ITT: We laugh at faggots who still didn't buy BlockCAT

Also, BlockCAT general.

Other urls found in this thread:

Gonna buy 5btc worth of these in a sec. 100m cap seems pretty much guaranteed when we hit a not-shit exchange

okay real talk, how high is it going.

how do we buy this? isnt the sale done?


This has moon mission written all over it.

You buy it on EtherDelta. Its a shitty decentralized exchange. The ICO is over, get in at .0125 ETH or so; we're headed to .05 ETH easily. Tiny supply, autist founder, huge vision.

convince me why someone would want to buy blockcat?


About to break into top 100 in cmc

More exchanges will add it

More exposure

is 2000cat enough to sleep well?

People like you are the reason the price will stay low until getting listed on other exchanges. Don't worry, you will be able to buy at for 3x the current price.

9mln supply, youg vitalic as a ceo, everyone loves cats

this is smatcontracts for normies

if this is mooning on a shit exchange we hitting 500mill cap on a bittrex

I only dropped $40 into it. I'm not super rich, plus I'm weary about people shilling coins/tokens on Veeky Forums

That said, it only has ~9 mil tokens total according to coinmarketcap, thats pretty low. Plus only a ~$30 mil cap right now - that's extremely low.

I'm a developer, and recently looked into making a crowdsale/ico contract. It's not super easy. The tech is new, and there aren't too many guides to make a robust contract.

These guys are gonna make it easier to make contracts - after the pains of making my own contract, I really like that idea. So I dropped $40 into it, not a lot but who cares.

Basically to create smart contracts without any coding knowledge. This is obvious normie bait, and if this is mooning on a shit tier exchange like Etherdelta, imagine what will happen at is guaranteed, Bittrex will probably take a while, but I hope that will happen too.

It's better than normal exchanges. No verifications no nothing. Just slam your shit there and buy some dank coins before they're listen on baby ass hand holding websites for toddlers like you.
More coins for me.


>TFW only 800 cats

>This shitty site is better than your gay little sites because it doesn't have an easy user interface and simplified, streamlined features
Fuck off with this pretentious bullshit. Etherdelta site fuckin sucks. It is good for buying before they're on the well-managed websites however. Good place to hang out

You still can get in while it is on Etherdelta. It won't go much higher than $5 while it is on there. Once it gets on, and other exchanges, we finna moon.

Etherdelta works quite well and is pretty comfy. I dont know why people hate it so much

I get on EtherDelta via github link, but all I see online is tutorials on using it with Metamask?

I don't have any it mandatory? I created a new acc on EtherDelta, got the address and priv key...pls halp

I use etherdelta and ive never heard of metamask...

>I don't have any it mandatory?
Absolutely not.

Just remember to increase the gas price or else you'll be stuck waiting forever to deposit shit.
You can do it from that account drop menu. Just click your address and you'll see a tab that says "Gas price".

Send your ETH to your address, and save your private key somewhere safe. After you see your ETH in your Etherdelta wallet, transfer them to the exchange via the "deposit" tab. Afterwards, select the price you want to buy at from the order book, and press on it. Then, enter the amount of ETH you'd like to spend on it. Afterwards, press BUY.

Other exchange when?
2 days then I can buy 600 more. But how long before mooning?

Something important to know about Ether Delta? Only takes Ether ofc but fees and Security?

Everyone crying about etherdelta go watch cryptobeaks video how to use etherdelta


OP here from the other thread: I'm the 19th biggest holder of CAT. This is a x20 ICO guys

>$30 million market cap, totally undervalued. This is worth $300 million at least
>CEO listed in Forbes as one of the most up and coming entrepreneurs
>The Apple of smart contracts
>Not a pump and dump, has a working prototype and has been recognized by Ian, Suppoman, and Cryptoverse as a must-buy ICO
>One of the biggest projects of the year. Complimentary to Ethereum

Only x20 now? Come on man, I could barely afford a fiat on that.

Feels good desu

Dat sell wall its ogre

Is this the correct coin? ETHERDELTA isnt listed on the exchanges for it

No its CAT

Feels good when I bought for $0.90 during the ICO. Already made a lot and more comfy gains are coming.

CAT is just waiting to get on a real exchange. It has the highest volume I've ever seen for ANY cryptocurrency. It will blow up as soon as it hits Liqui/Bittrex. I mean 20x blow up, 4x is so cheap.

Calm down user, let the ICO kids have their gains. They'll be getting off this ship at the moon. The next stop is Neptune.

Ok so if I want to buy some of this coin, is Etherdelta the best option?

Also man lighten up on the shilling, it's possible to have too much of a good thing.

Its the only option. Hence high barrier to entry hence once on real exchanges moontime

LOL all you want, I have 12,841 Niggers!

Or wait for to launch

Alright well Im interested, Ill put 1 Eth or so into this to see where it can go.

poorfag here sitting on a little over 15 CAT. Anybody wanna help me out?

