This little dude massacred tons of Persians and forced them to convert to Shia islam and waged wars against sunnis for centuries
This little dude massacred tons of Persians and forced them to convert to Shia islam and waged wars against sunnis for...
>Inb4 (F)ersians who don't even live in Iran shit up this thread with their enormous butthurt and claim that Safavids, Qizilbash militias, Azeris, Ali and Allah himself were actually (F)ersian not something else
Azerbaijan is probably my favorite Turkic nation. Their currency last time I checked was worth .50 USD per unit, and they have plenty of oil money. If I were to go to the former Soviet states of Asia, Baku would be on my list of stops for sure. Azerbaijan is on good terms with Turkey and the west, and is Israel's single largest supplier of petroleum in a region where Israeli relations with Arab states puts them at risk for being embargoed.
On another note, if in Iran happens, I hope the Azeris scoop up Iranian Azerbaijan.
Well Sah Ismail received the Persian Empire and United Persia; he was a mix of Kurds/Azeri. He was also a descendant for Trebizond. FYI the version of Islam followed b4 12er in Persia was basically Shiism lite thanks to the Sufi.Sah Ismail and his followers were Alevi b4 converting to 12er
"azerbaijan" didnt even exist to do that, they are correctly known as turkmen who settled tat territory after the mongol invasion and during the qizilbash rebellion which brought alevis from turkey to iranian azerbaijan where they still live a nomadic lifestyle today. east azerbaijan was still 14% tat in the 19th century.
They have been around for about 98 years; I always enjoy historical revisionism and alternate reality makes me chuckle, but this is a joke that has gone far enough.
Please stop LARPing and create your own culture.
Regards, Armenia.
We should have genocided Armenians for real
daily reminder
It's a shame that Azeris couldn't win the war
but they're slowly regaining their territory back, and turkey is being more aggressive towards armenian subhumans so i expect shoah 2.0
Enver pasha didn't do enough.
Does Iranian Azerbaijan (I think it's called Azbaycan also not sure) even want to be part of Azerbaijan proper
no, they are proud Iranians. its mostly azerbaijani nationalists who want to annex tabriz
>but they're slowly regaining their territory back
Lmao, Armenia is basically a Russian client state. They're untouchable.
You've consumed too many of your expired watermelons, you're hallucinating again.
Azerbaidjanis are just Turkified Persians
daily reminder
But Safavids were Persian
saying they weren't isn't evidence for anything
azerbaijan is a-okay
they just need to lose the president is all
I have already btfo'd your inbred arab rapebaby kind in all kind of discussions, (F)ersian.
Go back to genociding Assyrians. K*rdshit subhuman.
>being this assblasted
is it because the Safavids were Persian and not T*rk?
Well there is genetic evidence that the Azeris are not a turkic people who settled in the caucasus they are simply a turkified native population of the caucasus.
>all these buttmad persians in this thread
if you don't rejoin iran armenia will conquer all of your lands the next time.
This is Shirvan, a relatively irrelevant khanate who didn't do much in all history. The Safavid expanse began from Ardabil, Iran, a city in real Azerbaijan.
Yeah and there's also genetic evidence that both Azerbaijanis and Iranians are not Indo-European people originally but language shifters. Strange stuff, it's almost as if ethnic identities are not fixed things determined by heritage alone.
What the fuck is thread.
I swear to god we need another Genghis khan .
Iranian Azerbaijan is Azerbaijan proper, the historical Azerbaijan. The Republic of Azerbaijan is closer to be a caucasic FYROM.
>tfw Rommel never linked up with Army Group South to capture the oil fields of Baku
I'm a Turkish Turk, and honestly, I would go to war and fight as if Azerbaijan was Turkey itself.
If Iran was ever declared war against for South Azerbaijan clay, consider millions of Turks fighting on Azeri side.
>Turkish Turk
I.e. a greek-arab mongrel
Turkey would be assraped by Russia while their western "allies" abandon them.
>if you don't rejoin iran armenia will conquer all of your lands the next time.
