Out of curiousity, how did you choose your college major?
Out of curiousity, how did you choose your college major?
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I picked randomly because I was forced to go to college.
Honestly, don't worry about what you pick. Just sign up for basic classes if you don't know what direction you want to go yet.
Everyone changes their major at least once.
>flushing your money and future down the toilet by going in to massive debt to get an indoctrination degree.
Save your self. Get a job, a real job or if you insist on further education go to a trade school. Make a shit load of money, invest it, retire young with a hot wife that like being fucked by a manbeast.
>trade school
I chose something I was interested in. I did quite well in school so was guided towards college as opposed to a trade or something and as I was young and stupid I took History because I enjoyed it. In particular the study of mass genocide.
Unfortunately knowledge of genocide isn't a requirement for any job I've seen so far. My degree has been completely useless and if anything a hindrance. I'm stuck in a dead end admin job and I'm planning to drop out, perhaps to start welding. I like diving too, so if I combine the diving and welding that could be quite lucrative I think. Repairing yachts in the Mediterranean sounds like fun.
How is this Veeky Forums
>paying 50,000+ to learn all 1500 different genders
>been fucking with computers my whole life
>CS major
>realize I'm garbage at math
>switch to CIS major
>we did it reddit
Pick one
Took classes til I found something that interested me
Get the fuck out CIS scum
>commie indoctrination
in my superior country, government pays for my education
so i am 6 years into my bachelor's in psychology and i have no plans of ever doing anything with it
so just study whatever interests you and trade crypto
Yeah, but who pays for your government.
If you like STEM, study STEM, if you like law, study law, if you like anything else, don't go to university and just neet all day/trade crypto
not me
i ain't worked or gonna work a job ever
Just chose something I enjoyed reading about, poor decision overall, I don't have the networking personality type that is an asset in these vanity careers. Or the drive, honestly. Something more practical would have been a better decision.
I picked whatever I could finish fastest. Got a psych degree in 3 years.
Don't do that.
>Not being smart enough for scholarships
Knew I wanted to be an engineer since I was a little kid. Constantly taking things apart and putting back together just to look.
Don't go to college for anything other than STEM or Medical training. If you don't want to go to college, find a trade. You can make bank doing stuff others don't want to and you might be great at it.
engineering because you can basically do anything you want with it
>tfw hated mechanical engineering because I wanted to work on structures instead of endless heat and fluids classes, but too stubborn to switch
>finally working on a master's in aerospace engineering where I'm taking structures classes
>tfw still hate it
Why didn't you do civil/architectural?
I'm going into ME, did you really hate it? Theres something about fluid dynamics that just disinterests me so much
Accounting was the first one on the list
it choose me
Fluid dynamics made me feel completely stupid when I learned that bloody birds used concepts that require insane equations
>Found out that I was good at telling drones what to do
>Liked computer related shit but lacked the attention span to code
BSBA in computer information systems
computer information systems because I'm a fucking retard.
I've always enjoyed reading, writing, and arguing. And once I realized that programming didn't come as naturally, I decided to study philosophy. I don't mind the grim career prospects because I have a union trade job. I also have another *trade* job now -- crypto!
>tfw full tuition paid to attend Civil Engineering at Berkeley
>tfw only have to pay for living expenses & food (~10K a year)
>will be working for my dad's civil engineering company & can go to any graduate school I want to
I chose Chemistry because I like it. I liked other subjects too, but it was the one that I liked that I noticed other people sucked at the most. Good strategy. Also the job market gives me decent leverage.
That's how I ended up an Aboriginal studies grad. Make 150k gross.
Actually wanted to do this in high school, but my hometown university didn't offer it, and didn't want to move somewhere else
It's ok, but it really sucks all the fun and wonder out of physics.
>here's all these complicated equations
>now let's design a CPU heat sink
Plus, my school's ME program hardly covered structures at all as the AE department had a monopoly on the subject, for some reason.
Originally wanted to go for packaging, but I suck at physics/calc. Went for supply chain management and I love it.
>Graduate and punch your dad in the face for being a white supremacist.
>Never get a job again because no one wants to hire a communist
>Become a professional hobo shitting on peoples front porches for kicks.
I ideally wanted to get into some environmental or nature-related field like forestry or environmental science. After doing some research and talking to a few people though, I discovered that job prospects in those fields are often hard to come by and pay is relatively low.
So... Since I've always been interested in computer stuff and figured it'd be cool to learn about hacking and whatnot, I decided on Cybersecurity instead. Tons of high-paying jobs everywhere, 6-figure salaries average.
To be honest, I still kindof wish I went the environmental route. My only real desire in life is to move back to a nice, quiet rural area where I can spend my free time hiking and enjoying the forest. After I graduate soon, I'd rather take some $40k low-skill tech job that allows me to do that than make 6 figures and be stuck working in some fucking city.
>I like computers
>CS major
>realize it has way more math than I thought
>hate math, suck at it at first
>realize I'm way better at math than I thought
>realize I actually enjoy math
also op, who's the girl in the picture? i fell in love a little.
Do not pick with your "heart" or your "feelz"
listen to world. Find out what the world needs for the next 20 and pick a major that can put you into 2 of the top 5 jobs.
