Why weren't the Germans exterminated after WW2? They were already given a second chance.
Why weren't the Germans exterminated after WW2? They were already given a second chance
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What do you think how a world order would look like where exterminating a defeated enemy is considered ok.
In our timeline, we didn't have WW3 because of nukes. But if you already know that if you lose, your people are gonna get genocided anyways, there is really no reason to fear a nuclear war.
Mods, please.
Versailles was not harsh enough in the first place, Germany should have been permanently dissolved into separate states so they could never coaslesce as a great power again.
Not all people. Just G*rmans.
and you think other countries would say "ok, they genocided germans, but i am sure they wont do anything to us"
Pretty much yeah. They are a universally hated group.
Among autists on Veeky Forums, maybe.
Also all Europeans.
Anything to back that up?
Succes breeds jealousy
You say it like it's a good thing if they had done this. Whilst you ignore the fact of how bad it'd make the allies look if they genocided millions of people, just because they did it. There's a reason that Hitler is seen as such a bad person, and it's because he killed millions of civilians during a time of war, for no real reason.
The reason the allies kept it classified that the holocaust was occurring until the end of the war in the first place, was to prevent people from just mass-killing German prisoners of War, sure it didn't fully stop it. But imagine if a regular soldier knew that the Germans were exterminated people, they wouldn't of held any sympathy for the Germans after that.
Try going to Europe sometime.
I am in Europe.
See "contemporary Europe"
Nigger most people hate Germans. How sheltered are you if you haven't noticed that.
Obviously Germany doesn't count Hans.
fear of commies, every anglo was crapping their little pants the big bad russian cock will penetrate your soft little asses, so you thought
>hey they put up quite a fight against them what if we turn them into our vassals
>Nigger just believe me, I swear, no I'm not gonna base that on facts
Show some kind of statistic, source anything.
Except this time there would be a real reason and it would be justified.
Did you even read the fucking article.
>It's generally positive except among Polacks and Dutch who do have a history of Anti-German sentiment
>Then you reach the part regarding the EU Debt Crisis and the anti-German sentiment harbored by fiscally irresponsible countries.
Yeap, "All of Europe."
If you knew for sure that captured German commited atrocities, yes, but for your information almost the entire male population of Germany fought and was later captured, and no, the overwhelming majority did not participate in the murders, therefore it would not be justified.
>a (((poll)))
I wonder who could be behind this post eh Hans Grubenheim?
There should be no mercy for defeated enemies, otherwise feelings of resentment and vengeance will accumulate (see Versailles)
Well you should read further how the Dutch feel today, also it says 84% of Greeks dislike Merkel but only 24% of Greeks dislike Germans.
since its bbc, i would imagine the eternal anglo is behind it
Oh, the 24% of Greeks are those who think positively of Germans, so you're right there.
Canada and Britain were at two and three in the world respectively.
then nobody will ever again surrender to you, every war you wage will be a total war, and other countries will gang up on you because they dont wanne be genocided
Without the Eternal German why would there be war? Europe would finally know peace.
State of Veeky Forums
It's sad, really.
Look at it this way
>After WW1 Germany was left unscathed, only countries they invaded were damaged by wars
>Germans through the war was not fair and they didn't really lose so they started another one
>After WW2 Germany was taught a lesson (even thought Allies mostly took a pity on them)
>Germans don't start any more wars and end up like
It might sounds stupid, but that's how people felt about them. You simply can't comprehend how much anger Germany caused.
To be fair to the Krauts the Greeks don't pay their debts and are US depression tier so screw what they think.
It's impossible to justify genocide you retard.
Especially considering most Germans didn't know of the Holocaust
Germany is presdestined for world domination, it is when Emperor Barbarossa rules the world that Jesus Christ will return. It's essential for the salvation of the human kind, thus it doesn't come as a surprise that the devil is trying hard to prevent it from happening.
Rule Germania, god wills it!
