What would Germany (and Europe) be like now if the socialists hadn't lost the German revolution of 1917-18?
German Revolution
Red, sad and poor.
Possibly would aid Soviets during Polish-Bolshevik war.
As cucked as modern Germany and much poorer.
Like Russia is rn
They would have invaded France. Luxemburg was more jingoist and aggressive than Lenin.
The germans would have suffered under Jewish Bolshevism just like the Russians did.
Based noske crushed the commies with an iron, but fair fist
communism would spread, and soon everything would be communist.
The whole planet would be full commie.
Team Anglo COULD NOT COMPETE with Russo-German alliance.
>Luxemburg was more jingoist and aggressive than Lenin.
Really? Somebody here the other day was claiming that she was a pacifist who only participated in the Spartacist uprising because she had no choice. What's the REAL story?
You'd actually have an industrialized nation under a socialist system meaning the painful and brutal modernization under Stalin wouldn't have had to happen. It could've been beautiful if it weren't fror Freikucks
>Stalin would suddenly chill the fuck out if Germany were socialist
What the fuck am I reading.
I think that user is implying that Germany wouldn't have such a tumultous industrialization as USSR under Stalin since Germany was industrialized. Anyway, even if that's what he meant, it's still retarded because Stalin being brutal didn't depend on that but on him being a genocidal tyrant, something pretty common in the history of communism. Besides, Russia was already industrializing in tsarist times without a brutal regime.
>it's a "the Spartacist Uprising and the German Revolution were the same event" episode
There is still hope for Germany.
the story is don't believe everything you read on the internet, boyo
Was there any real support for this heeb?
You know, grain sales weren't even close to the levels necessary to fund a full scale industrialization. The tsarist "industry" was solely developed to produce military material.
Also ascribing Stalins "genocidal tyranny" exclusive importance for the economic development of the SU is brainlet as fuck.
>You know, grain sales weren't even close to the levels necessary to fund a full scale industrialization. The tsarist "industry" was solely developed to produce military material.
[citation needed]
>Also ascribing Stalins "genocidal tyranny" exclusive importance for the economic development of the SU is brainlet as fuck.
Literally arguing the opposite. My point is that industrialization doesn't require being a brutal ruler and therefore to imply that Stalin was brutal because he had to modernize is stupid. In other words, Stalin was brutal because he was a genocidal tyrant, not because he had to modernize.
>Luxemburg was more jingoist and aggressive than Lenin.
The thing is that Luxy was a Polish nationalist, not G*rman.
fuck off Ludendorf
This is just the sumary of the bit on Russian development before 1917 and desu it doesn't really delve into the military aspects of it but that's the argument earlier in the book nevertheless. The book is Farm To Factory by Robert C. Allen.
Stalin was forced by circumstances to do what he did but he unecessarily created those circumstances himself.
>tfw /pol/ conveniently forget the fact that she was very nationalistic
>... if the socialists hadn't lost the German revolution of 1917-18?
calm down /pol/ack
Who dis?
Probably the most hated kike in Eastern Europe right after Soros.
>durr why didn't they let me and my junta seize power
start shit, get hit
Who /freikorps/ here?
1. Communists are socialists.
2. Do you have a demographic study on the people who formed part of that revolution?
3. The 1918 Revolution foresaw the implementation of a republic. By which metric was it not a revolution?
Who knew the ranks of the Kaiserliche Marine were almost exclusively Jewish? This history has been hidden from us.