What did he mean by #ad ?
Is that a hashtag to imply I have no idea what this I just sold the tweet space?
What did he mean by #ad ?
Is that a hashtag to imply I have no idea what this I just sold the tweet space?
Other urls found in this thread:
They legally need to put #ad when they're being paid by a company to endorse it
isn't this nigger worth $500m+? why is he selling facebook ad space to retarded crypto scams?
LOL he has abandoned stox bagholders
so does that confirm he's not a nostox, and actually is going to personally invest?
there was no #ad on the stox post...
Since he is a nigger, probably
Read the comments. Anyone that says normies are in crypto are wrong. They have no fucking idea what he's posting.
He probably got paid cash for the 7 figure spot on his pants and not actual tokens.
did he just delete the tweet? lol wtf
What did he mean by this?
Reminder that floyd literally cannot read
okay they just reuploaded it with a fucking emoji, just to shill it that much more
>so you be sayin'... dat money on da computah
Floyd just got crushed by the taxman for 100m
>he wants to wash his business profits as crypto
see first reply stox bois
manlets, when will they learn?
They got fined for that
What's going on in this pic?
ICO ETH address?
You can get money out of those things?
whats happening here?....
hes a rich nig, he only buys in the best coins
WTF does that mean he won't be shilling STX on his with mcgregor fight?
Nigga look it up, there has to be record somewhere, i know because im a software dev at insta n it was the drama that day
lol he is the opposite of a rothchild
Wtf is this nigger doing?
Better to post the link to the tweet than a screenshot.
Or there is none on this bullshit?
no, 100% for real, check it out yourself, some whale bought a shitload of stx at ico, and then has bought like $300,000 worth in the last couple of days.. hasnt sold any, just HODLING
i'm seriously assuming its someone with inside info a pump is about to happen, cause thats some serious money. and i dont think an exchange would be buying it from liqui like that.. tho either way if it is an exchange wallet preparing to add thats bullish news too.
My bad, it's legit.
uhh just go to his twitter
whats happening is someone actually has 5 million USD in STOX tokens in a wallet with only stox tokens and they're accumulating more and more. what does that tell you
lol how the fuck could instagram fine someone for not using a hashtag
its maybe some dumb rich kid who thinks he can make bank on this.
Mo money ≠ Mo smarts
My God, Mayweather is such a shameless sellout. I love it
Instagram doesn't fine them, the FTC does.
so can a nigga make some bank on that hubii ICO?
sold my stox, 50% profit is enough for me and I'm getting bad vibes.
guy spends a lot of money on shit. he can't box forever and he ain't going to get an endorsement from any reputable company since he beats women and can't read.
> and can't read
That still makes me kek everytime no matter how many times I see it
wat kind of faggot sits around on an airplane, looking solemnly outside, with a mediocre pile of money laid out in front of them
FYI glenn beck has been shilling bitcoin to his listeners mercilessly.
he pisses his money away as fast as he earns it
anyone who follows this nigger's advice, kys
this nigger is gonna make us all rich
Whats the total supply on this shit and whats the price per eth on the ioc
The kind that doesn't have money problems and doesn't care about what some faggot says on an sissy trap image board
They are trying to get blacks into crypto so that the next global elite aren't all white males. But niggers can't into computers LOL. You can't make this shit up. If they gave Crypto away for free to blacks they still wouldn't bother with the steps lmfao
Nigger and his fiat on an old ass G3
This nigger can't read but he knows what smart contracts and blockchain are? Damn, /pol/ btfo.
Hey man I'll send you $100,000 in bitcoin just make a wallet and send me the address.
>100k dawg? bet
10 minutes later
>nah nigga that shits gay as fuck
Gonna throwing half a btc into the Hubii ICO, fuck it
Seriously though this dumb fuck owes ~30 million to the IRS still. He's fucked and needs cash from any cock he can suck.
This is the only reason the fight is happening. I hope he loses just so he can go broke completely.
even if he loses he sill gets the same money. Silly Ayyynon
the website for the ico is slow as turtle cock
That's not the point, he'll piss it away regardless, if he loses his name goes under with his cash