chadic tribes of Africa have a lot of R1b (the tipical haplogroup of Western Europe, Iberians, Brits, French) and tend to look like your average central african.
Women are natural triedoes
All races in general want to interbreed
we living in great time for that
It doesn't natively exist in America although it could since R originates in Siberia.
>Getting chucked by a guy called Dylan
He better not be who I think he is
Great, one girl has a fetish for extremely dominant men and I presume Veeky Forums we take it as a trait common for all women and to the same degree, right?
t. Pablo Sanchez
>Men have the fantasy because it entails adventure and they get to fuck cute, primitive tribal women without regard for consequences
>Woman have the fantasy because they love the idea of getting fucked by exotic, foreign invaders who are wealthier and more powerful than their own men
It's very common, though I assume fatherless women are more prone to being attracted to aggressive men.
Well as I understand it, when that shit was happening local pussy was logistically practical but due to homesickness, culture clash and so on the preference would be for white pussy.
God I fucking hate women, we'll be better off when we invent artificial wombs and can cast them off forever.
>that Breivik headline
>this white supremacist terrorist child killer is getting super mad pussy and basically you are fucking stupid
well it wasn't really a fantasy, more like a regular occurrence.
>doesn't natively exist in America
yes, it obviously does.
Not only that, those native haplotypes predate the R1A/R1B split.
>All races in general want to interbreed
Its the delusional fantasy the foreign women are not corrupted like western whores. [spoilers]they are[/spoilers]
Raghavan 2013 refutes this.
>The extant sub-lineages of haplogroup R show regional spread patterns within western Eurasia, south Asia and also extend to the Altai region in southern Siberia (Supplementary Fig. 5b). The sister lineage to these extant sub-lineages of haplogroup R, haplogroup Q, is the most common haplogroup in Native Americans5 and it was recently shown that, in Eurasia, haplogroup Q lineages closest to Native Americans are found in southern Altai7.
Native American R only exists on vandalized Wikipedia pages with no carriers known to academic science.
>Upper Palaeolithic Siberian genome reveals dual ancestry of Native Americans
Did you even read the article? Your quote isn't relevant to the question, not a refutation. You're btfo yourself with this link.
>we find autosomal evidence that MA-1 is basal to modern-day western Eurasians and genetically closely related to modern-day Native Americans, with no close affinity to east Asians. This suggests that populations related to contemporary western Eurasians had a more north-easterly distribution 24,000 years ago than commonly thought. Furthermore, we estimate that 14 to 38% of Native American ancestry may originate through gene flow from this ancient population. This is likely to have occurred after the divergence of Native American ancestors from east Asian ancestors, but before the diversification of Native American populations in the New World.
>Gene flow from the MA-1 lineage into Native American ancestors could explain why several crania from the First Americans have been reported as bearing morphological characteristics that do not resemble those of east Asians2,13. Sequencing of another south-central Siberian, Afontova Gora-2 dating to approximately 17,000 years ago14, revealed similar autosomal genetic signatures as MA-1, suggesting that the region was continuously occupied by humans throughout the Last Glacial Maximum. Our findings reveal that western Eurasian genetic signatures in modern-day Native Americans derive not only from post-Columbian admixture, as commonly thought, but also from a mixed ancestry of the First Americans.
MA-1 is basal R, you just linked the opposition evidence. I'm sorry you need to imply the wiki was vandalized in order to defend your simplistic worldview.
Are you implying it was impossible for Siberians with old R haplotypes to migrate over Beringia after the LGM? Cause it seems pretty likely to me, lots of different groups made the trip.
It was highly possible yet modern extant individuals from North American indigenous populations with non-European subclades of R are entirely unknown to science.
The close genetic relationship between R and Q is enough to explain the relatedness of Native Americans to Mal'ta Buret, if it even is needed to be explained through uniparental lines.
T. Degenerate
Interbreeding between races is the very attractive and aesthetic. More and more people are realizing this too.
