"Listen here, sonny. When I was a young college graduate, IOTA was 85 cents. Can you believe that? 85 cents, buddy! Well, your gramps was stupid and didn't listen to his Scandinavian Finger Painting Board, and so I'm taking you fishing because that's the only way we're going to eat tonight."
"Listen here, sonny. When I was a young college graduate, IOTA was 85 cents. Can you believe that? 85 cents...
Other urls found in this thread:
Always do the opposite of biz. I've been burned too many times listening to you fags.
iota can never have value because the tangle, unlike the blockchain, can just be replicated. pic related
>noone can replicate blockchain
blockchain can't be replicated because it requires work to exist, i.e. miners. miners won't just switch to a new chain cuz people want them to.
tangle doesn't have any miners / work of any kind. does that help your lil brain understand
Proof of Stake is a thing, you know?
>So went the story cyber-grandpa loved to tell as his Byteball-powered life support system kept the old man going at 138 years old.
>Technology did wonders for mankind's lifespan, but nobody knew the effects interstellar flights would have on the human brain. Grandpa had been one of the best shitposters, a veteran of the meme wars of thz early 21st century, and even took part in the neo-nationalist race riots that saved civilization on the brink of destruction. But now, his mind just wasn't there most of the time.
>I sighed softly as the third sun of Saturn-84 set over the horizon. At 362 gwei, my ether balance was starting to run low; yet all I felt was calmness. The struggle had been long, but we conquered the stars. No more niggers.
yes, but even that is work of some kind, and tangle doesn't do that either. no work required for tangle to exist = no value. everyone buying iota is just flushing money down the toilet.
1. How many BTC clones are there? How many are $4000?
2. How many transactions per second does the tangle need to be secure? How many does it have now? How likely is it that a IOTA clone will achieve this many transactions per second?
There's hundreds of blockchain based Crypto that prove this statement false.
>muh degrees
Nice meme
This is worth a listen as it answers a lot of the questions here.
you iota brainlets just don't get it lol. the iota coin is backed by no work of any kind. this means someone can just copy / paste the entire thing and continue using it like nothing happened. you can't do that with BTC for example because miners wouldn't be mining your copy / pasted chain.
not gonna explain any further. enjoy flushing your money down the drain lmao
"Grandpa, why school mate gets picked up in a flying Ferrari every day - is it because his family invested in Avalon?"
can someone really just bootleg and entire blockchain?
I have 0 IOTA, I'm in BTC/ETH/CAT. I just find your bullshit laughable as blockchain is easy to replicate yet bitcoin is clearly still king. No reason that wouldn't be true with tangle/iota as well.
>Mom, why does pop-pop always salute that flag of a fingerprint and a D?
I agree - Proof of Stake creates an incentive to invest in that chain and this creates a network effect, bringing developers on board. IOTA has no such incentive. It would be trivial for device manufacturers to use multiple tangle currencies for example, as long as they all run on the same hardware.
You screencapped that from the other thread but it you kept reading, that topic was already addressed
no. he has no clue what he's talking about.
That's one spiiiiicy meme!
So beautiful, I cry everytime
wrong. nobody could address it at all lol
>shhhhh honey, you know we don't talk about that. Just like the bean tattoo