Reality check: Block Size

So let me get this straight.

Bitcoin Cash increased the block size limit to 8MB, allowing an 8-fold increase in transactions per day to 2 million transactions per day.

That's fine when you compare it to on-blockchain transactions to bitcoin, but that's not "scalable" in any sense.

2 million transactions per day? That's not even enough to cover the use of one district of a single Alpha- city.

The kind of scalability solution that would accommodate tens of billions of transactions per day, a true global solution, needs something far more radical and innovative than a simple block size increase.

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someone with a brain on biz


Dude fucking stop, you're gonna make the fools on this board start thinking for themselves

>not realizing that there are many more forks to come until mass adoption happens

So what's with all the IOTA shilling? It's been constant since the coin dropped. Did it create that many desperate bag holders?

Wasnt bitcoin designed to be ised peer to peer? ON THE CHAIN?

i made a couple good chunks off it on it's way up but i got the fuck out of the way when it started hitting 1-1.10. A lot of people bought around 1-1.10 and are desperately hoping it goes back up there to sell bags, but the IOTA/BTC chart tells a different story.

The forks will continue to happen regardless as coins get more popular. That's why those that say tx cost for btc in a few years will be $150-250 aren't far from the truth.

I dont see your proposal op

So should we cripple the coin while designing second-layer systems or allow the coin to continue to function while we design second-layer systems? If we are designing second-layer systems, is segwit the ideal option, or should we wait for something better like flextrans?

That argument works if you're of the opinion that Bitcoin's future is as a currency for use in day-to-day transactions, and not as a store of value, or 'digital gold'.

Anyone who thinks that BTC can should/will ever be used as a day-to-day currency is delusional.

In my opinion, the only argument worth having, is if Bitcoin is a viable long-term store of value. That is its only hope as a use-case if it's to survive the next ten years.

I don't know if anyone's noticed, but none of the proposed scaling solutions intended to make Bitcoin a viable day-to-day transacting vehicle have been even remotely as elegant as solutions proposed by alt-coins such as IOTA.

So, if we can agree that Bitcoin's future is as a 'store of value' which chain - BTC or BCC - suits this purpose better?

BCC- 1 line of code change
segwit - 3,000 lines of code change

Which one do you think is more secure?

satoshi was a god. he foresaw the big blocks argument, and that was indeed the original plan, HOWEVER he also forsaw 2nd layer solutions like segwit and the lightning network
all of the coins are satoshi's vision
satoshi is literally unstoppable.

>Which one do you think is more secure?
segwit, google transaction malleability

I think we've passed the question of whether bitcoin is going to "survive." If we even entertain questions about whether some of these crazy altcoins will "survive," it's a foregone question that bitcoin will survive.

What's with all this "scaling-down" of expectations? That's absolutely not the "only hope as a use case" is as a "viable long-term store of value." That's already been proven.

If you call it Bitcoin cash. How would you call Litecoin?

Litecoin can handle at least the same tx/s as Bitcoin Cash with a single 1MB - better tec will win - lol

A way better developed now.

you're also fundamentally fucking up an entire principle of monetary economics which is that the value and utility of a certain currency is its exchangibility.

a lot of the speculative value of bitcoin is precisely that it will achieve mainstream adoption and will be used as a payment method between people.

if we take that possibility away, we actually take away the value proposition of bitcoin itself and shoot your goal of "being a viable long term store of value" in the foot.

i.e. if p2p payments are off the table as of 2017, then bitcoin loses speculative value, thus losing the goal of being a "long term store of value"

bitcoin cash does not have an 8mb block limit

we go as big as the users need. bitcoin cash is ready for global adoption

>store of value
>no value proposition

coretards are actually this dumb. bitcoin is either a currency or a ponzi. pick one.

I know what Tx malleability is you fucking shill

I dont compare LTC BTC.

But actually I want to know whats the ability of BCash compared to LTC - both are altcoins. But from the fundamental standpoint LTC is way more better then BCash. I mean you dont even need a 8Mb block to do the same tx/s on the LTC network. If LTC would higher its Block to 8MB it would be capable to handle around 450tx/s

segwith allows a 33% attack. core are actors trying to destroy bitcoin. 'nuff said.

