Tell me about Satoshi's vision Veeky Forums.
Which is closer to it? BTC, BCH or ... something else?
Satoshi's vision
Other urls found in this thread:
Monero. It's like BCH without a block size limit, and developed by actual maths guys and scientists not neckbeards. And focussed on being a currency
BTC. When dev Gavin Andresen (who supported BCH) started talking about visiting the CIA Satoshi stopped communicating with him and disappeared completely.
btc, satoshi is most likely nick szabo (who supports lightning network) and you can read his blog unenumerated
This. Monero will prevail as currency.
Monero isnt public blockchain. How this is even close to ''Satoshi's vision''.
great argument shitface. and now, btc is CIA.
it's not nick szabo. everything on /r/bitcoin is a lie and everyone who has done a modicum of research on the practices in this sub would know it.
Shut up craig, you're a retard
vertcoin, anyone with a gaming pc can mine it profitably
everything else is virtually identical
if ethereum or monero don't develop pruning sharding and other techniques to reduce blockchain size they're going to fall flat with all that data required to verify the chain
>linguistic researchers
>because researchers are always right
toppest kek
>coping that hard
stay mad craig
can't wait for your btc to crash to the ground fag :)
>muh satoshi vision
Why should anybody give a shit about that?
If Szabo is Satoshi, then Satoshi's vision was becoming fucking rich and powerful by taking control over a decentralized currency by centralizing it.
bigger block size is quite literally satoshis vision
BTC-Segwit is a literal shitcoin that takes transactions off of the blockchain. Making crypto as a whole a fucking joke.
>implying satoshi is a real person
>implying bitcoin wasn't created by the NSA in an effort to crack SHA-256
>it's 2008
>George W. Bush loses his nuclear launch codes in the last year of his presidency
>nuclear deterrence in danger
>lone wolf NSA analyst finds SHA-256 hash of codes in legacy DoD database
>its 0x0000000000000000000000000
>intelligence community teams up to devise cracking system
>hundreds of mathematicians work for months, failure seems inevitable
>not enough computing power available
>CIA black project comes up with novel incentive scheme, coins it "Bitcoin"
>Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks
Because satoshi was mistaken in thinking a public block chain was a good idea for managing money.
The fact that anybody can see how much money you have + all the transactions you ever made is highly disturbing.
i love how Veeky Forums conspiracy theories are so much more real than /pol/s.
Dubs confirm greentext
Satoshi hated banks and wanted a P2P digital currency. The public blockchain was the means to that end. Private transactions give even stronger independence from banks and better fungibility.
Anyway, I'm sure Satoshi loves the entire cryptocurrency space. He's unleashed something immense.
Pic unrelated, what are you saying autosuggest