Six day war

How did israel manange to beat so many countries all by itself in just six days?

american military aid

Preemption, a very competent air force, and they were fighting against Arabs

American aid only does so much
Remember Vietnam?

The kikes strike the Ar*bs pre emptively destroying their forces in deployment basically catching them with their pants down
Also the Israeli air force annihilated arab planes on the ground meaning they have not just air superiority,but supremacy

Jordanian actually was pretty competent
Too bad you cant say that for Egypt or Syr*a

>israeli air force exists without US aid
>israel is calling the shots and not the US by using them to further US interests in the region

1. Preemptive strikes. Israel hit all parties before they could even mobilize or get their aircraft off the ground.

2. speed. coupled with the first-strike advantage Israel had, the IDF had no trouble smashing through the broken Egyptian/Syrian lines as they had no arrangements for defensive positions along the border, with Egypt leaving the entire Sinai open for the taking with no defensive lines set up.

3. American military equipment. with the Egyptians and other parties using equipment and vehicles that were 20+ years behind the times, with the Syrians even using German Panzer IV's procured from Czechoslovakia, which just couldn't cut it in 1967.

4. almost no communication between the Arab states. There was no coordination between the Arab states in synchronizing their forces under a unified command, with each side receiving conflicting orders from confused parties who didn't share information as it developed on the battlefield, leading to their armies just being disorganized messes through the entire week.

The arabs received soviet aid too
Yet they achieved shit

Egypt HAD a solid air force 1966, but they, like the Jordanian army were completely unprepared and quickly overrun

Before one can even begin to look at the aftermath and victory of the Israelis, you have to understand how the Arab Israeli conflict managed to flash over in '67.

TL;DR: The Six Day War is the USSR's fault

You know by now that the Arab states, and Egypt in particular, were already at odds with Israel after the ashes crisis in the '50s. The Suez Crisis was essentially the starting point of the Arab Israeli "Cold War", where both sides began investing much more money and manpower into their defense, more so than after the 1948 Arab-Israeli war. Egypt had been humiliated by a multilateral force of the Brits, French, and Israelis, and the Egyptian government had found friends in the Soviet government. Syria had also found friends there. Jordan, though also Arab and at odds with Israel, was more friendly to the American government and received much of their military aid from The United States. Those ties to superpowers didn't stop Jordan from agreeing to intervene if a joint Egyptian-Syrian military was mobilized against Israel. Prior to the '67 war, the United States, despite being a supplier to Jordan, was rather agnostic about Israel, more so than Britain and France, which were Israel's main suppliers prior to 1967 (the US still wouldn't be as large of a supplier to Israel until during the 1973 War, when the CIA found out Golda Meir was ordering nuclear Jericho missiles and nuclear armed jets to be placed on standby for a strike- This resulted in an emergency airlift of tanks and weapons on the part of the Americans out of fear of Cairo and Damascus getting glassed, but that is its own story entirely). So by 1967 the Syrians and Egyptians had formidible militaries on paper, with a mix of new Soviet equipment and older Soviet equipment. Israel also had upgraded American tanks that were bought from the French, as well as a mix of French and British air and land vehicles. In the weeks before the war broke out, the USSR had been monitoring the Middle East...

...when they sent an urgent massage to Cairo informing the leadership that Israeli forces were mobilizing in the Negev in what appeared to be an invasion force. In fear of erring caught off guard, the Egyptians mobilized a massive force in the Sinai and called up the Syrian command to mobilize the second constituent of the Egyptian-Syrian joint military operation. This Soviet "intelligence" would turn out to be false, and it would be the destabilizing force that would spiral the precarious region into war. Unlike the supposed Israeli mobilization, the Arab mobilization was real. When Israel learned of the thousands of Arab soldiers moving to the border regions, the decision to mobilize the IDF (for real this time) was made. Fearing that the Arab mobilizations were for an offensive operation, the IDF launched a preemptive strike. The strike crippled the Arab air forces early on, and discord between the Egyptian and Syrian forces continued to cause issues throughout the conflict, helping Israel assure a victory in the 1967 War.

So there you have it. The Soviets spooked the Egyptians that spooked the Israelis.

Israel had French jets in that war sweety

>when you give faulty intelligence to your allies telling them their enemies are mobilizing and so your allies mobilize their militaries in response but their enemy isn't actually mobilizing and now you have essentially sent thousands of friendly soldiers running towards their enemy's borders so now their enemies think your allies are about to invade them so they mobilize for real and launch preemptive strikes on your allies and absolutely decimate them so you have to threaten to intervene in the behalf of your allies to stop the proxy war you started on accident

We need a smiling KGB/USSR Picardia/meme ball for this.

Thank you, that was very interesting and informative

Its also important to note how much the arab air forces got BTFO'd immediately and gave the israelis a huge advantage.

Israel sunk the Liberty during the Six day war. If America was calling the shots during the war, I doubt that would've happened.

fascinating. do you have any recommended readings on this? books?

Until 1973, Lebanon was receiving more US military aid than Israel. To say they were receiving a shit ton from the US in 1967 is ahistorical and proves you know little of this conflict.

>he doesn't know the USS Liberty sinking was a false flag that Lyndon B. Johnson and the US were well aware of and were hoping to blame on Egypt so they could declare war on them

>With the exception of Jordan, the Arabs relied principally on Soviet weaponry. Jordan's army was equipped with American weaponry, and its air force was composed of British aircraft.
>Egypt had by far the largest and the most modern of all the Arab air forces, consisting of about 420 combat aircraft,[56] all of them Soviet-built and with a heavy quota of top-of-the-line MiG-21s. Of particular concern to the Israelis were the 30 Tu-16 "Badger" medium bombers, capable of inflicting heavy damage on Israeli military and civilian centers.
>Israeli weapons were mainly of Western origin. Its air force was composed principally of French aircraft, while its armored units were mostly of British and American design and manufacture. Some infantry weapons, including the ubiquitous Uzi, were of Israeli origin.

I don't think the Arabs air force would have even done much even if they hadn't been completely destroyed on the runways. The Arabs completely lacked personal initiative and deffered decisions/judgment to higher command, and just would have been shot down by better trained Israeli pilots. Look at the Yom-Kippur war. Egypt trained and planned for years just to cross the Suez Canal, and when they finally did it they absolutely BTFOd the Israelis in the opening of the war but once a few days past and they got into time/territory they hadn't trained for, the Egyptian army got fucked.

All points are valid aside for your 3rd point. Most of Israelis weapons were British and French, it wasn't till the Yom Kippur War that Americans really got involved.

excuse the god-awful grammar

(((Who could have possibly given the soviets false information, effectively an Intel false flag)))

Shithead commies

Damn thanks man

This dude barely gets mentioned, but the intel gathered by Eli Cohen had Syria fucked. He was the Chief Adviser to the Minister of Defense for Syria as a Zionist Spy and in a seemingly-innocent way he advised them to plant trees in the Golan Heights to shade Syria’s sentries from the sun, but all it did was make Syrian soldiers easy targets for Israel. It was genius. He also planted these specific type of plant for Syrian snipers, then tipped off Israel to just fire when they see that type of plant to easily get them.