>Some Native American Short Tandem Repeats haplotypes of R1, are not shared with Europeans.[9]
>the decreasing gradient of haplogroup R from Northeastern to Southwestern North America suggests that this results from Mal'ta-Buret admixture.[10]
>The first migration came from middle Siberia with the founding haplotype P-M45(x Q-M3). A second migration came from southeastern Siberia (Lower Amur/Sea of Okhkotsk/Kamchatka region) with the founding haplotype P-M45(x R1-M173), delineated by the RPS4Y-T marker, and took place at 7,000–9,500 years before present. Significant frequencies of RPS4Y-T are found in several northern Amerindian and Na-Dene populations (Bergen et al. 1999; Karafet et al. 1999), and in Lake Baikal region and Mongolia (Karafet et al. 1999), but is absent in Europeans (Bergen et al. 1999), reaching its highest frequencies in the populations of eastern Siberia.
m8 lay off the dogma
so you're telling me Tasmanian Aboriginals and Scandinavians make for a good match? How about Eskimos and Dravidic Indians?
Studies from 1999 and 2001 are meaningless since they were only beginning to understand haplogroups at the time. They just don't have weight.
Raghavan has no knowledge of Native American R and neither does ISOGG or anyone else for that matter except Wikipedia vandals.
>links Raghavan
>Raghavan has no knowledge
>muh vandalism
what is this degenerate gambit?
See Raghavan explicitly denies the existence of American R and links the close genetic brotherhood of Q and R with the MA-1 affinity.
>>>we exclude modern DNA contamination as being the source of the observed population affinities of MA-1 for three reasons
>First, we corrected the sequence read-based D-statistics tests for differing amounts of contamination, using a European individual as the contamination source (Supplementary Information, section 13.5).
>Second, restricting the PCA to sequences with evidence of post-mortem degradation gives results that are comparable with those using the complete data set (Supplementary Information, section 15).
>Finally, the genome sequence of the researcher (Indian ancestry) who carried out DNA extraction and library preparation of MA-1 enables us to exclude the researcher as a source of contamination (Supplementary Information, sections 11 and 13). In addition, we exclude post-Columbian European admixture (after 1492 ad) as an explanation for the genetic affinity between MA-1 and Native Americans for three reasons.
Our study has four important implications. First, we find evidence that contemporary Native Americans and western Eurasians share ancestry through gene flow from a Siberian Upper Palaeolithic population into First Americans. Second, our findings may provide an explanation for the presence of mtDNA haplogroup X in Native Americans, which is related to western Eurasians but not found in east Asian populations29. Third, such an easterly presence in Asia of a population related to contemporary western Eurasians provides a possibility that non-east Asian cranial characteristics of the First Americans13 derived from the Old World via migration through Beringia, rather than by a trans-Atlantic voyage from Iberia as proposed by the Solutrean hypothesis30. Fourth, the presence of an ancient western Eurasian genomic signature in the Baikal area before and after the LGM suggests that parts of south-central Siberia were occupied by humans throughout the coldest stages of the last ice age.
So basically, at first the R and Q populations were utterly homogenic and represented the same genetic signature. The R men migrated west and south and mixed with females of non-ANE West Eurasian and Australoid origin, arriving in Europe at least prior to 12000 BC but mostly being restricted east of Poland until the Indo-European era.
The Q men on the other hand came to contact with a population more closely related to Koreans and their nearby Siberian people and this became the founding population of Native Americans.
>at first the R and Q populations were utterly homogenic and represented the same genetic signature
not quite, your language is a little strong. They obviously diverged from one another at some point.
>came to contact with a population more closely related to Koreans
not quite, Koreans are more modern. The Malta-Buret boy was very distant from modern East Asians, way closer to Native Americans and Europeans.
ANE desu.
Haplogroup divergence does not equal genetic divergence and Q exists in Europe as well in the same way as R, it just didn't get lucky during the starlike expansion era of two specific R1a and R1b subclade associated with Corded Ware and Bell Beaker cultures which the majority of European men belong to.
Native Americans have an East Asian component, they are not full ANE.
One of their maternal lines(B) is even linked to Austronesians albeit distantly.
A hole's a hole OP.
>Q exists in Europe as well in the same way as R
barely, there's like one county in Sweden where it's ~20%. It hovers around 1-2% generally, much lower than that in Western Europe specifically.