Finally I found it ... I was 100% I did save her with her name but it was at the end of the folder
Name in filename you can find her on google
picked something that sounded fun
honestly though a bachelor's degree in anything is fine, you might as well get one. just don't pay much for it and you'll be good.
oh except music. don't get a degree in music please for the love of fucking god
found her tumblr:
It was between finance/accounting or chemical engineer for me. Got accepted in both, but chose finance in the end. I can now see i kinda fucked up. Im pretty introverted and like my time alone studying for hours. im not afraid of people or anything and can lead quite well if it needs to be done, but it seems finance is for really social extrovert type people.
Im 22 now and feel kinda late with all this college stuff, im second year in my finance bachelor degree, tho i can switch to accounting and take masters. Its a nice business school that has made a good for itself.
Did i fuck up biz? Should i switch to chem. eng?
Do it, chase the money.
>be me in high school
>be depressed
>smoke weed in front of the pc to cope with depression
>Buddhism, Christianity, hare Krishna, gnosticism, Carl Jung
>In my country you must do an exam to see if you are worthy of university - - either that or you pay a fuckton to study or wrap yourself in debt to pay after uni
>I enlist myself to the psychology exam due to >muh analitic psychology and psychological mysticism
>I sincerely believe in this stuff
>University is a leftist oasis
>walls are painted with feminist symbols
>blacks can say they hate whites and nothing happens
>most professors and peers are materialistic and think Jung is a madman unworthy of attention
>disillusioned, but too proud to leave, I want to prove them Jung is worth some shit
>I do it. People end up loving Jung but are mostly, after all, too lazy to look into something different from what the professors make them do
>economical crysis on state, university goes on a strike
>six months
>in the meantime I keep studying Jung, but I also pick an interest for Computer Science
>realize I really love to study psychology but besides teaching it I couldn't figure myself working with it
>I think teaching at University is an ego-driven profession or would be for me. It may make me look good but I would draw too much attention
>get more and more interested in computer science, math and economics
>now I'm planning on doing that exam again to see if I can change majors to a course called "earthly and mathematical sciences" in which is basically an applied math course with focus on physics and economics
What's the difference between CS and CIS? I need to pick a new major since I'm being forced to go away to a bitch ass Uni but I hate math.
I'm applying for college soon. Should I go for business, or finance? I'm not too great at math so I'm not sure if I will be able to handle finance, but I don't know how math heavy it is.
Also, why exactly do you say that finance is for social extrovert type people?
i would like to know this too.
Like sucking old men's dick?
I was always the guy who was very creative and talented with drawing. Went to Art High School and wanted to study something creative afterwards. Studied UI/UX design and now I'm working as the design lead at one of the biggest company on this planet earning shit tons of money. Seems like at some point I safed my stupid ass
Knee pads are low overhead.
I picked the hardest form of engineering my school offered.
t. Chemical engineer
>Didn't want to travel/move go do something you wanted.
Never gonna make it. I moved across the country twice for my job and moved 2 hours away from home for college. People who aren't willing to relocate better get real lucky or your life may be shit.
Soon I might move to the capital of my country to manage a small part of the ENTIRE COUNTRY's economy. I'm some retail bank slave where I'm from.. I'm 23.
... I think I'm gonna make it lads
Developing software vs managing hardware and databases.
what can you tell me about mass genocide, user?
>money is everything
Not that I expect Veeky Forums to understand
>been fucking with computers my whole life
>CS major
>realize I'm really good at math
>thinking of switching to math major
sign up for something you're interested in, not something you think might be useful. it won't.
>wanted to try and do computer science whole life
>CS major
>actually love it
>realize math isn't that bad at all either
>stay CS major
>after 2008
Unless you had a free ride I'm laughing at you. Even then you'll never get your time back.
Spoken like a true retard.
Buy a car that has a pretty color, not a car that doesn't look as nice but will take you further. You've been brainwashed like the entitled cuck you are. You deserve a six figure salary right out of school and when you don't get it, it the economy's issue. You're a fucking joke, kid.
Go finance, it can land you a great job. Alot of people study business, and its a meme degree really. Finance will give you alot of knowledge on stocks, economics and finances, it can also land you a job as an accountant.
Math isnt that bad, if you did good in precalc and calculus in high school youre pretty much good to go and will bore yourself the first few months atleast.
And for the last question. Yeah sure you will get a job anyways if you study finance, but youll only sit infront of a computer in a cubicle. The corporate business world is for aggresive wolfs and sharks, not for loner type sheeps like me. I dont complain, i like my life, but to make it in corporate world you have to be a social butterfly, get lots of connections and then youll just sit on your ass all day bossing around interns and all the others and let them do all the work.
You might climb the ladder and will get promoted if you do a good job, but you wont get the top job unless you can slit throats.
>in high school
>have an affinity for chemistry
>had several different chemistry teachers
>none of them started as teachers, they were all originally industrial chemists
>decide to pick chemical engineering because i thought it was just an advanced form of chemistry
>tfw i was very wrong but came to enjoy it anyway
>tfw country is ultra competitive when it comes to engineering jobs with the exception of civil / structural
>tfw 3 years later and i still dont have a job in that field
Im definitely regretting my decision now. It upsets me to see thousands of jobs on linkedin that are based in the US that i cant apply for