You do realize that Jesus is supposed to return once the anti-christ takes power.
So you're saying that Germania is the anti-christ.
There was an idea of enslaving Germany, it was a stupid idea and fuel for German proganda which very likely prolonged the war.
I hope you can see clearly now
Anger doesn't disprove my point, if many of your countrymen do shit you're still innocent if you didn't.
Agreed, but many did know about at least the deportations, that's for sure.
What about austrians? What about all the germans who lived in foreign countries? Those with german ancestors? People like Einstein, Von Braun, ecc...?
Second paragraph meant for
Kek, nice history knowledge there.
Fucking yankee lefties man. I fucking hate you with a vengeance.
>started not just one, but TWO world wars leading to the deaths of untold millions
>not proper justification
Not sure if you're speaking about the Germans or French in this case.
Even if a country launch a nuclear weapon and killed a billion people, it wouldn't justify genociding their civilian population
Germans are a necessary evil. Nobody else is capable of running continental Europe.
Germany didnt start ww1 you fucking nut. jesus. the people on this board, for real.
>Anger doesn't disprove my point
It explains what happened to Germans. Collective punishment is shit, yes, but that's how most people think.
Honestly look at all the atrocities which happened throughout the war and then look how little portion of it was done against Germans. They got pretty damn lucky.
You tears taste like honey.
>Germany didnt start ww1 you fucking nut
It's a good thing they're getting BLACKED en masse by the entire third world so at least Germans will lose about 20 IQ points on average and never be able to almost destroy Europe after this latest suicidal attempt.
Germany was hardly single-handedly responsible. It was a bunch of poor alliances that started it.
Not the guy you responded to but Russia mobilized before Germany declared war, and Germany guaranteed for A-H. Also the French wouldn't have stood beside a Russian-German war, so it didn't matter who declared war first. The only real fault of Germany in this situation was the invasion of Belgium, though the alternative would have been a disaster at the German-French border.
Prior to all the alliances however there was a lot that could have been done to prevent WW1.
It's actually heartbreaking how hard Wilhelm II was commited to keep peace in Europe. He was urging Russia and France to engage in this conflict, when war with Germany was their plan all along.
France even declined not to promise not to attack Germany if they'd have been engaged in a war in the East.
>July 29: Tsar Nicholas unilaterally aborts Russia's mobilization and offers to submit the Serbia dispute to arbitration in the Hague. Wilhelm ignores this offer.
>July 30: The German military attache in St. Petersburg telegrams Berlin reporting Russian war preparations appear to have no aggressive intention.
>July 31: With Austrian mobilization ongoing and no assurances from Germany, the Russian General Staff browbeats the Tsar into resuming Russian mobilization.
>August 3: The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs publishes the correspondence between Nicholas and Wilhelm. The letter of July 29 is excluded because it "was not important."
The German War plan invariably called for invasion of France, the idea being to eliminate France (who had a limited area into which they could retreat) before turning to grind Russia down with the full might of the German Army. It was, admittedly, a rather conceited plan, but the Germans also considered it inconceivable that the United Kingdom would enter the war, let alone on the side of the Entente. It wasn't apparent even to the Entente whether the British were allied with them until around 1913, and Kaiser Wilhelm and Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg were blindsided by the British ultimatum over Belgium, who was guarded by a multilateral treaty giving the Great Powers the right, not the obligation, to ensure militarily Belgian neutrality.
Austria-Hungary was also chomping at the bit for war with Serbia, and were being lied to by German diplomats telling them that Russia wouldn't mobilize. They also weren't expecting Serbia to accede to their ultimatum, so Austria ignored Serbian attempts at diplomacy (the Ultimatum was seen by the outside world as unduly harsh and extremely transparent, effectively demanding Serbia's sovereignty).
I'm but come on, Germany was still one of the main responsibles for the war, especially autistic Willy.