If we exclude the R1a and R1b subclades from Corded Ware and Bell Beaker it suddenly makes up a much larger share of the remaining haplogroups.
Modern variation is always skewed a million timers over by randomness and the human factor.
Q was found in Khvalynsk culture and the mesolithic Baltic which affirms it's old presence in Europe.
wh*Te subhumans must pay for what they did to americas
>If we exclude the R1a and R1b subclades from Corded Ware and Bell Beaker
then exclude other groups like J, I, G, and E. Q can be even more accurately represented then.
>Modern variation is always skewed a million timers over
by the effects of exponential population growth over time and loss of genetic information (think Black Death), of course. Not randomness, the big just get bigger.
>Q was found in Khvalynsk culture and the mesolithic Baltic
>then exclude other groups like J, I, G, and E. Q can be even more accurately represented then.
No, because most of these did not expand in a sex biased and starlike manner but represent older variation. We might however exclude I1 since it has such a low MRCA.
It only takes a single man to change haplogroup frequencies from 0% to 100%. A lot of effort over many generations of intermarriage but it happens. This creates a situation where the paternal lines are no longer informative regarding the autosomal structure.
Khvalynsk II, Volga River, Samara [I0434 / SVP 47] Q1a
If you knew how ugly actual native North & South Americans are (not the 50-75% white actresses they use in movies) you'd understand it was more about the fact that beautiful women were an ocean away and they had nothing else to fuck unless they wanted to go gay.
>expand in a sex biased and starlike manner
ok you're hitting me with terminology I'm relatively unfamiliar with here. Starlike, biased in what sense?
Yes they are ugly. Don't come here.
Corded Ware were all descended from one male.
Bell Beakers were all descended from one male.
They lived just about the time those cultures started or slightly earlier.
They were from the Yamna culture or at least genetically identical.
Majority of modern Europeans descend from one of those guys.
Corded Ware and Bell Beaker were perhaps violently hateful towards foreign males but were more willing to get intimate with females from other cultures.
Oops, I meant Central European Bell Beakers.
I forgot there were some in Iberia, who were not genetically related.
>Corded Ware were all descended from one male.
>Bell Beakers were all descended from one male.
no fucking way, bullshit unless you're talking about the universal paternal MRCA (Y-chromosomal Adam).
It's possible their paternal line eventually took over the population because they had more wives than the other males and statistically won out over time.
But you can't possibly determine that an entire culture was sired by a single individual achieving complete sexual monopolization in a single generation. That's not what you're attempting to imply, right?
>It's possible their paternal line eventually took over the population because they had more wives than the other males and statistically won out over time
Yeah, this works. It was a multigenerational process which included also other steppe males in the beginning but their paternal lines were denied the right to expand so they died out pretty quick.
Besides bands usually compromised of related males and females as cousins, brothers, uncles, etc. just like small towns nowadays, where everyone has a degree of kinship. In that scenario is not far fetched to think that thru generations one or two dominant haplogroups prevailed.
yeah but that's not entirely uncommon through human history you know. Could you just qualify the term "starlike" for me?
Exponential growth from one to N million.
>So basically, at first the R and Q populations were utterly homogenic and represented the same genetic signature.
Considering that basal P can be found amongst Aetas,ANE's paternal ancestors may have been Eastern non-African.
Even Mal'ta boy is modeled to have some sort of basal East Asian ancestry(17%).
>The Q men on the other hand came to contact with a population more closely related to Koreans and their nearby Siberian people and this became the founding population of Native Americans.
There isn't a modern population that would fit as a proxy,the East Asian component of Amerindians diverged around the same time as the Jomon.
Stop arguing about stupid genetics and post more native qts
Can confirm. I live on an Indian Reservation with my family and the other day I went in my sisters room and saw a poster-sized version of pic related over her bed.
Which band?
m8, considering we're talking 50,000 years ago now maybe we should take this moment to mention how absolutely bananas India was at the time.
I chortled, kek
Have you noticed this thinking in your sister in other ways?
Tell us some of your experiences user, what's it like