Who had more advanced civilization, Mesoamericans or Incas?
Who had more advanced civilization, Mesoamericans or Incas?
>inb4 Eurangutans
Not a fair comparison. Incas are one civilization while Mesoamerica is like four dozen civilizations.
Both were fucking advanced, and had many impressive achievements for
>le backwards savages
>asspainiards destroyed the indios and converted them to cucktianity, disappearing a lot of their culture
>now we lack a lot of information that must be reconstructed and barely hypothetized
>lot of job must be done thanks to their retardation
Fucking protobeaners making history difficult
Spain has contributed NOTHING of value to civilization
The Inca had conquered the most advanced pre-columbian civilization, namely the Chimu
So the Inca beat the various mesoamericans
they farmed gold for the rest of yurop and then went broke. that was a sacrifice.
but for the first modern novel
Thanks to them flooding the market with cheap American gold and causing a catastrophic inflation, my country's economy (Hungary) fucking collapsed. We were providing 80% of European gold and silver before that.
>be spaniard
>be retarded
>take gold from the New World
>be so dumb that you accumulate so much gold it devaluates its prize im Europe
Lol dumb bastards
The superior civilization always wins and colonizes and converts people
Like when spain got musulmaned?
Technologically the Visigoths were on par with the Berbers. And Tariq's incursion was meant to be a small raid into southern Spain which turned into a huge invasion after King Roderick's autism failed to defeat the smaller force.
I get it, arabs and middle-easterns are superior because they are replacing europeans, alright.
>implying it was not done a long time ago
there were dozens of andean civilizations before quechuas
I find it astonishing that both regions never learned about the existence of the other.
You're too quixotic for this thread, user.
They were both young, weren't they? They could have in time given the right circumstances.
So neoliberal capitalism will lose against chinese style authoritarian capitalism huh?
They weren't really seafaring people and if you look at a map of the region that lies between them is a very dense and dismal swamp area.
Chimu, the conquered civilization by the Inca had already made a trade route with western Mexicans.
>be spaniard
>be retarded
my thesis tbqh
I don't think its very easy to say which civilization was more advanced, especially for historical ones. There are a lot of different things that affect how advanced they were, especially since we know so little - building higher with better materials doesn't neccesarily effect people's lives or what have you.
The tawantinsuyu was the greatest empire ogf the amrericas, plus the Caral Culture, oldest of the americas too
Caral civilization is interesting as fuck.
Pyramids, oldest known civilization in the Americas, and proto-quipus.
It's a shame they never developed a written script like the Sumerians. We might have had a more complete and in depth history and picture of the pre-columbian Andes.
Then again, if they did have a literary culture, the Spaniards would've just burned it all.
IIRC they had 2-3x the population that the Aztec Empire did. About as many people as Germany had at the time.
Gail silverman has found correlations of quechua vocables on several symbols of the tocapu textil imagery. It's based on the arachaic phase of chinese writting, which Inca symbology of tocapus actually resembles pretty much to a certain degree. She already named several suffixes and probable substantives.
There is a lot of work to do.
Pre-inca cultures had a more natural symbols (literal mountains and curves), the Incas had similar ones which were more estylized.
That "inflation" was responsible for the economic miracle of Europe, for it replaced cash scarcity and barter economies declined with an actually viable money supply. Also you failed to mention how your good friends the Habsurgs looted the Spanish treasury to support their quest for Europe wide domination.
Unlike Europa Universalis, in the real world deflation is accompanied by declining or even negative real GDP movement, which is usually associated with depression. Growth requires inflation, as it is an indicator of demand. Of course until modern times most countries didn't know this, which is why the historical assessments cannot be trusted.
Spanish decline is most associated with the rise in the tax exempt class, which is what leads to a reliance on foreign bullion in the first place. Tax deductions for the rich sound great in practice, but the country as a whole will pay the price. (Spain experienced a similar growth curve to modern oil rich nations.)
Also, in b4 someone mentions Iberian silver inflation as causing the Punic War, since it was used to maintain intercontinental trade accounts, if you want someone to blame, call out Brutus for dumping disposable amphorae on the market, which effectively killed the mid-range amphorae producers.
>Raped and pillaged by the Romans for their silver for hundreds of years
>Head to the Americas to rape and pillage for silver to compensate
>Crash your fucking economy and go from superpower to zero for hundreds of years
The incas didn't have civilization
They sacrificed themselves so the dutch and anglos could come to learn what inflation is.
Yea but OP only mentioned Incas. Inca vs Aztec or Inca vs Maya is fine. But not Inca vs Aztec, Maya, Mixtec, Tarascan, Zapotec, Olmec, Colima, Totoancs, Huastecs, Otomies, Tlaxcala, Toltecs etc.
Really? Is there any more to this? Links? Discoveries? You have my interest now.
So were those odd geometric symbols you see on those quilts and in other andean clothing and souvenirs like a logographic script?
How long has that been around? Can it be attested to the Caral civilization? Is it as old as the quipu or is there still lack of knowledge there? Is it coastal (Chimu and Moche) or from the south or from the altiplano area? Or is it found in all areas of the Central Andes?
