Isnt it funny a lot of saints are just representations of pagan gods and demigods?
For example St.George is build upon the image of Medaur, illyrian and Thracian god
Pic rel is an artifact before 30 AD
Isnt it funny a lot of saints are just representations of pagan gods and demigods?
For example St.George is build upon the image of Medaur, illyrian and Thracian god
Pic rel is an artifact before 30 AD
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Isn't it funny that the Mesoamerican civilization was started by Africans?
For example one of the Olmec heads is looks to me like an African and therefore is.
Isn't it funny that the Ancient Egyptians were actually black Africans?
For example one of the pharaohs looks kind of like an African if we take a picture with certain shading.
He's right tho
The posture, the spear, even the celebration day is the same
Your comparison is retarded
>it looks similar
>therefore it must be the same
Zeitgeist bullshit, everybody.
>It looks similar
Its literally the same in everything, except the name. Even the date of Medaur is the same as day of St.George
>Its literally the same in everything
>except where its not
Hilarious meme m8.
Isn't it funny that st nick(Santa Claus) come from african mythology?
The name obviously wasn't going to be kept the same
Christians wants a Semitic religion with Greco-Roman aesthetic
Hence the Pagan debauchery
This, Even Islam is more inline with Judaism about this
Christianity is a syncretic rip off from half a dozen different religions puddled together to fit the roman mass market.
This is a Japanese Dogu Statue. It looks like an alien. Obviously the name isn't going to be "alien", but that's what it is. It is firm evidence that the Japanese civilization was started by ancient aliens.
lol ;D upboated
Look at this conclusive scholarly work proving the connection between the pope's fish hat and this weird fish cult.
It doesn't look like an alien
And the image in OP's pic doesn't look like St. George.
"It looks like x," is a subjective statement, and hardly the basis for any serious claim. Thanks for debunking the thread.
It looks like St. George image retard, not St. George.
St.George is an imaginary dude
ITT: buttblasted christcuck getting destroyed
>St. George is an imaginary dude
This is a bias.
>It looks like St. George
This is a subjective opinion.
A bias plus a subjective opinion equals bullshit.
>if I make enough posts saying someone is losing the argument independent of my other posts, maybe it will look like other people actually think he's losing
Good strategy. There aren't any ID's on this board, so who would know?
It is tho, no matter how you believe
Its not like Peter Pan fairies y'know
They are both instantiations of the same archetype.