>TFW you'll never serve in the Roman army
>TFW you'll never get sent away to far away exotic lands to fight for Rome
>TFW you'll never beat back barbarian hordes
>TFW you'll never get rewarded with your own plot of land for military service
>TFW you'll never have your own slaves
>TFW you'll never get to watch gladiator battles
TFW you'll never serve in the Roman army
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you'll probably die at age 30
tfw stabbed to death by friends cause some douche deserted
That whole thing is nonsense, the average is only that because of the high child mortality rates
>tfw you will never live in 10AD
>tfw you will never die an agonizing fever death at 30 because of impacted wisdom teeth
>ywn invade the franks
>ywn be given normandy to guard paris from other raiders
>ywn have a qt frankish gf and make little normans with her
why even bother
Romans were subhumans
This is actually true, if you made it past 10 years old, you had a pretty chance of making it to 55+ if you didn't get killing by the plague, or eat by wolves, or stabbed to death by an angry mob paid by your political opponents, or .........
Go back to Gaul, ginger knob.
Yeah but modern times has infinite free porn and cheap tins of sardines so I'll take modern times
>ywn live in the time of the greatest men on earth, the time which summarized the next 2000 years, the time in which shadow we are forced too live forever: the late roman republic
The angry mob is worth being alive during these times
Who needs porn when you have literal sex slaves?
But slavery is unethical
Who gives a shit it wasn't back then. When in Rome as they say.
>TFW you'll never get rewarded with your own plot of land for military service
that was only really the case after the gracchi and marian reforms
>comparing modern morales and ethnics to those of the ancient world
>ywn be a Norman viking invading England to spread the tongue and ways of his French overlords
>TFW you'll never serve in the Roman army
Do you pledge your undying loyalty to the Emperor? I'm not bringing back blood sport though.
>tfw die In first battle
>serve in the roman army
>some dickhead in your century does something that pisses off someone higher up
>tfw your century gets decimated
>tfw you die because some asshole you don't know did something to piss off someone else you don't know
>tfw you'll never be this autistic
>ywn die in a pointless civil war
what a tragedy
>>tfw you'll never be this autistic
tfw humans believe authority is sanctioned by other humans and violence and not God.
This, wild Humans can easily live into their 50s without medical intervention.
Even Chimps can live that long in the wild
Oho, don't be too sure, user. You may, especially if you're a gommie
>tfw you'll never be this autistic
This species is in huge trouble when they consider me a joke but protecting a genocidal talking burning bush and its delusional followers is considered of paramount importance.
The US is lowkey trying to emulate Rome's military class.
>Get paid to go to college
>Get the best health insurance in a country with high-quality healthcare that isn't bogged down by universal healthcare
>Great retirement plan
>Base-allocated housing
They bring you up in society if you enlist
>be middle class son of a merchant in Rome
>always look up to the Legions as what true men are like
>as soon as I can swing a sword I can enlist
>train and work hard, eventually get recognized by my centurion
>distinguish myself in border skirmishes, the legatus finally takes notice
>for my service I am moved to Augustus' personal legions
>my father and mother could not hold back their tears of pride as they saw me at attention in shining armor
>be put under a command of a guy named Varus, after beating some barbarian scum under Tiberius
>march out under rumors of a revolt from a man named Arminius
>it was a trap, as we march barbarians pour from the hills and assail our positions
>the swamp sucks at our legs, making combat maneuvering impossible
>days of miserable rain and marching ensued, watching my brothers die as we retreat back toward Roman borders
>another ambush materializes out of the damned forests
>the cavalry, seized by cowardice makes a break for Roman walls far over the horizon but are cut down by barbarians lying in wait
>we rally around the golden eagle, fighting as hard as we can against the endless horde
>ask Varus for orders, but he has none
>the coward kills himself, declaring all hope to be lost
>look to the aquila, and find myself unwilling to give up and surrender the pride of Rome to the enemy
>the standard bearer is killed by a barbarian who broke through our lines, he is quickly slain in revenge
>throw down my scutum and raise the eagle high while continuing the fight
>realize I lost my footing and dropped the eagle
>try as I might, I can't will myself to seize the banner stuck in the mud
>realize I can't move, that I can't feel the armor on my back or the steel on my neck
>pray to Jupiter and Mars for strength, if they will grant it I will keep fighting, they just have to give me a chance
>realize the din of battle around me has faded
>realize that I can't feel anything anymore
>realize that I can't see the eagle anymore
>Gladiator battles
I'd bet 90% of you faggots wouldn't watch them if they were a thing.
legiones redde