Now that the dust has settled and religion is btfo in western society, was monotheism a mistake...

Now that the dust has settled and religion is btfo in western society, was monotheism a mistake? Wouldn't we have had much more fun with polytheism? And especially better sexual morals?

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>not pantheism

God is in everything, my dude

not really hippie bro

Wouldn't polyethism be at higher risk of in house fighting if two different cities/countries had the same religion but their focus on different gods.
But ye it would be way cooler to have more than one god. They would also have way more distinct abilities and personalities instead of just "he's omnipotent lol".

no. monotheism is one intellectual step above poly or pantheism.
pantheism is the worship of natural gods, nature deities or natural phenomena.
monotheism worships the concept of the divine, which is not natural in any sense of the word

Doubt it, polytheists are more tolerant than "muh only god" lads

This is about polytheism, read the OP again.

polytheism is pantheistic by nature

not necessarily. now quit changing the fucking subject and answer the fucking question!
Wouldn't we have had much more fun as happy heathens?

>repressive morals that nobody practices anymore is why I can't have sex


Polytheism is fun. FUN!


Obviously the Abrahamic religions are boring as fuck, but why do you assume polytheism would necessarily make life more fun?

>repressive laws based on repressive morals still outlaw my harmless and natural sexual preference in particular.
>Skydaddy morals are still in peoples minds

Because a pantheon gives you a pluralistic world view?

>hes never played d&d
larp factor

Well, you still can't show a female nipple in TV. So much for repressive morals.

>And especially better sexual morals?

Imho sexual morality was the one thing that made sense in the Abrahamic religions.

I believe that eventually the same morality will be rediscovered in another form.

>worship the goddess of femininity for 3 years of pilgrimages to her sacred sites and secluded devotion
>become a biological female
>worship the goddess of prostitution for 2 years in her temple brothels
>become a beautiful female prostitute who services future kings and queens
Seems like it would be a lot of fun honestly.
But I guess the most important part would be the actual agency of the gods in this world, if it weren't for that it'd be now different from any religion.

>Well, you still can't show a female nipple in TV.


Are you an arab?

>Imho sexual morality was the one thing that made sense in the Abrahamic religions.
Thats why we have old guys in dresses diddling 11 year olds preaching us heterosexual monogamy for life without the chance of a test drive.
middle eastern patriarchal monogamy is all tensed up and prudish, it killed the relaxed sexuality pagans had before.


Without it we would get shit like

>preferring jewish Skydaddy to Roman pantheon

The West didn't really abandon religion, They just switched from Christianity to Liberalism. Although, Liberalism has been getting BTFO recently by the Alt-Right and Muslims.

I don't think diddling kids is ever going to be fully accepted.

That's because there are 4 year olds who watch the superbowl and American™ Christians™ don't want their children to be corrupted by the devil's gland®.

Showing nipples in adult programming isn't controversial in the US.

>Showing nipples in adult programming
Name one example

Any show on HBO.

Christianity and liberalism go hand in hand tho


When you say Liberalism do you mean the economical one or the political one ?

>Christianity and liberalism go hand in hand tho

nowadays it's a conservative thing to believe because that's our new tradition.
But when it hit the scene it was an anti-nationalist, overly tolerant, and also very absolutist religion that took hold in the slave underclass.
It was the Islam of Late Antiquity, but didn't jihad when they martyred.

Let's find out!


What you described about different cities having different traditions and rituals was actually the status quo in most polytheistic areas. Different gods are worshiped for different reasons, so there was no conflict there.

>Now that the dust has settled and religion is btfo in western society, was monotheism a mistake?

Only if you don't want to go to hell for treason. Obviously monotheism is a fraud - it was a fraud when Jesus said it was a fraud 2000 years ago and it's a fraud now and it will be a fraud 2000 years from now.

Stop fucking LARPing you child.
Religion is stronger than it has been in a long time.
Fuck off, redditor.

Liberalism is the Antichrist.

Fuck off with your humanist memes.
You're filled with humanist memes (humanist morality). Don't act as if you're anything but a lamb to the slaughter.