>core are actors
Really? What movies are they in.
Checkmate, faggot

not hacked yet

They played in "I fucked your mom 2"

Go home, dad, your drunk

reddit, the post

>a lot

Don't forget to mention bch bigger blocks allows for more orphaned blocks. This will spiral to just a few large farms controlling the network over time (far worst than btc network) takes away one key point btc was created for..anyone can mine. Bch made it worse

mbs adds up user

Apparently SegWit if BCC's "devs" can't change more than 1 line of code.

>t. never programmed shit

Who are you quoting?

Nice try pajeet. Fortunately for crypto, some people know how to do more than change a variable and a few lines in pow.

>better tec will win

Betamax says hello

first rule of programming is to fix what ain't broke in a roundabout way, right?

Nobody thought it wasn't broken.

yeah, in your blockstream bubble

If it wasn't broken why is there a Bcash fork

Some men like to see the world burn. Fortunately they live k in their own world so the rest of us are not affected

BTC = 7 transactions per second KEK

what if bitcoin cash activates segwit?

once the LN goes live it will be both a store of value and capable of many billions of transactions per day. That is why shit like BCC and BTC1 are being made. It's all a governmental plot to stop Bitcoin, because once LN goes live Bitcoin will be literally unstoppable in every way

You just proved that BetaMax will win. Also, your arguments ends with - lol. Any argument that ends with - lol is a stupid argument.

so what?
Bitcoin not for poor people, it for big thansactions, like gold but better

LN is years away, though, unfortunately.

Hate to break it to you OP, but you're retarded.

The 8MB block increase was never intended to be a long term solution. The issue was an increasing mempool with tens of thousands of transactions in the backlog. The simplest, most logical fix for this was a block size increase. It maintains the integrity of Bitcoin while offering a solution for the short to medium term. Second layer solutions could be added afterwards, and if needed, the block size could be reduced. SegWit limits what can be implemented on Bitcoin. Once it's added there is no going back. SegWit isn't a long term nor a short term solution. The only proposed scaling fix is he Lightning Network which hasn't even been implemented on Litecoin yet. There's no telling if it will work as expected and if it's good for Bitcoin.

BCH is not a long term fix. It is merely a fork of the original blockchain. It has effectively shown it can fix both the short term scaling issue AND the fee issue, which is never discussed here (hint: all of the BCH fud is from blockstream/core shills).

BCH is closer to the original BTC than SegWit coin will ever be. You are either a retard or a shill if you can't comprehend this.

what do you think will happen to BCH over the next few months?

>The 8MB block increase was never intended to be a long term solution
>Literally no other solutions proposed for scaling aside from Schnorr / SegWit

dumb nigger

>The only proposed scaling fix is he Lightning Network which hasn't even been implemented on Litecoin yet.


Any of you who fucking advocate it for it are a bunch a bunch of greedy kikes.


Seriously fuck Lightning. It's complete bullshit. Just increase the fucking blocksize and keep your corporate trash solutions out of it you pieces of shit.

I agree bitcoin needs scaling. ON CHAIN, ON THE FUCKING CHAIN.

None of these "hurr propierty centralised fast ;) ;) ;)" solutions. We already have shit fiat and banks for that.

Better start thinking again because Lightning is a steaming pile of propitiatory centralized shit.

Fuck you (((((((blockstream)))))))

you can create lightning channels between two individuals without any corporate entity.
maybe you research how lightning actually works, mr. pajeet.

>propierty (?)
>propitiatory (?)


"Mathematical Proof That the Lightning Network Cannot Be a Decentralized Bitcoin ScalingSolution"

Fuck you pieces of shit SPREADING LIES AND BULLSHIT.



Yea fuck off mate. I'm sick and tired of people trying to ruin Bitcoin.

Sigwit means moving stuff of chain so more shit can fit on chain. This is centralisation.

Lightning means building another banking solution on top of bitcoin whit large entities only performing BTC payments because of high fees

If you can not see past all this blatant shilling and bullshit enjoy blockstreams cock up your ass.

