Why did he really hate Jews when there were roughly 10 jews in the entirety of Spain?
Why did he really hate Jews when there were roughly 10 jews in the entirety of Spain?
>Moreover Germany is not, as believe those fond of broad generalizations, the country of discipline, despite appearing to be so outwardly. The Germans are a very special people. They sing very well together in choral groups, they march to the same martial step; but every movement of indiscipline, of rebellion in the world, reminiscent of Spartacus, originated in Germany.[30]
Maybe for the same reason although Jews are like 1 percent of the US population occupy the highest positions of power?
But I dont know if he really hate jews or you're lying actually.
So true.
100% true, but not a bad thing at all. Kill fascists, kill emperors, kill commies. Rebel against all authority.
Because Jews hate culture and purity
>the people that gave us Seinfeld
>hating culture and purity
Jews actually have a very strong sense of culture: in so far as their ethnicity/nation is intrinsically linked to a religion, whose scripture is a history of its people, and a long historical lineage back to ten fucking tribes in some ancient desert
as for purity, try marrying a Jew as a non-Jew. keeping it pure/inbred is why Jews have a certain 'look' (i.e. the nose)
>Jews are like 1 percent of the US population occupy the highest positions of power?
I thought the Spanish version of Jews were Freemasons
Unless Freemasons are really (((Freemasons)))
Grow up.
>le founding fathers were in le wrong and should have just respected muh crown
Fuck off reddit
It's both.
>rebel against every authority
>except the state which we just founded hehehe
Also yes, they were completely wrong, basically every point of theirs was invalid. Read the strictures upon the declaration of independence.
>hurr durr ur being racist against racists
>hurr durr u have faith in atheism
>hurr durr more retarded semantics games
Definitely a Marxist.
>Moreover Germany is not, as believe those fond of broad generalizations, the country of discipline, despite appearing to be so outwardly. The Germans are a very special people. They sing very well together in choral groups, they march to the same martial step; but every movement of indiscipline, of rebellion in the world, reminiscent of Spartacus, originated in Germany
holy shit
>t. Obesistani getting his political outlook from jewish Captain America comic books
They love purity and culture among themselves, but in the culture they are in they try to distrupt and remove so there is no unity among people who will try to over throw them......
I actually don't believe that, I find it hilarious making up anti Jew theories because Veeky Forums is full of retards who think Jews are some hive mind who tries to dominate the world
WEW. Almost got me there.
Because people back then knew their history. They were not atomized cucks.
>treats jews like shit and force them to convert
>act surprised when they welcome a more tolerant power.
If jews were so oppressed why didn't they just move? Also even if welcoming the muslim conquerors was a rational thing for the jews to do doesn't mean the local Christian population shouldn't hold a grudge about it.
Because they collaborated with muslims during the reconquista?
If Christians were so oppressed by the Moors why didn't they just move?
Because Spain was their native land. Jews just moved there to do (((business))). And when jews were expelled from Spain they just moved to the Ottoman Empire they didn't mind they are like locusts even though they still kvetch about it to this day.
Visigoths aren't native to Spain
Are you seriously trying to compare the political and military elite with the masses of people that form the backbone of the nation? Go read how migrations in the early Middle Ages worked
I fail to see how christianity is native to the iberian peninsula. If they already renounced their indigenous religions for one abrahamic religion they might as well embrace another flavor, neither of which has any "claim" to the land or is more native.
So, how was highschool? Got bullied again? Sad.
There was this one jew who spilled soup on his lap years ago and he never forgave him.
They moved to the north and fought with other christians to retake their land
>how christianity is native to the iberian peninsula
Spain is god's land. He sent St. James and San Millan to get rid of the muslim meanance
>Open the gate for Muslim invaders
>Act surprised when people hold a grudge
What was that Russian phrase, "A Jew will tell you he is hated but will never tell you why"?
Jews have a 75 percent intermarriage rate.
Nationalism. See this bow and yoke symbol? It was first used by Isabella and Ferdinand, the Catholic Kings. Like most falangist symbols, actually. You know the opinion of this sweet couple about jews, right?
The Jews hate Muslims meme is a farce and they historically always teamed up
Good thing that visigoths were like a couple of thousand dudes and the rest of the jew haters were the natives. Goths were despised too before they adapted to local customs. The catholic population was totally butthurt about their overlords being arrianists.
The jews hate everyone. The muslims just were stupid and refused to learn from christians being betrayed, now they face the consequences. The USA will suffer the same fate once a better suitor than them emerges.
Can you blame them?