Modern Greeks = Ancient Greeks
Modern Greeks = Ancient Greeks
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>Modern Greeks = Ancient Greeks
I am shocked, OP. Just like at how modern Lebanese = Ancient Lebanese and Modern Egyptians = Ancient Egyptians.
/pol/ just had a shitfest over this. It was great
giv modern greek gf
It still doesn't change the fact that Mycenaeans were lighter than modern Greeks.
Greeks may have adopted the Indo European language through intermarriage. Woman raise children, the children learn from their mother.
Plenty of ancient contact between Greeks and peoples in the north around 1800BC
Contains figurines widely used in Greece, an ancient settlement in Poland.
AHAHAHA. Actually, not really. The genetic impact of Northern Steppeniggers was about 6-16% in Mycenaean DNA. Not enough to change the phenotype of Anatolian and Aegean farmers.
why would we? They are still white. Proves once again whites are the master race.
Modern Greek = Ancient Greek both = White.
Wow, Greek women look tastefully masculine (no homo)
The big issue with Egypt is that it was at the center of various ethnic groups. Thus everyone from that area goes full WE WUZ when predominantly it was nonblack swarthy North Africans calling the shots most of the time
Oh fuck off, they were the same as Levantines. Even the Isis myth says that they came from Lebanon.
See Lebanese Cedars in Egypt
I was talking to some greek guy last week and he told me that in greece, mcdonalds delivers
>Modern Egyptians = Ancient Egyptians.
>The Max (((Planck))) Institute
>modern Lebanese = Ancient Lebanese
This isn't even true. It was only Lebanese Christians tested. Quit spreading misinformation.
>This is what Alexander the Great looked like
I can live with this.
The difference seems pretty insignificant. The distance between Christian Lebanese and Muslim Lebanese is about the same as between Jordanians and Muslim Lebanese. Do you really think you could distinguish between average members of these groups just by looking at then? This is like the difference between an Austrian and a German.
Mirin that hair.
Looks like a beaner
Alexander had two different colored eyes
t. never seen a beaner
Maronites are much closer related to Assyrians, Antioch Christians and Mizrahi Jews than with Lebanese Muslims.
But /pol/ told me that southern yuros were not white, especially when talking about their current state.Seems like they were quick to change their position.
Only retards and trolls claim Southern Euros aren't white. They do the same shit on this board, too.
that's a white boi, not a beaner
t. nigger
maybe some northern spaniards are white, but the vast majority of southern "europeans" look more arab/african than white.
>Marco Rubio
>It still doesn't change the fact that Mycenaeans were lighter than modern Greeks.
Read the supplements, it says precisely that modern Greeks are lighter than the testsed samples based on SNPs. The tested samples were all brown-haired and brown-eyed and they actually have less northern ancestry than most modern Greeks.
>Oldest mainland European DNA
>Not white
You're obviously an ignorant american.
>Neolithic farmers
All groups have changed since the Bronze Age. Modern Egyptians can be modelled as ancient Egyptians + extra sub-Saharan. Copts probably don't even need that extra sub-Saharan.
And no modern Levantines are exactly like the ancient Levantines, they have extra ancestry from other sources including Europe and the steppe, but they're mostly the descendants of those groups.
That's all.
From the article:
>While they are not identical to the Bronze Age populations, modern Greeks are genetically closely related to the Mycenaeans.
That's a double negative if I ever saw one. Modern day Greeks are just Turkish shitskins, stupid self-conflicting article kek
Spaniards as a whole are genetically closer to Nordics than Northern Italians are.
>Neolithic Farmers not white
>Nobody in Europe is fully white
Pretty cool results. I'm guessing Southern Italians and Sicilians are more Minoan-like in ancestry.
Not really. They look different from all those populations.
Greeks and turks have always been related you stupid /pol/tard. Even if that wasnt the case, most invasions/occupations dont work like that (le rapebaby xdd)
This article is literally fake news and I'm not surprised there's a lot of Greeks that found those "findings". There's already an inherent bias right their.
Let's just forget the admixture of modern day Greeks proven entirely by genetics and population movement. Modern day Greeks = 1/3 Albanian, 1/3 Slav, 1/3 everything else presumably the remnant of ancient Greeks but also including southern Italian and anatollian migrants as well as roman era middle-eastern and North African migrants as well as the Turks of all people that settled there for 500 years.
Greeks are mongrels and this article doesn't disprove anything. You're all just literal retards that didn't bother reading the article where it self admits substantial later admixture....
>Greeks and Turks has always been related
I think you mean Turks and Turks user.
That's true since Turks descend to a great extent from the local population (though some deny that since they prefer to think of themselves as Turkic conquerors) but Turks are actually less genetically related to Bronze Age Anatolia than Greeks are due to extra dilution.
A lot of the ancestry in Minoan Crete and the Mycenaean mainland looks precisely like something that came from Bronze Age Anatolia.
Genetic results from everywhere so far are basically telling us that populations show pretty good continuity since the Bronze Age with some definite extra admixture. But before that, there seem to have been huge replacements, Neolithic Britain is genetically like Sardinia, Bronze Age Britain almost like modern.
They're about as genetically distant as you can get, especially for people who share a border.
A population that's 1/3 Albanian and 1/3 "Slav" would show much lower affinity to those populations than Albanians do. But Greeks don't.
Also all populations are 'mongrels', that's exactly what DNA is showing. The Minoans and Mycenaeans were themselves mongrels with considerable Anatolian ancestry. And South Italians are also close to them.