Here we go

Shill fear is real, brother. But I sniffed this one out before the hype threads started here about 5 days ago. Got in, and started to see it naturally start popping up here. Everything about this project is cool. And it's still young.

What was the ICO price?
What does it do?

Shitcoin until proven otherwise

So is everything, right?

No one gives a shit if you buy or not. It's GOING to go up when it hits an exchange that isn't coded on an etch-a-sketch.

What's a good price to get in at?

ZRX made his ATH when it was Etherdelta only.

long term hold on this one boiz. $50 in six months screen cap this

$50 this year

what? ATH was on august 19th

300cat for 1 eth. Drag and drop smartcontracts. kind of for ethereum

What ISNT a shit coin? I cant see a real use case for any cryptocurrency. Even bitcoin is shit as fuck


choose one, shitter

Serious talk, how to buy this shit nekocoin?

All hail MoonCAT!

yeah ok then

started with 4 BTC in March. At least I see Crypto for what it is. Instead of holding onto bags of shit and calling it a "long hold".

Would have bought desu but I'm too much of a simpleton to use etherdelta

i believe it

>i can't see any use for crypto
>bitcoin is a shitcoin
>i don't hold bags of shit

you choose brainlet

you guys to buy minerthum a few days ago and i lost money. you guys just trying to scam me!

I'll buy once it's below 2$

Nice inspect element faggot

Screenshot is real - should clarify I only started with 4 BTC on this particular Bittrex account. My Twitter: Fontase

Every coin IS a shit coin. Ignore my advice if you want but you should work on increasing your BTC count while cashing out regularly. Stop getting attached to particular coins.

Blockcat is an easy 3x profit - I'll agree. But if you're still holding in 2 months time, you've missed the top.

I moved some ETH (.8 to be exact) to etherdelta and I'm trying to transfer it to the exchange wallet but it keeps giving me a "You tried to send an Ethereum transaction but there was an error." error. Anyone else had an experience with this?

Dude what. It's pretty fucking easy to make an ICO contract.

That said, this seems like a very solid idea desu

nevermind I'm retarded and forgot about the fee

so never??

nice dude

We are the catmarines

don't jinx it

That fucking 10000 cat wall


Anyone having trouble sending from Metamask?

Meow....meow meow meow! Meow! Meow! Meow!!!! Meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

I'm starting to learn what all this means. I see that wall too. How does that affect things for us?

The price will have a very hard time rising past the Wall

Who's stupid enough to sell on etherdelta before it hits bittrex/liqui? Seems like ever since I started shilling on here, we've seen a lot of shortsighted people trying to make 10% gains off BlockCat. Just HODL!

Why does the order book overlap on etherdelta?

Doesn't update fast enough?

Yes, its very slow

Meow meow!!!

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

not it should be blockCat

how many Veeky Forums newfags are gonna cry their eyes out when it goes to zero kek.

>knows literally nothing about the coin, doesnt bother with reading cause it hurts his eyes

>proceeds to FUD

Bought 30 more shares, now sitting at kitten-tier 53 CAT. Can I finally afford to eat Blue Buffalo?


had the same issue just press sync

guys i literally cannot actually use etherdelta it stole a bunch of my money and wouldn't ever let me withdraw or deposit or transfer out of my wallet it made me so mad that ive had to miss out on so many missions

>you tried to send an ethereum transaction but there was an error
multiply by that by about 6 gorillion and that is my experience. it just literally doesn't work and i don't know how to get my money back, feels really fucking bad man.

did u have enough gas?

did you maybe already put up your order?
check the orders tab

i got that error but it didnt take my eth, are you using metamask?

i have my gas set at 4 gwei should i change it?

i can't even get to the point of actually making orders. it's stuck in the wallet.

i'm using the built-in wallet which i thought would be okay

and the ETH is still there btw in my wallet, it just will not let me transfer it to other addresses nor let me deposit it into any of the coin wallets for purchasing. I don't know what the deal with the gas is or what setting it should be at besides the default

i hate helping stupid ppl because you don't deserve it for being dumb, but i'm feeling nice today

what is the error you're getting young pajeet?

is it not enough nonce?

do you have enough money in your account balance (not-deposited) to make transactions?

have you tried connecting to a testnet then re-connecting to main net?

have you tried closing your browser, deleting your cookies, and re-connecting to meta mask with your password?

>what is the error you're getting young pajeet?
You tried to process an Ethereum transaction but there was an error.

>do you have enough money in your account balance (not-deposited) to make transactions?
Of course.

>have you tried connecting to a testnet then re-connecting to main net?

>have you tried closing your browser, deleting your cookies, and re-connecting to meta mask with your password?
A few times, yeah.

I finally got it to work by only depositing like half of my total.

WHO Dafuq is selling? Wait until it's on another exchange pajeets

how much was your total?

i only put in a very small amount to try out with .114 eth and it wouldn't let me move any until i tried to deposit a very small amount.

But now im worried about transferring. I tried to transfer my eth out and it said "invalid address" even though i tried to use 2 of my eth wallets. Idk. I have about 9 cat now finally but i'm still a bit worried