W-why did they kill him? He abdicated, isn't that what they wanted? Why kill a powerless man and his family?

W-why did they kill him? He abdicated, isn't that what they wanted? Why kill a powerless man and his family?

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>Making sense ever

Given the opportunity to kill rich people, a communist will do it with glee and not any other reason then their hate boner for all things bourgeois.

Tfw I really feel bad for him and his family.

Because he had more money than them.

Him and his family were a constant threat to the revolution. Whites were fighting to reinstate them, it was sad ofc but necessary to kill the royal family.

if I remember correctly it was so no one of them could be restored to the throne and thus weaken the claim of the tsarist army

shoo shoo tankie

It was a ritual sacrifice overseen by a rabbi to consecrate the soviet union to Satan.

Because he could read and had eaten food

He served as a symbol for the White armies to rally behind.

underrated post

wtf I love jews now

I mean, fuck sure kill Nicky, he made a lot of mistakes but god damn what they did to his family was just outright disgusting
>tfw they shoveled their faces to the point of no recognition

It wasn't even just the immediate family. They were trying to kill anyone with even a tangential relationship to the Romanov family. Nicky's sister-in-law (a nun) was even killed.

The Bolshevikswere full of legit psychopaths. More radical ideologies tend to attract certain types of people like that.

thats what you do when you overthrow a monarchy - you kill the monarch and his heirs, happend since bible times its nothing new

fun fact: they needed several shots to kill the girls because they had so much jewlery stashed onto them, that the bullets didnt penetrate fully
meanwhile population is starving - fuck those bourgeois swines


>Romanovs were bourgeois
confirmed for literally not knowing what bourgeois means.

Also, the Romanov Daughters and Alexei weren't legal heirs, and had no right to the throne by Russian crown law. The legitimate heir was Mikhail Romanov.

>It's bad when people are hungry when a conservative is in charge but it's okay when there are famines under communists

>famines under communists
Nice revisionism. Isn't Veeky Forums supposed to mean history?

The only reason Alexei wasn't the heir was because of the abdication.

I am so sick of you fucking idiots not knowing shit about the Russian Revolution and the civil war that followed
>He abdicated
>isn't that what they wanted
He abdicated in early 1917. Afterwards, the provisional governments was created. It was NOT related to the bolsheviks in any way.
>Why kill a powerless man and his family
He was executed in 1918, long after the bolsheviks seized power in St Petersburg. The only reason why he and his family were killled is because the white army(anti-bolshevik forces) were pushing to Yekaterinburg(the city where Nicholas was being held). The bolsheviks knew that the Tsar OR any of his relatives would give the white movement a legitimate claim to the Russian throne(and by "throne I mean the control of Russia).

The biggest problem with Nicky was his wife. She was absolutely committed to preserving the autocracy for her son. She absolutely hated liberals or reformers of any sort, and she didn't or couldn't comprehend that certain compromises were necessary to save the regime at that point. For example, when Nicky announced that he was going to leave St. Petersburg to take personal command of troops in the war, several ministers begged him not to go, saying that it was a disaster. She told him that it was his duty to go, and that all the ministers who said otherwise should be immediately dismissed. Nicky leaving the capital turned out to be a PR disaster, because it helped solidify the popular impression that Rasputin was really in charge, he was almost universally despised by everybody except the Romanovs themselves.

>fun fact: they needed several shots to kill the girls because they had so much jewlery stashed onto them, that the bullets didnt penetrate fully
That's literally a lie. It's actually physically impossible and just plain silly to anyone who's ever shot a gun before.

Yes, but he would have died within a few years either way, and the girls couldn't have inherited anyway.

such acts of cruelty are a byzantine tradition, rituals of power


It also beggs the question why the reds would have let their captivities keep anything of value.

IIRC, Trotsky implies that Lenin gave the order as a sort of loyalty test. Because, if the rest of the Party stood by him after that, then they would know that there was no going back.

Ehhh if they were using something in .32acp (or another similarly low powered cartridge) and it hit some jewelry it might not have been able to penetrate sufficiently to cause significant damage.

Good fucking riddance. I hope the guards had a bit of fun with his daughters before they bayoneted them to death.

Killing the children will not ever be justifiable. They could've just executed Nicky and his wife, but the gommies couldn't contain their lust for muh bourgeouise blood.

They were dainty 19th century women. Any amount of damage from a firearm is significant damage to them.

>the bullets didn't penetrate
Quit spreading this myth.