Source for the abortion of Russian mobilization on July 29th, please
Fuck, second paragraph meant for
Dudes, take it easy, it's not germans who should have been destroyed but Germany. Those are two different things. Germans are mostly okayish but they're like those kids you can't allow to sit together at class.
The sole existance of an unified Germany is one of the main causes of the war. It broke the balance in Europe and therefore was destined to cause conflict.
That doesn't mean the Germans didn't have a right to a nation state. Also as you see with Bismarck, Wilhelm I and Frederick III it wasn't a problem when non-autists where in charge.
they basically were, they got split up into multiple countries, but honestly should have been split up even more though. all germany did from it's inception until ww2 was cause war, the country was such a destructive force, basically singlehandedly causing ww2.
>inb4 muh versailles
yeah that was fucked up but it doesn't justify turning all of europe to ruins a second time.
They could have done like Italy did, not do anything because the alliance stated help only in case of a received attack.
Germans aren't real people tho so it's okay
Why there are many threads about kraut hating in Veeky Forums? is to trigger /pol/ or just anglo shitposting? and also why they use all this propaganda? is like they pretend all allies have their hands clean of inocent blood?
Where is the evidence, Hans.
Show me the bodies.
Anglos and krauts are the two groups of people most likely to try and dominate the board by claiming they are the most "based" or "strong" people in history.
Anglos are more notorious though, see brit/pol/ and brit/feel/ for examples of why they feel they are truly the most important of people.
The reality is weird british people want Veeky Forums to be like a social media to them so they make generals about "britain" which are actually glorified chatrooms for English people to circlejerk and wear faggy trips.
I'm not even german, but if you do all this for bants is ok, however you can't pretend hate all the german people argin some kind of moral superiority when brits was a imperialist country too long. if you really love history in some level at least have some of objetivity.
It's the eternal anglo. Hitler gassed the wrong people after all. It's not the kikes, its the anglos.
There's a difference. The British have been nice to their colonial subjects, unlike the Germans. Everytime they tried they committed genocide.
>Belgium = Germany
>the british have been nice to their colonial subjects
>what was the british export of food during famines in ireland and india
>what were the boer concentration camps
>what was the brutal torture and multilation of kenyan insurgents
This, Germany just cannot be allowed to continue as a unified state. It is simply too dangerous to exist.
where is the evidence
Balance of power is just England's autism at keeping Europe divided because they know they couldn't handle all the continent together.
The real problem was France was utterly pissed at losing clay and wanted an opportunity to take it back. Had the Franco-Prussian War ended with Alsace-Lorraine remaining French there wouldn't be nearly as much of a problem.
Economic investment in Germany civilized the Germans. Had been given Germany the same amount of treatment after WW1 as it did in WW2 they wouldn't have gotten so uppity.
>A world without niggers, Japs, poos, or abos
Sounds glorious
Bismarck was an autist, he was just good at keeping the country out of trouble.
>Bismarck was an autist
[citation needed]
t. Ottoboo
O dinheiro e o número dos bestas, cujo o objetivo é a extinção humana pela ganância de crescimento. 7 pecados capitalistas... 7 sábios de Sião.. Caim matou Abel pela ganância de não dividir água. Dinheiro é o vale ouro. Ouro é material responsável para a ganância humana. Ouro é o fruto proibido citado em Gênesis. Passou ser usado para trocas aos ensinos de um repitiliano. Dinossauros são a antiga criação de Lúcifer reprovado e destruído por um meteoro. Nesse tempo a terra era trevas.. após o meteoro veio era glacial, após isso si começa Gênesis, com o surgimento de luz pelo novo criador da humanidade. Existe o criador e existe Deus. Deus gera a vida planetária. Criador gera novas espécies e da instrução regras.
The real answer is that Churchill wanted a buffer state between Western Europe and the Soviet Union. This is the reason west Germany was given an army whilst Japan was forbidden one despite the latter causing far less damage and being defeated with relatively less casualty's than the Germans.