Since when did we become more significant?
Look at the replies
*teleports into your attic*
"Oy Vey! Hello user. I am here to liberate you from your sexual frustration and general dissatisfaction with life. I will be your eternal soulmate and most intimate companion. I will cheer your in success, comfort you in failure, and bear you many beautiful and gifted children. All I require of you is to forever renounce the evil and morally corrupt ideology of National Socialism and pledge your sword, life and heart to me. Pregnant Anne Frank, Queen of Veeky Forums."
The War of Liberation has begun. Time to shitpost /pol/ into oblivion.
Trigger pol is now a thing in Veeky Forums
Why does this statement make me so proud? It's a fucking history image board on an anime site
It is our sworn duty to liberate this world of /pol/
fire up the cuck porn boys.
>tfw no Femen gf
>Dresden Bombocaust
Reads Kurt Vonnegut once
You wouldn't want that.
You can't say that for sure until you've tried
GF in general is a pretty terrible thing to have. Trust me I've been there.
>/pol/ exists as the axis
>Veeky Forums provides the allied counter balance
>will liberate the four chins from /pol/ oppression
>in the process by sheer fate Veeky Forums starts posting Anne Frank jew cuck green texts
>/pol/s fascist insecure closet cuck madness is obliterated into dust
>but in its ashes we find that Veeky Forums in the process of destroying /pol/ has become the jew cuck loving degenerate lefty /pol/ that /pol/ said it would
>history repeats itself, the cycle is unbroken and Veeky Forums becomes the new /pol/ oppressing the smaller boards till a new champion comes to dethrone Veeky Forums
The cycle of shitposting continues. Only is this our only choice?
>/pol/ is the cancer, Veeky Forums is the answer
I like what I am reading
>in the process by sheer fate Veeky Forums starts posting Anne Frank jew cuck green texts
Most of the greentexts are fairly wholesome though.
I'm just saying if Veeky Forums will inherit the darkness and supplant /pol/, as /pol/ did to /b/ before it. But do we have to perish to (my money is on) /po/ or can, with our master philosophers, historians, and theologians, break the cycle and become something greater?
Or are we just anti /pol/ destined to burn in hell?
>Only is this our only choice?
Yes, the cycle must be completed. Bad things happen when you mess with fate.
>entirety of Veeky Forums gets taken over by screaming waves of redditors flooding out of /po/ taking derailing every discussion to rant about origami
Wouldn't even mind.
Jesus Christ this is fucking retarded as hell. Veeky Forums needs to get deleted and all these retards fuck back off to /b/ or infinity chan
Is there anything beyond the scope of stormfaggotry, beyond the reach of cucks?
I'm very serious with this question but what if Bomber Harris turned into an Anaconda? I really want to know what he would do if he became an Anaconda. Would he slither into Dresden and eat the villagers after constricting them to death?
>t. assblasted kraut
Someone in another thread was trying to convince another user who's friend works on the Rick & Morty production team to insert the Anne Frank copypasta into the plot of an episode.
If reddit went completely batshit over some shitty McDonalds dipping sauce, imagine how they'll react when they figure out the source material for that.
The Word of God.
Assuming that Veeky Forums in some way destroys /pol/ (which, at this stage of development, isn't certain at all), there will be a power vacuum that has to be filled. Veeky Forums would continue to "liberate" other boards just by the momentum of having to duke it out against /pol/, and we would almost certainly end up becoming the new tyrant.
Only way to break the cycle is to keep wartime production at a minimum, and wear down /pol/ influence slowly, NOT giving into the faster / more immediate results of /leftypol/ forces to combat /pol/.
>In the end it was all a Study of History
why would you want that?
lucky you, they are literally everywhere across all college campuses, take your pick at the lot.
I think you're thinking too small.
What Veeky Forums seems to be, is a possible (one of many) possible ways of tackling the /pol/ problem.
It's the preferred way, largely due to it's ability to keep up a sense of banter with regards to historical events and philosophy.
If there is a thing that could kill Veeky Forums, it's buying in to it's own memes too much, or taking things too seriously. It must preserve some sense of levity with regards to it all.
Go back to /k/ you gun nuts.
I've literally been here since day one of Veeky Forums.
>Or are we just anti /pol/ destined to burn in hell?
>irrational simplist enemy that is shoehorned into everything
>the shame shoddy style of proving le great theory to explain the world
>constantly screeching the other side is worse, constantly justifying fucked up own behaviour with the /pol/ boogyman
Veeky Forums is doomed at this point. It was a better board when /rel/ shitposting was the problem.
>that chicken wing
Simple, be far more radical than them, and anyone who disagrees, you call them out as cucks and betas.