The bullets were kicking up dust from hitting the sheet rock in the basement, so, after only delivering minor wounds in the first volley of gunfire, they decided to finish off the girls with bayonets, which had trouble getting through the clothes with jewels in them. As a result, they had their skulls crushed.


>fighting to reinstate them
Are you literally retarded? They were just anti-communists.

>"Look mom, I'm being edgy again!"
You have to be 18 to post here, user.

>look mom! I'm playing royalist on the internet again!

You don't have to be a royalist to think that raping and murdering women is a scummy thing to do.

They thought that if the royal family survived a foreign power would invade to crush the revolution and use restoring the monarchy as a justification.

I mean, just imagine the absolute revulsion and shame that must've gone through their pretty royal heads as they were pounded by the very serfs they imposed their feudal yoke on.

Good fucking riddance. It's a shame all royal houses of europe didn't perish like the romanovs, without any pomp or ceremony, just fucking beaten to death with rifle butts in some random cellar.

>>look mom! I'm playing sentimental humanitarian on the internet again!

>"Look mom, I'm playing ruthless revolutionary on the internet again!"

He was such a hapless fuck, and a mopey sad sack by most accounts. One can't help but pity him. I can just imagine him visiting the troops to "inspire" them during the war. One look at his face, and one private would whisper to his mate "We're fucked."

Why are you people acting like killing off a royal bloodline is strictly a commie thing? Monarchies did this to their enemies for centuries. You gotta kill the kids, or they will always be a threat. It just appalls you because it happened in the era of photographs.

Its funny because that's literally how liberalism started.

By one account, after his father died, he had a panic attack because he realized that he was going to have to be autocrat of a country that he had no experience running; if I remember right, he asked his cousin(?) "What will become of myself and Russia?"

No it's appalling regardless of who did it or when they did it. Commies are just as appalling as savage kingships.

Too bad he proceeded to fucking ignore anyone who had a clue about running the country, and insist it would work out, because he's the tsar.

Yeah; the accounts I have read imply that the main reason for that was that he genuinely believed in the divine right of kings, and that God would protect Russia because he was Tsar. It kind of makes you wonder how disillusioned he became after he realized that it was all over and that the monarchy he thought he had been tasked by God to preserve had fallen.

i'm dead

She sounds like /ourgirl/.

I will never understand how a history board can't understand the logic of eliminating royal bloodlines in a civil war,the romanovs were deeply connected to Russian history and culture and still had some following,especially after the failures of the provisional government and Lenins disastrous war policies,if the Bolsheviks let the family live they risk a figure head to rally all of the people to recreate the old order and even if they could win the war,the presence of royal descendants would always pose a threat to the legitimacy of the Bolsheviks,it was an inhumane thing to do but power struggles and revolutions are never bloodless,I get being repulsed by extremism but asking why seems entirely ignorant on a sensible move
,realistically what alternative did they have?let the romanovs live so that they can be captured and used as rallying cries to turn the public?waste resources guarding and censoring a family infinitely to prevent them from speaking out?Exile them so they can rally support from old foreign allies and destabilize the regime?Let the romanovs exist till some kid or descendent wants to reinstate his family right over Russia or get involved in politics,

it was violent but it was far from senseless violence

back to >>>/leftypol/ with you edgy retards

Romanov tragedy in one image

Could have sent them to America like all the other fleeing Russian nobility and Stalin's daughter. Commicuck.

Tbh Nikolai 2 and his family got what they deserved.

Commies and slavshits are disgusting subhumans in general.

The last Chinese Emperor was turned into a communist as a propaganda move. So, yes, it was an option to let them live.

I can understand killing Nicky. I don't agree with it, but I can understand it. But murdering the children? Just for being born at the wrong place at the wrong time? It's unforgivable.

If you understand Nicky then you surely understand killing the kids. If Nicky could one day try to reclaim the throne then so could the kids. They weren't about to go through the revolution only to have it undone by some royal twat to decides he's going to be in power again. They had to remove the legitimacy of any alternative if they wanted the revolution to succeed.

The revolution had already succeeded though. He abdicated from the throne, the tsardom was dead, forever.

The Bolsheviks were really in a hopeless situation back then. They thought they would lose the war. It was an act of desperation right from Lenin himself, as he even had to use som secret code to order them. It's obviously not something that was planned by the Bolsheviks from the start, or otherwise they would have executed them in a more 'ceremonial' fashion ala revolutionary traditions.

We already have an example of this happening, such as the Bourbon restoration after Napoleon. Why would you risk it? If you spare those kids then there's a high chance everything you'd have done and everyone you'd have killed up to that point would have been for nought.

