What did the Spanish look like before Moor influence?
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Irish people and no that is not a joke.
That's not even possible considering what latitude Spain sits at
>haplogroup autism
Fuck off
hate reading these
Exactly after moor "influence".
Native Spaniards uninfluenced by Moors are white, see basques. Irish and some Brits look very similar due to ancient ancestry.
Well, they probably don't look anymore different than they did after the neolithic expansion into the region.
any influence from the moors was minimal because they were expelled on masse from aragon, valencia and only a few came back. only the castillian moorish populations were assimilated enough that they werent properly all expelled,
> autistosomal gender queer binary faggot
Fuck off you genderless freak.
>on masse
en masse
Autosomally they don't have much NorthWest African influence.
Anyway didn't Roman historians describe the iberians as being dark and curly haired?
i dont speak french
Stfu turkshit.
Castillians have a pure blood line that has been untouched for ever. No Roman nor Visigothic nor human garbage polluted blood line
On masse does not exist as an English phrase. English borrows the French term "en masse".
If you want to use a less foreign sounding phrase, try "all at once"
Probably the same mostly because it's not like contact with North Africans and Berbers began with the Moors. As for the most purest expression of an original Indo-European population it would be the Celts and the Basques are probably the best representation of the first humans to live there.
Speakers of Mirandese
Like the northern ones do now.
Wavy hair, not curly. I can count with my hands the people with curly hair I know than are iberians, and one is a ginger. And we are dark only in the summer because we tan like every fucking med. Also you normally can see who has berber blood (pic related) and who doesn't, not that we treat them different now but after the middle age having any drop of moorish or jewish blood would have been a social suicide and people tried to hide it because the Limpiezas de sangre and all that.
About how they would have looked, the basques are the less mixed, pic related.
But people forget than there were more migrations before history, for example G, J1/2, Eb, T, before the romans, and you can find they descendends here and there, probably living in the same patch of dirt for thousands of years.
Just like what they do now
They'd probably be alot less pale but genetically speaking its accurate.
like this
Mostly the same. Spanish DNA has very few influence of the invaders: phoenician, greeks, romans, goths and other german tribes,... 90% of the modern DNA has been exactly the same as the first people who settle here.
And that's because even arabs didn't mixed with the local people. A common mistake is to confuse between moors and muslims. 95% of al-Andalus people where original natives converted to Islam and very few come from Arabia and the North of Africa. So the process worked the other way when the northern christian kingdoms invade the south:
1) Arabs and moors come to Hispania
2) Invade the whole territory and gradually convert local people to Islam.
3) Northern kingdoms gained power over time and push muslims down
4) Christian people on muslim territory leave to the north because it was horrible for them
5) Muslims in christian territory stay muslims until they do the same and make their lives miserable so they have two options: became christians or leave to Africa.
Sorry for my horrible English btw.
You're English is fine lad
Your* im phone posting ;)
Probably slightly lighter
Nice cherrypicking
> 95% of al-Andalus people where original natives converted to Islam
> and gradually convert local people to Islam.
That never happened though. The muslims made up the ruling class and converted a few but the majority of the population remained christian and lives without problems.
Even the kikes lived well there
Old and sickly?
>christian and lives without problems.
They made the ruling class with most of the local hispanoroman nobility. They changed the previous visigoths for arabs. One of their most succesful moves and the motive that they rule the whole territory so quickly is that they respected the local power structures. Many people converted willingly.
It's not totally true that there was a majority of christians and we know that the didn't live without any problems. In both christian and muslim soil, both religions live miserably and segregated. And there is a point when the Almohads invade al-Andalus that they expel all christians from the territory or slave them and send to Africa. If the majority of andalusians where christians, the territory would have been depopulated.
Theres certainly an influence but the spanish people of today look largely the same as spanish people of the pre moorish conquest, if you account for proper nutrition and medicine of course.
Let's clear things up. Mass exterminations didnt happen as often as you think it might. There would certainly have been looting and sacking but if an army was coming to conquer, they did not exterminate the entire population, they left people around to live in order to pay taxes.
Something I still shake my head at also is that people seem to think that every moment of unprotected sex = baby. There is a 1 week timetable of fertility, a few days in and around the period of unlikely chance of pregnancy and everywhere else is a fairly okay to low chance of pregnancy (I mean dont do it you idiot but still).
This is like asking what % of the current english population is norman.
It would have been some, but they would have been a small minority that honestly kept it in their own group for the most part until such time that national or regional identity overrided whatever ethnic identity they had.