Only pseuds think 'abrahamic religion' is boring, or 'boring' is a valid criticism.
Are you fucking 14?

in your country fucktard ;)

That's not Liberalism. Liberalism and Humanism in general make the better thing look worse. They are the Antichrist and grand, inverting, deceptive ideologies. Value humanity alongside the rest of existence because they are God's creation? Nah, it's because they're valuable resources, and some meme about empathy, and star dust n shieet. WE WUZ STARS N SHIEEET

I see nipples on television all the time, underage fucktard ;)
Now go back to /b/ with the rest of the kiddies, sweetie ;)

how to trigger a retard

btw I could be your father, now back to your bible&burger retard menu.

>with the rest of the kiddies,

sounds like someone is very insecure about his own age

how old are you user?

>Stop fucking LARPing you child.
>Religion is stronger than it has been in a long time.

That doesn't make it true. In fact, it's been proven false over and over again. But God is real and the universe most certainly isn't centered on the Jews, much less the human species. This species has am extremely inflated sense of self-importance.

Monotheists are the LARPers, obviously - running around mass-murdering people pretending they're on a "divine mission" to commit genocide.

LMFAO - losers - enjoy hell you traitor...

I'm not American, sweetie ;)
No, I'm 29. Still young enough to take you on a date, sweetie ;)
I'll show you heaven ;)

Fuck off, LARPing cunt.
Christianity isn't humanistic, LARPing cunt.
Back to /r/eddit, sweetie ;)

he's not a LARPer, he's actually fucking insane. watch the video he linked. it's not the work of a sane mind.

>Fuck off, LARPing cunt.
>Christianity isn't humanistic,

You don't follow God - you're just a self-aggrandizing fool. Obviously no intergalactic entities would have anything to do with someone with your attitude. God despises monotheists - hates - nobody who worships Moses will go to heaven and you'll be lucky to be granted execution instead of hell if you do follow him. You'd be wise to listen to that.

"Muh God exists, but there hasn't been a single prophet in over 2000 years and we'll murder you if you disagree! Derp! Jesus luvs me 4ever!"

No, he's a LARPing redditor. You know, that WEEEEEEEEEEIRD part of reddit. He's about as insane as the average teenage boy claiming to be a TWISTED FUCKING PSYCHOPATH.

Back to /r/eddit, LARPer.

>he's not a LARPer, he's actually fucking insane. watch the video he linked. it's not the work of a sane mind.

Partial differential equations look insane to someone who flunked algebra. Theology isn't a child's toy.

Said the child playing with theology.
Back to /r/eddit, boy.

>Back to /r/eddit, LARPer.

I have monotheists telling me I'm a LARPer - you people are pathetic. You better hope there's no God because if there is you're in for an eternity of pain.

Stop LARPing, DEUS VULT redditcunt.

your videos are completely incoherent on every level. it's a bunch of clashing video clips, quotes and pictures set to music. it physically looks like the mind of a schizophrenic. you don't even have commentary to clarify why you are showing all this shit to us

>your videos are completely incoherent on every level. it's a bunch of clashing video clips

Your lack of cognition is not the same as being incoherent. I guess that's why you should just trust credible sources instead of pretending you've got a direct line to an intergalactic entity.

Fuck off to /r/eddit, LARPer.

>assasin's creed quotes

Is the entire thread an exercise in bait?

>Fuck off to /r/eddit, LARPer.

Yeah, credible sources - like I'm an actual theologian unlike any monotheist you find.

Why don't you just stop spamming your insults? I work for God, directly - you're a nobody.

You work for the Adversary.
Credible sources are a meme made up by STEMspergs, who eventually infected theology.

>You work for the Adversary.

I work for the Lord - monotheists work for the devil like Jesus warned you 2000 years ago. You're just a bunch of raping, plundering serial killers - that's all you were when the Jews invented the Moses story and that's all you'll ever be.

Stop LARPing, don't make me get my whip...

>Stop LARPing, don't make me get my whip...

I'm not the first person to be persecuted for Jesus and I won't be the last.

You aren't being persecuted, you're just a LARPing heretic.

Stop oppressing the true belief, infidel.

>You aren't being persecuted, you're just a LARPing heretic.

"He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. You are badly mistaken!" - Mark 12:27