Which Christian faith is the true faith
Which Christian faith is the true faith
The church founded by Christ which still exists today.
by those standards the non chalcedonains and nestroians have less changes in doctrine as if that counts.
Traditional Catholicism
What does it matter to you? You looking to convert or something?
This board is supposed to be about academics. It isn't a proselytization board, and don't fall for the LARPers trying to convert you.
Is there a particular church, tradition, or comparative topic, or something you'd like to discuss?
Which tradition?
Liberation theology
New Ways Ministry
Women's Ordination Conference
Catholics for Choice
There is no one traditional Catholicism.
The most spiritual and Christ-loving people are fundamental Bible-believing Christians.
This is kind of dumb. This assumes that every other church is a heresy of the Orthodox Church, but if the Orthodox Church completely changes its doctrine but retains its organization, it is still considered "the original church."
Those are various orders and schools of thought within traditional Catholicism. Go to where the tradition is being actively practiced and you'll find all these things, the SSPX is a good place to start.
>no such thing
Oriental Orthodoxy
Does it really matter when Jesus just tells you to accept him as your savior and you won't go to hell, and accept God and you'll go to heaven + don't always be a general dick.
>Jesus practiced Judaism
>Judaism is the religion of God's people
>Heresy tier
I don't understand.
>"We truly are the Church of God!"
>fabricates documents
>shelters controversial Bishops
>Bends over and changes Church and God given law to fit with the modern world.
>"All those others have strayed from the church of god"
As long as you believe in and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior you belong to the true church. The church is NOT an organization. The church is God's people
But really, is correct.
can someone give me a quick rundown on the Unification Church? my parents were and still are into this and I have no idea about its history how it's perceived by others
What did the "real" christians believe before the bible was written?
actually make it a long rundown I need to know what the fuck i've been born into my whole life
That Jesus Christ was the Messiah, and that he would return.
>branch of christianity from the far east
>believes God is 2 parts
>the creator and the heavenly parent
>believes God is both male and female
>base most of their beliefs off of a supplementary text called Exposition of the Divine Principle, which was written by the co founder of the church
>there are very heavy similarities with buddhism through a system very similar to karma
>Jesus is supposed to be a "new adam" of sorts
>the sole purpose of life is to "return joy to God"
>they believe Jesus angered God because he didnt marry
>they believe the crucifixion couldve been skipped entirely
>they also believe the resurrection of Christ is entirely metaphorical, representing the passing of his ideas to another generation, and not a literal resurrection
>they also believe in a constant cycle of life, where one comes back when they die as a new person
>they also refer to the church founders as the "second coming" and say the "True Parents" of mankind (the same name they use to refer to God)
>they also REALLY hate jews
Marcionite Christianity and its derviatives (Bogomils, Cathars, Paulicians)
too bad they're all fucking DEAD
Only the most obscure of Catholic monastic orders. The more mystic the better.
Hmm, didn't Christ say that the gates of Hell would never prevail against the Church?
He was talking about one church (i.e. a building) in particular, not the institutional/organizational Church
>it has "orthodox" in the name therefore it's the most traditionalist maymay
Fucking Greek larpers
Catholic, because all core aspects of Catholicism (such as Apostolic succession and the real presence) were present by the mid to late 100s. There's no way the church of 30 AD was proto-Protestant and all the Catholic stuff was introduced within 2 human lifespans without anyone noticing. Even if Christianity is false, that the early Church was Catholic is an historical fact.
Orthodox easily have the second best claim by this logic.
why not combine the best of both worlds (Eastern Catholicism)
Pauline believers had their writings and beliefs wiped from history by the officials of the state Church and hundreds of thousands of believers were murdered.
If they could do it, the church would take Paul's letters out of the bible, but Christ preserves the bible against its enemies.
Like it or not, the Protestant Reformation did irreparable damage to Europe, and consequently the world.
Orthodoxy, westerm catholic tradition post 8th-9th century changed a lot. Orthodoxy also changed but far less than catholicsm.
Orthodoxy is the closes version of early christianity as we know it. Second contender would be pre 700s catholicism
There is one Christian faith and many sides not many faiths
God agrees, it's why America is the best country on Earth.
the one that has already died thousands of years ago. there is no real religion only one creation which we are all part of and equally indebted to.
experience, die, rinse and repeat unless you ascend.
To be fair every religion needs to change or add some rules. Islam can`t just declare war on Christian countrys cause lol the quoran gives me permission to do so.
John Francis Kennedy, your most beloved president was catholic
>Be Catholic
>Get shot
>the Protestant Reformation did irreparable damage to Europe, and consequently the world
It turns out the manichaeists were the right one, shame they got HERETICKED, now all of mankind is doomed.