>Be European exploring the New World
>First female you come in contact with in 3 months looks like this
What do?
>Be European exploring the New World
>First female you come in contact with in 3 months looks like this
What do?
force her to eat a bowl full of eggs
Ask if she is christian
the body of yoke compels you!
I'd colonize her
"Get out of my way savage"
she looks african
a native female would look more like pic related
I've already gone 28 years without women. What's 3 more months?
I'd colonize her
Let her subjugate me
Forcefeed her molten lead.
papusa de Brazil uma delicia
Someone post that brown QT with the brazil chan cosplay
you should fear the amazon warrior
Why would she be
uh, she's called kuruminha you uncultured fucker never post here again
Why, are you more interested in her little brother, priesty boy?
I'm more interested in claiming lands for the Crown of Portugal actually
>converts the entire continent
>unzip dick
lmoa how can u unzip dick OwO
So basically you are more interested in gay sex with your crewmates, got it.
(tips fedora) "h h h how are you"
savage runs away
chasing after her "are you interested in hearing about our lord and savior jesus christ"
Do you want stinky egg farts?
"let me tell you about the jews"
Omega kek
>dat squat form
>dat athletic body with a little bit of chub
Bet she fucks like an animal.
Well done.
I can barely last one week on nofap
Three months and I'ld bend her over and pin her down fucking her doggystyle like there is no tomorrow
No wonder the spanish racemixed so much
uma delicia
She is an animal
Ask her to crush my helmet with her thighs.
why do shit skins idolize the past as savages? I mean Whites were that way at one point too but we don't idolize those days, they were nothing special.
explain all the germanicboos and neopagans then
They don't, jizzskin. This is a thread for white dweebs to faun over sexy dark skinned women.
what we wuz vikings and romans and shit we wuz berzerkers fighting 50 enemies at once with no armor and shit we wuz the rulers of europe we'z 1/16 th italian look at our heritage
You mean cucks?
>shit skins
Native Americans are aryan my friend
t. Hitler
Romans and Vikings achieved something, These spear chunkers were just conquered.
does that word even mean anything anymore?
Yeah white liberal faggots.
>and Vikings
lmao, the same ones that got cucked by those very stone age savages?
Vikings made it to America before anyone else. Many of their farming techniques are still used today.
>Vikings made it to America before anyone else
I'm pretty sure the natives did
>Many of their farming techniques are still used today
Domesticated maize alone overshadows them to a ridiculous extent
Would let her pull my poison dart
>"Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough thatthe Romanswere erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires whenGreeceand Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. Thepresent-day Romansmust be having a laugh at these relegations."
>-Adolf Hitler
I would force her to shit on my cock.
They don't count, they were savages.
Create the Mexicans
Women are disgusting.
SHe has a bra on so no. This is closer to what they'd look like.
She looks much more african than native.
Rape her and then watch her die from common cold
Make Mexicans :(
Have you told that to your mom, yet? That you're a disgusting faagot who put your dick into man's shithole?
It's an /a/ meme.
show her my impressive CD collection
Speer pls go.
create mestizos
Take my Bible and my garrote out of my bag, one of them will be useful in the next 30 minutes.
why do native americans kinda look like asians?
Because their ancestors came from Asia
They didn't have ocean going ship a back then you moron.
why would you need ships to cross a land bridge?
It would be rape
Give her dad some glass beads or a comb, marry her, and have her take care of me in camp, as we campaign around killing savages and collecting gold.
If we ever return to Spain I'd leave her behind, and buy a prettier Spanish wife back home though.
this desu
Get out!
Become suspicious about her African looks, that does not look moderately Hindu.
Accuse the captain of being a fuckup and wasting 3 months of potential exploring to bring us to Africa.
Explain Hawaii
mai modelfu
not european but i'd go for Native American women wish Ottoshits colonized Americas
t. Turk
What CDs do you have?
Enslave her and make her work in my mines for GOLD
She's 13 in that image you pedo. She's the daughter of a highly respected person in her Yanomami village and recently had her second son.
I'd convert her on the spot!
Americans are obsessed with pedophilia because they are themselves repressed rapists and pedophiles
I'm actually Icelandic.
What is her name? How do you know this wtf?
So is that picture CP then?
family travelled to Brazil and I met her village a few years back. My parents visited her village again recently.
depends on the laws of your country. But generally no, since the image is not sexual in nature. It's like nudist pictures of families, typically legal and ok.
Feed her until she's morbidly obese.