Who else made into neet heaven with crypto and only browser Veeky Forums for the hot bitches now?

who else made into neet heaven with crypto and only browser Veeky Forums for the hot bitches now?

hot bitches thread

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buy a hooker/gf and stop having sex with yourself to images, sad fagget

i could totally buy a gf already but its too late for me, I'm almost a wizard

teach me how senpai. I just wanna stay home and play p5 and go to the occasional animecon but wagecucking owns my life.

buy low, sell high

but only hodl what is guaranteed to go up (projects with solids fundamentals) even if it takes 2 years to take off, it will, shitcoins however are not worth the stress

lol, don't be ridiculous . its never too late for a man to buy young love

can you help me reach neet heaven

kek, I know and its a confidence boost to know they are all waiting for me as long as I have dosh

one need to travel the path themselves, the sages can only show the way, it took years.

be my mentor.
How much did you wind up making? what do u classify as neet heaven?

hundreds of thousands, most still in crypto

> what do u classify as neet heaven?

you can keep yourself out of wagecuckoldry and afford everything your neet heart desires

If I could lose 275 pounds I'd be happy.

but u said u already had dosh.
quit talking to virgins online and go buy some fuck

I keep browsing top escort websites in my region, I'm always very close but... something keeps holding me back, I think its the near wizardry status.

that excuse makes literally no sense.
roleplayer detected.

sex is just an awkward unsatisfying experience for all concerned if your not porno endowed

kek, where you located bro? Nothing holding me back - if youre in europe no excuse for being a virgin.

Miss. Skeltal

No.. only if yoire a 300lb unwashed basement dweller with a micro penis


they'll take care of you

>he's about to become a wizard and unlock true knowledge
>he's about to understand the meaning of life and the truth of the cosmos
>he's about to waste this opportunity on a whore

this is your only shot at becoming a wizard and you're making threads like these?

kek, hundreds of thousands. I guess that's OK if you literally plan on being a NEET your whole life and are willing to move to a third world shit hole. If you want a comfortable retirement in a first world country and you want to enjoy the finer things in life (including having a family), you're going to need 7 figures minimum.

I'm NOT making it up, won't dox myself with any details tho, I live in the 3rd world but I'm not brown or asian, I'm a human being too!!

thats what I meant I think its too late, maybe thats the universe testing me one last time, now that I have the means

thats what I meant dumbdumb I'm living the neet heaven not your lambo fantasy.

who is this?? please tell me this is not a trap

an angel

im going to thailand to fuck hookers for 2 solid months at the end of the year with my crypto gains

will post quality hot bitches for a taste of heaven


I see you are a man of culture as well

I want to protect that smile

i am

>not waiting until you are millionaire and spending the rest of your life traveling around the world fucking hookers

Spent over a week there doing all sorts of stupid shit last year, gonna even do more stupid shit this year.

>thats what I meant dumbdumb I'm living the neet heaven not your lambo fantasy.
True patrician right here.

Aren't you guys paranoid about STDs?

you can make fun, I'm good

You've made it lad, living the dream. I'll be joining you soon.

Ye... Yeah guys, right?

>t.asking for a friend



So neet heaven is living a humble lowcost life, and stretching your money as far as possible? What are your monthly expenses?
I like your philosophy, OP

ty for rare futaba

>What are your monthly expenses?

around 2k usd, unless I'm buying extra gadgets, everything here is cheap except electronics


I wasn't making fun actually, nice trips by the way.

pay to get your partner tested.
have them sign a nondisclosure also.
then you can use them again and again .
its worth it.

sry I'm used to the shitcoiners here that only think you made if you have a lambo and live in central nya.

Happy for you my dood :^)

aww kill yourself. A fucking pedo. Make sure you give me your wallet before they lock you up.

oh, I've heard this girl's songs before! she and LilyPichu have similar voices. Cool to see that she's actually pretty irl.