If it weren't for religion my father wouldn't be in hell for killing himself.
Feels bad man, fuck religion.
I could hear the guy in the audience shouting "YEAH!" as I read this.
So these... are the philosophers of the 21st century......... not bad not bad at all....
Yes user, I see you posted a picture containing a quote.
Now what the fuck is your argument?
>thing thing THING thing thing thing thing
>insubstantial affirmations
General education was a mistake
Religion has existed for many thousands of years in every society because the kinds of explanations it provides are precisely the kinds that come naturally to human minds. Science, on the other hand, is a much more recent and rare development because it reaches radical conclusions and requires a kind of abstract thinking that only arises consistently under very specific social conditions. Religion makes intuitive sense to us, while science requires a lot of work.
So no, religion didn't "happen" to mankind. Religion is natural, it is a continuation of mankind. Science happened to mankind, and we have gained much wealth and lost some identity to it. Religion didn't happen, it was always there, its part of us.
>Science, on the other hand, is a much more recent and rare development because it reaches radical conclusions and requires a kind of abstract thinking that only arises consistently under very specific social conditions
>implying "science" is a unitary discipline, synonymous with "magic"
>Ignoring the fact that all the arts, laws and values that make up western civ have their origins in christianity
People this dense
The 'muh wars' arguments is literally the most fedora thing ever, most wars were political anyway and wars are necessary to human development and fought without religion nevertheless
Read about it. You are it.
Religion is cancer indeed.
>wars are necessary to human development
I disagree.
Dead pagan philosophers want to dissagree
who doesn't want to live in an atheist society where everyone is ready to exploit you and backstab you at every chance
You have to at least agree that they do speed up scientific advancement
Science alone amounts to nothing.
Fight me.
Sometimes they do, sometimes they impede or even set it back.
>blaming human nature on an abstract concept
Just as much as science does also to every other ideology.
During WW2 they focused on rush developing new "products" as opposed to fundamental research. The Manhattan project didn't discover nuclear physics or verify mass-energy equivalence, it just figured out how to make fissile materials go boom. They took fighter planes based on civilian racing planes and increased their top speed by 50% in a few years. Nazi scientists poured money into rocketry and jets in a panic near the end of the war and came up with a few neat things. It looks impressive, but how much of a contribution was this to science as a whole?
>Gutenberg learns to make movable type while producing intricate badges for religious pilgrims
>religion never did anything good
People who think religion is the source of all the problems we have today are just straight up retarted
It's a good job there aren't any people like that then.
>George Carlin
Literally r*ddit: the comedian
dude im burning in eternal hellfire
>Religion isn't bad because my violent ideology grew up!
That whole argument is completely devoid of substance. You can open a history book and see for yourself the effects of religion on mankind. The truth is that you're going to come across many more instances where religion was a detrimental force. The problem is that critics of religion just stop there and draw their conclusion: "religion must be bad". The reality is that religious belief is so commonplace in nearly every location and time period, no contemporary would even bother to attribute faith as a motivation for his actions. Religion permeated all of society, entire populations felt the moral tug of religion one way or another, whether it be towards benevolence or malice.
If your whole argument is just:
>look at all these atrocities committed in the name of religion
>if it weren't for religion, none of these bad things would have happened
To suggest such a thing is to suggest that all atrocities bound to some form of religious strife through happenstance would not otherwise be perpetrated in the name of some non-spiritual ideology or secular dogma. It's a common, but duly acquired, stereotype that atheists act like a bunch of no-it-all teenagers. Somehow each and every one knows with certainty that if they could just snap their fingers and magically erase any concept of spirituality from all of history, the story of mankind leading up to the present would find us in a perpetual golden age, higher evolved beings in all ways imaginable.
This is exactly why I say the "Atheist Mugshot + Clever Quote" meme lacks substance. No one wants to do their homework and yet all want the satisfactions of "knowing" the right answer. The truth is that most of the annoying or militant atheists out there think so lowly of other's viewpoints they don't bother reflecting on their own. They hide behind the faces of notable intellectual non-believers so they can point out the high mindedness of their lot. They construct absolute truths out out of clever 20 word quotes.
I would have done the same if my son were such a huge faggot