How come we don't erect statues of great people anymore?
How come we don't erect statues of great people anymore?
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We do where I live, though the term "great" means "good at rugby league"
Western culture is dead.
"das b raycis n shiet gib welfare"
"Sexist much?"
But we do
Speak for yourself westerner
Why bother? There are no great men left.
Just nuke us already best Korea.
because these days people are more interested in deconstructing and then vilifying things than they are actually appreciating something. things can only be appreciated after contrasting it with(and usually tearing down) something else. goes for both the left or right.
Which great people don't have statues?
Spotted the sexist.
We still do.
>it's a "let's make incorrect generalizations and then spend all day trying to think up some reason why it's a symptom of modern society being shit" episode
>Genghis Khan
>Crazy Horse
People still do.
we still do user
Real question is why don't we erect stelea with kings and complex dates on them anymore?
Who is "we" in this case?
No more great men.
1. Making statues of historical figures is going out of fashion
2. There are less people deserving of prominent statues than there used to be (Western society has been mostly stable for the last 30 years or so, thus less potential for statue-worthiness.
Clarence Darrow gives me an erection.
I wish we didn't cause they're building a fucking Stalin statue in my city.
This is the bust of Robert Schuman, one of the founding fathers of the Modern Europe, together with 11 other great people that created the foundations for the European Union, built in 2006.
what am I looking at
What ignorant city would do that?
probably a medieval depiction of the Kronos/ Saturn myth - eating his children. Zeus is the one castrating him
>we don't erect statues of great people anym-
Looks like cheap imitation material of a statue.
Is that plastic?
He was just a person sized head?
I wish they would add Trump's head to Rushmore just so we can have a thousand years of butthurt.
There are not great people anymore.
They play this episode all day every day all over Veeky Forums.
Still do
Apparently, blank dice exist to mark them with custom faces. How does that work?
Do people use pens or stickers?
Isn't it easy to set off the weighting, biasing the dice?
Thanks for reminding me of this one
They just started making a Skenderbeu statue next to a statue of some Hungarian hero in Hungary. But alot of people got angry about the fact that he looks more like a not Slav then an Albanian. Wich is understandable but also interesting. Maybe people who make statues just naturally make them look close to themselves. Maybe a Skenderbeu statue made in China would have asian eyes and hold a cup of rice.
>wasting tax payer money to build statues
like a Slav*
We got one of Warnie down in Melbourne out the front the MCG
>Northerners btfo
Stalin statues and busts are popping all over Russia to this day. Not only that, but commies are the second biggest party in country.
Some people are really missing those good old gulag days.
No point. We just take photos now.
that's zeus? wtf he looks puny
That's Medieval "art".
I'd erect my statue in her if you know what I mean
it is clay, the most appropriate material for a man of his /stature/
Cincinnati Reds just unveiled a statue of Pete Rose a couple months ago. Fuck you on about?
Nah, marxists are big on building statues of heroes. It's a capitalist desire to not build them, because they cut into profits. Or if they do they build them to be private and hide them away in their personal collections, instead of sharing them with the public. Despicable.
>squatting like she is taking a metaphorical dump on Germany
t should get a statue
>we don't erect statues of great people anymo-
>How come we don't erect statues of great people anymore?
Because it's idolatry to think well of God's greatest people - God's greatest person ever Moses told us so. There is nobody on Earth who cannot be killed for Moses - the single most truthful and useful man in history - who did more good for humanity than any other.
There aren't any great people in this age.
The last great person I remember would be ataturk.
>this machine kills fascists
revisionists get out reeeeee
Only the ancients were able to erect those massive megaliths. Even our brightest minds today couldn't do the same.
The africans showed us our place, 5000 years ago.
I'm sure tax payer money is spent on less awful things right retard?
Why bother? At the current rate of social progress all presently acceptable political views will be unforgivable and posthumously punishable by erasure from history so we might as well save ourselves the effort and stop remembering things.
great people are a spook and statues are obsolete for anything except aesthetics
This was quite recent i think
>ah ah, we already waste it so why not waste it even more ?!
there are enough statues already in the world
You alright,/pol/?
Would you want a statue or bust of yourself in a public place?
It's unfashionable, and embarrassing, many "great people"don't want it.
Also, nowadays great scientific or commercial achievements are done by groups of people or organisations, not a single visionary. There will be a statue of Elon Musk for better or worse, somewhere, but it takes teams of people to get stuff done now. Who do you immortalize? The manager? The majority investor? Company director? Or the whole team of researchers? (Or equivalent)
RPGfag here, drawing on the dice adds a negligible weight, plus no body is getting THAT intense with the fairness of the dice anyway. Dice are for excitement, they don't have to be perfect.
Kind of reminds me of this
There are no more great people.
Only fools and con artists
Yeah but the gommies around now are Trotskyite fags. At least if they had a boner for Stalin I would have a tiny bit of respect for them alongside my desire to physically remove them. It sucks having limp-wristed fudgepackers as bogeymen
Implying there are any great people worth statues from the last 5 decades.