Fact: nobody can say shit about lightning network because it doesn't work yet. If something this complicated is implemented in less than a year I'll be betting on its failure.

Fact: Blockstream doesn't give a single flying fuck about sound money, p2p cash, or decentralization. They've spent 3 years building a fee market that they, and their banker buddies, can take a cut of. I promise you now the first LN hubs will be corporate, and p2p LN will be too expensive for anyone to use thanks to the 1MB cap.

Fact: Bitcoin Cash has no blocksize limit. It cannot be killed thanks to the EDA so long as someone sees value in it. It can and will implement LN just to take that away from Blockstream too. Anything BTC or LTC can do, BCH can do better and cheaper.

Fact: if you're stupid enough not to have bought up BCH at $300 you're going to spend the next 2 years wojacking.

they think they'll just wait until 2030 for Bitcoin to get popular and use 128mb blocks

or they'll stop pretending they care about transfer speed and whine some more about "off chain" solutions eating into their fee revenue

To be honest I'm so fucking done with Bitcoins Bullshit right now.

I do not give a fuck if it reaches 10K or 100K it goes against everything it was designed for.

Either BitcoinCash or Monero is the future. But not this crap.

>enjoy blockstream

>Fact: Bitcoin Cash has no blocksize limit. It cannot be killed thanks to the EDA

Have fun purposely stalling your chain every week and then taking 5 days just to get EDA to start when no one is mining.

Have fun waiting an extra 5 days for BTC confirmations every time BCH becomes more profitable. Miners may be switching back tomorrow as there is 2 EDA adjustments locked in.

If only Core had the foresight to defend against such a superior implementation by having bigger blocks or an EDA of its own.

Correcting myself: BCH has a few EDAs locked in and will be more profitable in a matter of hours. Miners may start switching right away to speed up the process

The only thing this has proven is that BCH is a parasite by design with no actual use other than to kill SHA256 coins as a whole.

the jews who currently run bitcoin (blockstreamcoin) are parasites, themselves, so if BCH is a parasite, it's only leeching off of another parasite

Why are people in this thread constantly contradicting themselves, looking at you core kikes.

Yes, we are watching a contentious hard fork at work.

Offer better features, insert offensive and defensive tools for the blockchain, and let the market decide.

If you can't understand that there are no rules in crypto and this is pure, unadulterated competition you should go back to the normie markets and help bail out the banks the next time they lose your money.

The market did decide quite clearly. Miners are doing whatever they want without regard for the market because that's how they were incentivized. This is the foremost barrier to widespread adoption of Bitcoin.

It is literally in testnet already you fucking moron.

How about people just tick to investing back and forth between BTC and BTH instead of debating something no one is qualified to deeply understand?

everybody knew scalability would be an issue , but it didnt become in issue till around much when blocks started to fill.

the obvious solution is to increase block size so thier will be no congestion and then bitcoin can go back to its roots.
cheap fees
pretty fast transactions
uncensored community.

all other solutions currently are blockstream fuckery nobody wants that bs

Tommorows the day

Picture a scene. Some arrogant Bitcoiner is standing in the middle of a city wondering where everyone is running off to. His judgment clouded,he fails to notice the enormous BCC bull stampeding behind him

Silly Btrash drone. WE need a sidechain because satoshi was a fucking retard who couldn't make shit all. WE need blockstream to finish what satoshi couldn't which is 3rd party nodes with high fees what don't you faggots understand?


haha silly stupid blockstream fucker coming out the woodworks with his fuckery left wing deception bull shit or your just stupid

xrp for example has thee cheapest fees and has 3rd party node so now what faggot. All we needed to do is increase blocksize fuck ass but blockstream tards wants high fees because they think the price will soar as if fucking high fees is what makes money and makes a currency good
what makes a currency good is ease of use and cheap fees. not everybody wants to pay 5 dollars + for one transaction pussy

just like nobody wanted to take antshares off exchange because it cost 1 antshare.

gtfo u dumb cunt u know nothing

you mean bitcoin is getting rekt and bitcoin cash is up to almost $700 US
>it's just an altcoin bro