There's no reason to be butthurt.
So what did you expect the dna results of the ancient inhabitants of Greece to be like?
>there's a lot of Greeks that found those "findings"
Lazaridis has been involved in half the ancient DNA studies so far. There's no need to be jealous of more accomplished people.
that's not a mexican
They were ruled by aryan nords you shitskin mongrel lover
>he thinks shitskins could build anything of value
>vast majority of southern "europeans" look more arab/african than white.
They have very little arab/african mixture. Sicily has the highest at a whopping 3.6%; most hover around 1%. Nowhere near affect phenotype, this means south europeans have looked that way for a long time.
Varg, there is no reason to be spreading false information around. Go back to your woods and write more music.
>people believing in jewish propaganda
yes goyim, your founders were mongrels. That why you should mix with Jamal
[citation needed]
>tfw no dark eyed, dark haired, wop nosed ancient greek "nordic" gf
>Upset that Minoans weren't Aryan
>Upset that Mycenaean people weren't very Aryan
>It's all the Jews fault!
why is Veeky Forums full of state salad tossers that believe every stupid story they hear as long as it comes from some agenda wielding suits?
Who is that woman?
Why are you in a state of full denial that Greeks weren't as white as you wanted?
And what would that "agenda" be?
The Jews want to hide the true history of the White race from us.
Yeah buddy, science must be Jewish because you don't understand it.
Stay mad, nordcuck.
>dyed given his brow colors
how do they know he didn't dye his brows, or shave them and draw on blck brows? that might have been a fashion at the time
>Implying Anatolian and Aegean farmers weren't white
As far as I am aware Romans and Greeks didn't shave their eyebrows. I know Egyptians did, though.
>They are still white.
No they are not. Have you actually seen a greek? They have a shitskin.
>They have very little arab/african mixture.
Doesn't change the way they look. They are not white.
Looks like you need to stop lurking around Veeky Forums, Varg.
I want to know,too. She's kinda beautiful.
>kinda beautiful
What an understatement...
gotta be 18+ to post here, mate
why does Veeky Forums get so fucking pissed about nordics? I've never seen anyone claiming that the roman empire was germanic.
The Greeks you posted are after Slavic make over, the bottom ones are the real ones.
Well, you could argue that nordics are not white
There's nothing wrong with Nordic people. It's the Amerimutt Nordicists who are the problem.
>I've never seen anyone claiming that the roman empire was germanic.
They're pretty common on Veeky Forums, but head over to /pol/ if you want to see them in their natural habitat.
well it's a photo by a greek photographer from her book children of the light, but unfortunately i couldn't find the model's name while poking around.
post the actual study at least
anyway, nothing really surprising, Myceneans were expected to have some steppe-like input, and they have, and they also were suspected to not have much like modern Greeks due to SE Europe at the time likely being densely populated and advanced enough to absorb them more easily, and they don't
what's surprising is that modern mainland Greeks seem to be shifted towards east Europe/bronze age steppe even more than Myceneans, which is probably the opposite of what many people might have thought with all the Turk/slave rape meme
wonder if it's due to some newcomers after the bronze age collapse or maybe recent Slavic input
>Not surprisingly, the Minoans and Mycenaeans looked alike, both carrying genes for brown hair and brown eyes. Artists in both cultures painted dark-haired, dark-eyed people on frescoes and pottery who resemble each other, although the two cultures spoke and wrote different languages.
>what's surprising is that modern mainland Greeks seem to be shifted towards east Europe/bronze age steppe even more than Myceneans
How is it surprising?
Greeks mixed with Slavs and Macedonians
>descendants are related to their ancestors
huh, really boils the old noodle
The Mycenean corpses analyzed were post-Mycenean invasion, I trashed this study...
The Minoan corpses analyzed were post-Mycenean invasion, I trashed this study...
literally laughing at /pol/
Was it autism?
I remember some guy saying that:
Trojans, Hitties, Greeks, Romans were whiter than modern Slavs.
Guess you're getting BTFO now.
You are literally too stupid to read.
> the findings disprove the widely held theory that the Mycenaeans were a foreign population in the Aegean and were not related to the Minoans
Of course they weren't Myceneans who were much closer to Euope have only 13% steppe admixture
>Final estimate in paper Mycenaean samples have Steppe_EMBA admixture 13%.
>Less than present day Greek average, or at the lowest end estimate.
Hittites being much further away probably had like 6-10% at best
So interestingly enough Minoans were Neolithic Anatolians with a little Bronze age Anatolian (N Anatolian + N Iranian/CHG) admixture, while Sardinians are Neolithic Anatolians with some European hunter gatherer admixture
So they weren't "Nordic" but also weren't "Arab-like unibrow" creatures either.
Manganiello is how I always imagined Greek heroes looked like.
>clear european facial strtucture
>typical european dark hair and eyes(not dead and souless like arabs and negroes)
>inb4 faggot
a little
>They're pretty common on Veeky Forums, but head over to /pol/ if you want to see them in their natural habitat.
No it isn't, you filthy liar.
I'm waiting for one on the Romans and Etruscans, I expect I'll be right again, as always ;)
>haplogroup G2a
Irrelevant as always, Romans will be central Italian like with maybe even less steppe admixture, same goes for the Etruscans, it would be interesting to see if Etruscans were Pre IE shifting towards Neolithic Anatolians+CHG like Minoans, or N Anatolian shifting towards Sardinians/Iberians, so with some extra WHG admxiture