Get out eurangutan
Don't use my word, faggot.
I'll answer your questions in 4 hours from now more or less.
Lol butthurt poopyskin
I've read 1491 and 1493, and Aztec philosophy by James Maffie. What else could I read to learn more about the Americas?
Actually Incas were superior to europeans.
Túpac Yupanqui, descubridor de Oceanía - Jose Antonio del Busto Duthurburu
> Lol butthurt poopyskin
This. No writing, no civilization. They were barely better than niggers.
Wrong. They reached America 15000 years after europeans settled on yuropland. Yet they reached the bronze age in less time than eurangutan savages.
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Deal with it, chimp.
t. physically repulsive Perunigger
Inca """culture"""
Niggers had writing
Try again with some facts, monkeys. Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it, subhuman euchimpeans.
You seem knowledgeable. What are your sources? Got any recs?
>What are your sources?
Of Inca superiority? On what?
Indio mad?
Then why did they btfo by the spaniards?
You still around? I'd be interested in seeing your answer to those questions.
Let's at least try to get back on topic lads.
What did the Incas have the mesoamericans didn't and vice versa?
The other thread of American discovery explains it pretty much. Maybe tomorrow if you are still here, I can tell you some info.
Incas had bronze military and cultural wide uses, mesoamerican civs had complex economy relations and trade systems, also they had better architectural structures.
Aztecs had popcorn incas had bronze
For the same reasons eurangutans are being replaced by mexican mongrels and arab peasants.
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Deal with it.
Legal immigration?
I dont think thats how the europeans conquered the americas bud
I guess europeans just simply are superior to the incas
Not sure what Incas had but Mesoamerica had the following:
Arches, suspension bridges, apartments, multi storied palaces, canals, aqueducts, domed roofs, houses made of stone and concrete, or mud, wood etc.
Large cities 250,000 (Tenochtitlan), Teotihuacan (150,000-250,000), Cholula (100,000), El Mirador (100,000) Tikal (50,000) etc.
Chinampas (floating gardens), milpas (including the three sisters technique), slash and burn, terraces (including raised ones), orchards and garden plots, irrigations
Writing systems (logographic and syllabic)
Numeral systems (vegisimal)
Art styles ranging from natural (realistic) to highly symbolic and stylized.
Art in stone, ceramic, obsidian, shell, jade, turquoise mosaics, feather, textile, murals, books, gold and copper smiths.
Currencies of cacao beans, copper ax heads, textile, gold dust and jade beads.
Wheels (but had little use for them outside toys)
Road systems (see merchant highways and sak be)
Metallurgy in gold and copper combinations for jewelry and ax heads (Maya and Tarascans used them as weapons)
Weapons of obsidian and flint primarily with some using copper too. Javeline throwers, spears (including barbed and fire hardened varieties as well as bladed long spears), bow and arrows, macuahuitl, slingers, stone throwers for sieges, cotton armor (corselets and full suit types), wooden shields or cotton fold up shields, siege towers, wooden maces, and thrown things made of obsidian (could be throwing knife or something like ninja stars) and poison gases.
Extensive poetry, histories and prayers sung and in literature.
Schools (in case of Aztecs for all classes including slaves).
Extensive medicinal knowledge, cures and remedies (Cortes even commenting they better doctors than Spain and there was no need to send any).
Legal systems with court systems, judges and attorneys (Merchants in the case of Aztecs had their own legal systems and police force in the markets).
Merchants had long distance trade networks that traded with southwest usa, the caribbean, south america, perhaps mississippians too).
Well developed philosophies.
If we can get an Incaboo to chime in we could properly compare and contrast.
Wrong. Law is influential to those who allow the government to order them.
Incas were superior to europeans. History demonstrates it. Get over it, chimp.
Can we consider the cultures conquered by the Inca? The Chimu is one of the most advanced in precolumbian America.
The Incas, hauling those stones up such high altitudes and cutting them with laser precision wasn't easy.
This JPG compression looks like shit.
The Inca fortress Saqsayhuaman. upload.wikimedia.org
But they kinda did.
It's size is like a small stadium IIRC. And the wall length is more than 1km more or less.
I'll just make a new thread.
same reason the aliens got btfo in war of the worlds
euro babarians are filthy, smelly disease vectors
You are underselling how good hydro-engineers the aztecs are here
>Indian shit eater calling Arabs "peasants"
We have some of the richest people on Earth while you live in your own filth.
not him, but some of you happen to live on some of the worlds greatest oil reserves. And the euro/u.s lets you keep it, as long as you remain our bitch.
False, were the mongols a superior civilization than China or the muslim cities they destroyed? The spanish were not a superior civilization just were not isolated from the world and thus had better weapons.
Agree they were amazing, this is older than the oldest pyramid in egypt.
>happen to live
Probably because God loves us and hates your savage ass?
Pretty much the Spaniards are akin to the Germanic tribes that invaded Rome, the Mongols which invaded Persia and China, the Sea People that invaded the Levant, Greece and Egypt. Sometimes the superior civilizations lose against invading barbarian brutes.