The Russian geopolitical mindset is always for utmost security from foreign interventions and internal instability. It's always like that, no matter what ideology they adhered throughout the history. Even their liberals (kadets) were pro-military (pro-WWI, even).

>leave the kids alive
>couple decades later they would pop up again this time as a propaganda tool for a foreign power

Basically leaving them alive would had guaranteed that Nazis would had a Puyiesqued puppet in their arsenal.

>In 1918

>>couple decades later
he's saying that when the nazis did come to power, they could collaborate with the now grown royal children to create infighting in russia

Ironically that would be similar to what the Germans did when they sent Lenin to Russia.

That doesn't make sense. The Nazis didn't want to install a puppet government in Russia. They wanted a complete and total annexation, with the Slavic population being reduced to numerical irrelevance.

Yeah, I suppose that is darkly funny.


Alexei was going to die in a few years anyway, and women are barred from the Russian crown by decree of Tsar Alexander I.

Gee, i wonder... Let's leave our piece of shit monarch and his family alive, surely no one will attempt to reinstate them through terrorism and conspiracies that fuck over a lot more innocent people.

Why not just put them in jail?

Because some fuck will break them out, and just the effort to take them out of jail would rally people against your government.

In fact, people chimp out over literally nothing, just look at Venezuela these days. People are pissed because police is doing exactly what they're supposed to do: try to control riots.

Communists are not human. So, like criminals, they must be killed, before they kill you.


Whoever escaped from a gulag?

I thought he was just meant to be imprisoned forever but rogue elements of the Bolsheviks killed him?

Just a reminder that the Bolsheviks molested the corpses of the young Romanov girls.

They're Russians, what do you expect


Trotsky confirms that Lenin gave the order.

>Chinese emperor
Pu-Yi was the figurehead ruler of a puppet regime, hardly at an equivialnt level of respect or power as the Russian autocratic monarchy.

He was also the last Emperor of China who tried several times to restore the monarchy, of which Manchukuo was only the last.

Just to add on to you Pu-Yi wasnt even apart of a Chinese dynasty. It was Manchu.

>all these commies
Manifesto of Unshakable Autocracy, you jew rebel scum.

Pu-Yi was deposed from ruling in China when he was fucking 2 dude, and as far as i can tell bar one warlord Pu-Yi didn't try yo get restored at all.

The reason Manchukuo was established was that Pu-Yi went to the Japanese and asked them to help restore his throne.

So, you're telling me that the Japenese were willing to fight a war, which was justified by accusations of terrorism by the Chinese, in order to restore a monarch, who didn't rule, and then didn't give territory to this emperor from his land that they were trying to "restore" instead opting to occupy it?

Pu-Yi being placed as emperor of manchuko was a clear attempt to garner legitimacy for a puppet state.

In September 1931 Puyi sent a letter to Jirō Minami, the Japanese Minister of War, expressing his desire to be restored to the throne.[116] On the night of 18 September 1931, the Mukden Incident began when the Kwantung Army blew up a section of railroad belonging to the Japanese-owned South Manchurian Railroad company, which was blamed on the warlord Marshal Zhang Xueliang, the "Young Marshal" who took over Manchuria in 1928 when his father, the "Old Marshal" was assassinated by the Kwantung Army.[117] Using this incident as an excuse, the Kwantung Army began a general offensive with the aim of conquering all of Manchuria with heavy artillery being used to blast Zhang's barracks in Mukden.[118] Puyi was visited by Kenji Doihara, head of the espionage office of the Japanese Kwantung Army, who proposed establishing Puyi as head of a Manchurian state. The Empress Wanrong was firmly against Puyi's plans to go to Manchuria, which she called treason, and for a moment, Puyi hesitated, leading Doihara to send for Puyi's cousin, the very pro-Japanese Eastern Jewel, to visit him to change his mind.[119] Eastern Jewel, a strong-willed, flamboyant, openly bisexual woman noted for her habit of wearing male clothing and uniforms, had much influence on Puyi.[119] In the Tientsin Incident during November 1931, Puyi and Zheng Xiaoxu traveled to Manchuria to complete plans for the puppet state of Manchukuo.


He's the guy the Japs got the idea from.

It was a very uneven relationship from which to negotiate
Pu-Yi had nothing but his crown to offer, which was a crown from the gutter. Naturally, the Japanese would take more.

>i want to say something in retort
>but i know you're right

Someones butthurt. What emotional stake do you have in this?

>*civil war rages three more years*
Really makes you think...