Monero pump

Will this shit keep going up? Buy now? Wait? The fucking buy walls are heavy.


I bought 3 XMR at €80 or ~$92. Don't know if it will go up in the short term but long term it has a better chance of becoming a widely used currency than Bitcoin.

it seems obvious that the future darknet markets will use monero, i wish i bought some a month ago when i realized this

This is actually better then BTC fundamentals wise.

Future darknet markets gonna use Particl.


Darknet markets, tax avoidance, money laundering. Not to mention normal people who don't want everyone to be able to see all of their transactions and wallet balance... Plenty of competition though.

It must be this week's "monero killer"

Literally everything is.

i bought my first cryptocurrency a month ago
it was monero and i have no idea what the fuck to do with it.



I'm waiting for it to come down to 70-75 hopefully after this pump passes

sit back and enjoy the kr gains?

it's money dumbshit. spend it or save it.


Margin lend it on Bitfinex and pray to not get finex'ed

How much does that actually return? What's the interest?

Like 2% yearly usually, it can jump up to 30% sometimes for a short while though, iirc this happened yesterday

2% yearly... does this include downtime when it's not borrowed? And do you mean pacing %30 or real %30

>monero killer
this is a meme and I didn't even realize it