Not going to happen. Azerbaijan is no longer the poor, weak Soviet shithole it was in the 90's. Azerbaijan is now far more richer and stronger thanks to the Oil money it got from Baku. The government for the last 15 years has been spending and building the military. Azerbaijan has Turkey and Israel as allies. Who does Armenia have? Russia and Iran are too busy with Syria, Iraq, Ukraine, and Yemen to give a damn about an irrelevant region like the Caucasus. Armenia is way more poorer and isolated than Azerbaijan. Armenia also has a declining population thanks to immigration. Azerbaijan's defense spending amounts to Armenia's entire national budget. Armenia will be crushed and Nagorno-Karabakh will be liberated.
How would he get through Iran/Turkey?
Iran was kinda pro-hitler. It remained neutral, but the shah sympathized with Hitler and the neutrality was benefical for Germany as it prevented India and Russia from being conected.
Why do you lie?
The caucasus is not an irrelevant region tho. It's a gate to both armenian allies and therefore very valuable, strategically.
Azerbaijan could spend any amount on its military, and still fuck up. Just like the Arabs, they're incompetence knows no bounds.
Indo-Aryans were R1a, and their North Indias and East "Iranian" descents.
Iranians are G2(mainly present among Georgians) J2(Mainly present among Ingush and Chechen) and J1(mainly present among Saudis, Sudanese, and Yemenis)
>Indo-Aryans were R1a, and their North Indias and East "Iranian" descents.
Indo-Aryans were R1a, like their North Indian and East "Iranian" descents*
look at these mad genocide fodder
I always chuckle at how insanely butthurt the triumverate of subhumans are
armenian, kurd and greek mountain monkeys
Sonn armenia will be a tiny region of Azerbaijan and iran will be balkanized
Why did Azerbaijan fail so badly during this conflict? Was it just mountainous terrain and lack of resources?
Mainly because there was no stable government and army
>South Azerbaijan
It's in Iran already you dumb T*rk. You guys can't defeat a bunch of Kurds in the mountains, fuck outta here lol.
It doesn't matter. Azerbaijan had the upper hand militarily after the fall of the USSR too. And if you think Russia and Iran are going to let a major conflict happen right below and above them, respectively, and not do anything, you're fucking nuts lol.
>Azeris btfo in Karabagh every time
>still talking mad shit
Yah nah fuck off mongols, Armenians have been living peacefully in the caususes for centuries if not millenia.
Why are mongols/turks so bloodthirsy?
>My country being mentioned at Veeky Forums
>Azerbaijan had the upper hand militarily after the fall of the USSR too
no it didn't
>And if you think Russia and Iran are going to let a major conflict happen right below and above them, respectively, and not do anything, you're fucking nuts lol.
Who knows what will happen tomorrow, lol?
>who knows what will happen tomorrow
Fucking retarded mongols cant even have a simple discussion without resorting to fallacies
Mongols are not welcome in my caucuses
the genetics actually say that Azeris are a mix of Turkmens, who had been mixing with Persians and Iranians for centuries, and local caucasians.
Also keep that in mind that some Azeris descended from Alevi Turcomans from Anatolia who have nothing to do with Persians.
sadly that gedmatch result is not clear enough but here have an anotherp pic.
Iran is a made up country Turks have ruled Iran for centuries true Persians were killed off by Seljuks (Buyid Seljuk war) and Safavids now there are only (F)ersians who desperately try to make everything (F)ersian but fail
Lack of resources on which side? did you see the Armenians with 500 carts of ammo vs 10,000, THREE fighters vs nearly 200, 3 helicopters vs 50, half artillery, and fifth of the tanks?
Mountainous terrain is right, as well Armenians are known for turning disadvantageous units on mountains into the cornerstone of their army. Ancient Greeks thought they were crazy for relying so much on horses while being a country that doesn't have a point of elevation lower than 800m, but they were so good they were sought after by even the Persian kingdoms.
Same with tanks, Armenians have amazing tank divisions (they regularly win in the Russian tank olympics), while the other side couldn't figure out how to tank on mountains, so Armenians literally stole several hundred tanks, making up twice their amount.
There were other factors like sending human wave attacks uphill towards a fortress that's repelled invaders since antiquity, and other brainlet tactics.
But honestly, Armenians are just better, they've fought off invaders for millennia now, especially east Armenians, and ESPECIALLY Artsakh which was never conquered, they really know what they're doing.
