What's your guys' true opinion of Hitler? Was he really just an evil dude? Or was he just a guy who really loved Germany and felt he was wronged by the Jews?
What's your guys' true opinion of Hitler? Was he really just an evil dude? Or was he just a guy who really loved Germany and felt he was wronged by the Jews?
getting real sick of these shit threads. Why cant wehraboos just stay on their containment board?
He was a drug addict with mother issues who destroyed a great nation and people.
Had he died in 1938, Germany would still be great today.
Ugly manlet cuck who attempted a beta uprising
I see the jews have gotten to you
i see you're butthurt about subhuman slavs and american nogs beating your idols
An artist who brought forth the predations and malevolence of a beaten and suffering people to combat the psychopathy of opposing nations
I am a slav.
and this
I'm so sorry
Both. Nobody is evil in their own eyes, but many do unspeakable atrocities nevertheless.
then you're actually controlled by (((bolshevik-jews))) as a controlled opposition
t. Schlomo Gutmann
Nope, my country was allied with Germany.
Good lad.
This image shows the difference between an ugly American mongrel (in the back) compared his superior distant pure European cousin.
>the gretest meme never told
To answer your question, Hitler was a retard who destroyed Europe.
He was a real human bean who experienced a lot of emotional pain and dissapointment as a young man and chose to lash out in an attempt to correct it. He's not so different to the average poltard imo.
Moron who invaded other countries for no reason, killing millions and who claimed to love his nation yet an heroed and allowed it to be split in half.
Despite what you believe that mainstream history is all propaganda you really would most likely have been exterminated by Hitler.
A Christ like figure in his struggle to revert modernity in order to save the West. Of course also doomed because the West has ever carried the seed of its owen destruction within, which makes him a tragic figure. Morally superior to all the others though. Westerners themselves won't ever realize it, but that just mirrors the way Christ triumphed only long after his death. Unfortunately for Hitler, unlike Christ, his aims weren't universal so there's little to be gained by the non-Western posterity that will inherit the Western world.
Why do you faggots always leave out the other 5+ million killed during the holocaust? Hitler was evil. End of story. I hate most jews too. That doesn't mean it's okay to systematically slaughter populations. Stop LARPing as edgy teenagers and poltards.
because the winners write history senpai, therefore the losers must correct the record, make fake news real, and rewrite history.
>pure European cousin.
Germans are mongrels too.
Fascism had potential, Hitlers autism and Mussolinis ego ruined it
Hitler intentionally let the Slavs starve to death in camps. He wasn't going to treat them well after the war.
t. leftypol
He was a meth head that destroyed his country. Only people that look up to him are retarded neo-nazis and immature /pol/acks
>let me tell you about your country
Yes, he was evil. You can go back to your containment board now.
a wehraboo saying he's a loser is the first time ive seen them say anything that is correct
>getting sick of the 1,000,000 hitler was a good guy thread makes you leftypol
do /pol/tards do anything but strawman?
>do /pol/tards do anything but strawman?
Their entire worldview is built around strawmen, did you really expect a nuanced, well sourced argument?
No i suppose not, but i wish they would stay on their containment board at the very least.
I see /pol/ has switched their tactics. Now they will larp as Slavs and Jews as long as they can shitpost and jerk off to their fuhrer.
>i have jewish friends, so i can't be anti-semitic
Well obviously your country isn't telling you.
>This Board is being colonised
not only by them, but from us too. This war will consume all good quality threads
The only winning move is not to play.
Veeky Forums needs to remain as objective as possible, and for a janitor to come through here once in a while.
It would be nice if Veeky Forums had any fucking moderation at all, the rick and morty thread has been up for like an hour. Much like the old hiragana captcha, a Veeky Forums captcha that asks obscure history related questions that aren't easily googled would be nice.
Too be fair, it wasn't really necessary in the past. I can see why they devoted so little resources to it
The only fascinating thing on Hitler is, how it was possible that this stupid idiot with his lazy gang was able to win power