I just joined to glorious 21btc club

Any fellow club members here?

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what were your big winners and initial cash stack?


>0,21btc club here.
Still in the future 1%.

210 or go home.


Nobody cares about your chump change op.

soon my friend. My goal is 100btc till end of the year

ripple, stratis, signatum and DNT. Now I invested in several ICOs and XTDcoin. - protip jump in. Its for like 40sat now and on friday they gonna publish new site, wallet and craptopia and coinmarketcap listing. x15 from now in two weeks

I didn't know this was a club.
I'm not going to go to the meetings or anything.

Welcome friend.

Truly, we are the master race.

you are in global elite dude. Now are last years when average man is able to buy one whole bitcoin and to own 21btc which is 0.001% you have to be one of a milion

How to you acquire more bitcoins?

WTF is this 21 club... I see this a lot, is it if you hold 21 btc you're special or some shit, explain...

so this special ?

there will be maximum 21mln bitcoins in 2140

If you own 21bitcoin you own 0.001% of all existing coins in universe and its impossible to be more than 1mln people like you. If you own at least 21 bitcoin you are global elite and future mason member

There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins. Having 21 btc means that you will be one of (at most) 1 million people in the world that own that much bitcoin. It puts you in the global elite assuming bitcoin keeps becoming bigger and bigger in real life society.

if bitcoin remains king and continues to grow, people with 21BTC will be very high class

I guarantee half or more of them will be ruined by their wealth

I could never invest in a coin with a logo like that holy crap man.

Congratulations though op hope you continue to make gains

4 bitcoin club checking in
d-d-dont leave me behind senpai

I'm going to have to catch so many moon missions
But don't worry. I will push Stosselism when I become part of the "Global Elite"

a little help m8, need some dough to afford dem dragon dildos:

Not yet, but soon. I got in May on $88 and made 3x, but then lost much of it giving margin trade a shot (don't do it) and impatentiently swing trading.

Even though I lost coin, though, I learned much. The last two weeks have been amazing and with a few good ICOs, solid trades, and risk management, I have faith I will be joining the club too, user.

To all the noobs out there, remember, don't give up. If you stay in long enough to get gud at it, you will soar.


Hahaha, good luck kid. Yo should get a job because your quarters aren't going to cut it in the long term.

you will see rebranding, new site and stuff in friday. Such shitty PR is for smart money now to take positions. You do not have to trust me but time will show :)

Is XTD on any exchanges?

coinexchange.io/market/XTD/BTC yobit and craptopia will be added in next 2 weeks

Sweet, thanks user


21 BCC reporting in. Ready for the flippening to commence this year!

I don't believe you.

But XTD is already on coinmarketcap

Ok you got me, only 20 right now. if it dips further I'll buy another one.

I could do that in paint in 3 seconds.

Well why do you believe everyone else in the thread but not me?

20 BCH is like 14k. Why would he lie? Are you a pajeet poorfag?

Is 21 BTC enough to wife something like this?

>20 BCH

This is literally going to zero

Yep for sure man. Literally. Down to 1 sats, this is E$PER on yobit tier man, am I right?

5 hours since the last block was mined. This coin is dying for real this time.

doubt it. Even if the market cap for BTC was the same as for gold, $7 trillion, that would mean each BTC would be worth about $437k at the current market size of 16 million coins. So 21 coins would only be worth $9 million. Chump change by elite standards

I'm a handsome Chad though. I am pretty sure I can get a girl like that with $9 million

>implying $9m isn't enough to marry some model whore

Sierra Skye for anyone wondering

a top model probably makes more than that in a year. They're not going to marry some $9 million
net worth peasant

If my last investment goes according to plan I'll have 144 btc by the end of the year

>runway models make $9m/year

she'd be lucky to make $90k/year

her sis Dakota is a better actress

she also models on Instagram and has over 2 million followers. Probably has other revenue streams. She's making big bucks, believe me. $9 million wouldn't impress a girl like that

If she name recognition and other revenue streams maybe. I thought she was just a generic runway model.

>Sierra Skye

send me your litecoin wallet addy

you deserve a tip good sir

>muh 21 BTC
>muh hoDLing

Bitcoin memes make me cringe everytime.

based user

I'll be there soon, putting 4btc into Avalon ICO tomorrow, expected at least 21btc cashout by early next year

Trade other coins at a rate that out-grows bitcoin's growth...