If you can't beat 20,000 starving peasants using soviet WWII equipment with an army of 65,000 well equipped, oil-funded soldiers including thousands of muj, and rabid islamists and mercenaries from all over the world, with support from Israel, it's time to stop.
>I hope the Azeris scoop up Iranian Azerbaijan.
>cant even take Ngarno Karbakh.
>lost to the Armenians.
>country of 10 million
>can't take a 150k pop. region the size of a village in a country of 2.5 million
>wants to take a 12 million pop region twice their size in a 80 million people country
what exactly is their problem?
>ITT: (F)ersian and Armenian subhuman
A genocide needs to happen. Those 2 low races have never contributed to world so i can't see why we should let them live
Again, why do you lie? Autosomal DNA results show Iranians clustering with people in the Caucasus (Georgians for example), as well as Southern Europeans to them.
Turks will forever be jealous of Persians, culture stealing roaches :^)
(F)ersians cluster with Arabs
>taking dienekes seriously
opinion: discarded
oi vey
ya allah bismillah allahu akbar
that's mtDNA closeness
opinion: discarded
nice paint
>nice paint
>uses an infographic from an anthropology forum full of neckbeards
this is why you're known as donkey turks
>posts some meme charts with no source
>expects me to take him seriously
what's next, that (F)ersians are white aryans not arabs? and Seljuks, Afsharids, Safavids, Qajars were actually (F)ersians?
>donkey turks
it was all a dream
i used to read We Wuz Khans magazine
>Still posting pics from Dienekes the booty blasted Pontic Gr**k
(F)ersians not even once
god turkey is weaponized autism
>my ass is on fireeeeeeeeeeeeeee
>be (f)ersian
>get fucked by Arabs
>Try to recreate your state
>Get fucked by Turks
>try to act superior on the internet
also unlike you i don't look like a bedouin shepherd :DDDDDDDDD
thanks for admitting defeat
>admitting defeat
>posts a retarded chart that he does not understand
damn (F)ersian, you know nothing about genetics at all :DD
>no autosomal proofing
Disregarded, roach.
Damn dude you are like living proof of why your country's education is such a joke.
>My ass is on fire
it's okay, at least you're not wh*Te my (F)ersian friend
>Damn dude you are like living proof of why your country's education is such a joke.
What about (F)ersian education system? Oh wait i forgot, (F)ersians on the internet don't actually live in Iran
>anyone that disagrees with my shitposting is an Iranian
t. Memet al-Arabiarapebaby
Why do T*rkroaches always get so ass-blasted on Veeky Forums?
Well every ottoman thread shows how much euros and for some reason americans have the same happen to them.
I said "(F)ersian". not Iranian
Also your le arabic rapebaby meme does not work on me pic related
now i'm going to bed, this is my last post itt, see you tomorrow (F)ersians.
You aren't fooling anyone, rapebaby.
Why would Europeans or Americans be frustrated over Turk/Ottoman threads? Americans blew out the Ottoman Empire's allies like the Barbary pirates repeatedly despite themselves being a fledgling nation and other then REEE beating Byzantine threads over ad naseum, there's just a daily shitpost Turk thread posting exaggerated map of the Ottomans at the greatest reach.
>my eye
Thanks for breaking global rules with signing your posts, basically the same as avatar-fagging you got blown out over earlier this week with your gay ass trip.
Again, everyone hates you. Even calling you "people" is insulting to the rest of the human race.
So you are from reddit too.
you look like a mutt shitskin lol
Where's the fold, faggot?
>beady eyed
>barely "vaguely" Mongoloid eye shape
You are a living breathing example of why you are more then likely a mutt Anatolian-Semitic mixed "Turk" whose LARPING hard.
that's actually him. i've seen him on pol too.
are you a newfag or don't post on pol?
he actually doesn't care about being arab or not calling him white triggers him for some reasons
he's from Giresun and half of Turkey got rangebanned from pol because of him and 2-3 other Turks who made anti white threads
calling him white triggers him*
I stopped giving a shit about /pol/ years ago.
okay then.
also i didn't know persians were this butthurt about us
T*rkscum please, I am G*rman.
okay whatever but i was referring to that persian butthurt itt