No you call them drumpf supporters and rural and suburban retards
>wanting an antifa gf
Our story begins many moons ago, long before the age of /bant/ and Veeky Forums, when /b/ ruled the 4 realms of chan. However /b/'s rule was supplanted by its own son, and from the pits of random and chaos, /pol/ emerged to take the throne of the board of boards.
Now as I am sure you know /pol/ was obsessed with order amd control. From fascism to anti immigration /pol/ towed a hard line one what it called "degeneracy", Jews, and chucks. This desire for control perhaps came about because secretly /pol/ knew that it would never shake off the chaos that its father left and it was not in control.
One by one the boards of the 4 chans fell to /pol/s constant shitposting for fear that one day a board would emerge that would embody the very chaos and degeneracy that /pol/ so deeply hated and yet longed for.
But their was some who resisted.
A last alliance of history and humanitys took it upon themselves to cast off the works of darkness and step into the light. To inherit from /pol/ and /b/ before him.
But the fates who weave all that is, was, and will be are both wicked and cruel, and so it was that Veeky Forums destoryed /pol/ through fire and smoke, like that of the Lancaster that swoops over germanina leaving ash in its wake.
But all the philosophers and theologians could not bend the fate of Veeky Forums that has, will, and is been written, who used methods so perverse to destroy /pol/ they became the moster that /pol/ foretold, with wickedly degenerate semetic cuckold lust.
And so the cycle continies, one day the chaos of Veeky Forums will be suppresed and order, or servitude, will return to these many boards.
But is fate written, or do we carve the sands of time with sheer force will?
Must the cycle continue or can the shackles of destiny be broken?
Can Veeky Forums make something more of this golden age of memes in which we live?
History is in the past, and yet it is written in the present, and guides the future.
No it isn't. Having a relationship you don't want is terrible, yes, but the whole point of a "gf" is that you date somebody who you enjoy spending time with.
If you start spending time with people based on who they are instead of who you'd like them to be/who you think YOU should hang out with you'll be much happier.
aren't most of them just paid hookers? go get yourself a hooker.
I agree with you there, on keeping things light and non-serious - what I was trying to warn about was buying into /leftypol/ memes too hard, because, even though they can be very effective at angering /pol/, they take themselves WAY to seriously, same as /pol/ nowadays.
That's why I like stuff like anne frank posting or charlie posting, it's really harmless fun that gets the pregnancy fetishists going and slightly triggers polacks, though charlie doesn't really get their knickers in a twist like anne frank or Bomber Harris (do it again).
the anne frank stuff seems more like it was made by polacks than anything.
>Bomber Harris
Peace be upon him
The pregnant Anne Frank x Jeff Mangum copypasta originated on /pol/, then a drawfag (peace be upon him, please do more soon) did a few pregnant Anne Frank sketches. He has since inspired at least one other full-sized copypasta (from /k/) and a number of greentexts from Veeky Forums
Someone did an Anne Frank x Charles II drawing yesterday, not sure if it's the same drawfag, hopefully it is.
muh dik
/pol/ invaded Veeky Forums and now Veeky Forums invades /k/
it's like anglos invading england and then england invading ireland
Why does this exist?
Holy fuck the cringe lmao
yeah like that doesnt attracks more of those losers to our board
Charlie finally got an heir.
The ones being cucked are usually the Nazis and Fascists though. leftypol would be the bull in that situation.
Jesus christ this thread is peak larp.
Someone plz color this...
Also add a Star of David on the pendant to make it more obvious.
lol, they're just half naked feminists.
Yeah, good luck with that
Now draw the baby
We're crashing this timeline...
Draw Anne Frank breastfeeding Charles II's baby
>charlie couldn't save her from the nazi inquisition IRL
>now /pol/ think that antifa subverted Veeky Forums
/pol/ > Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums > /pol/
>Veeky Forums > /pol/
both teen narrative boards lad, angry kids googling to see which opinion they will hold about something instead of learning about it and then making the decision.
they are exactly the same
Then y are you here
To correct you
then leave
Stop arguing and pledge your loyalty to the King and Queen of Veeky Forums
Why not?
Oh fuck, /k/ is being used as a battleground between Veeky Forums and /pol/
these are ironic right
Ok, I love Jewish people now
Of course not. TIME TO #resist
Needs color 9/10
... with no survivors ... except CII+AF.
Purr fucking cancer.
Guess Veeky Forums is mostly made up of former ledditors from /r/AskHistorians after all lmao
>This kills the Veeky Forumstrionic
But leddit hates the Allies.
>3.2 million
>13 million
Where the fuck are they getting these numbers from?
Pic related is the losses on the eastern front alone.
And here's USSR
Estimates range from 9 million to 13 million depending on what part of the Russian Government you ask.
>5 million
Estimates are between 4 to 5 million depending on which part of the German government / which historian you ask