Hi frens

hi frens

Hi Charlie. Did you eat your vegetables today

He isn't a cannibal.

i lik spen
doo U liq spennnn ¿

Hi Charlie
Have you gotten any nice new toys lately

10 four ten post user. Take my (you) as gratitude.

>The physician who performed his autopsy stated that his body "did not contain a single drop of blood; his heart was the size of a peppercorn; his lungs corroded; his intestines rotten and gangrenous; he had a single testicle, black as coal, and his head was full of water."[12]

>American historians Will and Ariel Durant described Charles II as "short, lame, epileptic, senile, and completely bald before 35, he was always on the verge of death, but repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live."[10]

>American historians

yor mayesty we need to mek love, empire needs a heir or there will be war

Jesus Christ , wtf is wrong with that family?

Nu, bed is for slep

This girl was Bourbon, tho


>but repeatedly baffled Christendom by continuing to live
Christendom was not baffled. it was a miracle of God.

Holy shit now I know why Charlie didn't fuc her wife. It's not that he couldn't, it's that he wouldn't.

>royal people are attractive
This meme only became true in the modern era when royals could marry attractive commoners instead of homely nobles and then give birth to at least average kids.

Juana La Loca looked hot to be honest

Not really. Habsburgs were just horrifying inbred abominations.

Her sister was hotter.

Her replacement was hotter.

hni, im the emperor of japan

can we be frens?