Is the human condition a "real" problem or merely an optimization problem of hormonal balance and simulating the...

Is the human condition a "real" problem or merely an optimization problem of hormonal balance and simulating the correct environment?

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it's a real problem―human beings naturally feel incomplete. We attain a temporary feeling of completion during coitus when we unite with the opposite gender, but this is only a symbol of the real and higher union that is achieved through spiritual ascesis.

t. evola (see: eros and the mysteries of love)

Tiger... lay off the antelope.

I don't know. Maybe we just lack the technology and understanding of brain chemistry to simulate near perfect happiness.

happiness isn't the issue. even if you had happiness there would be a void in your soul that you would contantly feel in the background of your life. something fundamental is missing...and the beginning is to realize that the human organism is not merely physical in the narrow "scientistic" sense.

>void in the soul
Yeah it's called lack of exercise. Easy to mitigate.

perhaps if you're on a very low, animal-like level of humanity. in which case i would encourage you to continue with your excercise routine, and work on strengthening the relationships with those around you. that's probably the pinnacle of human achievement that you are capable of. don't try to soar too high or like Icarus or you'll crash and burn.

I am okay with that.

just a word of warning though: if you aren't that type of person (animal-like) and you choose to live that kind of lifestyle you're setting yourself up for a major existential crisis down the line, and the further down the line it occurs (e.g. middle age, old age) the more difficult it will be to recrify your mistake and make up for all that lost time. my advice, attack the problem at its source while you're young and got fire in your blood. physical excercise is in no way opposed to spiritual ascesis. for example, see:


We evolved not to feel satisfied with what we have because, until the last couple centuries, virtually nobody experienced real permanent abundance and security.

We're designed to always want more because for virtually all of history you really did need to always strive for more if you wanted to avoid starvation and death. Now that we live in a world of abundance, that instinct torments us because we can so easily achieve everything our body's urges tell us to seek out, but it still doesn't provide lasting satisfaction.

>We evolved not to feel satisfied
evopsych is the worst kind of pseudo science out there.

>tfw video games are literally the answer

How pretentious

I actually have no idea what you're talking about.

Tigga so fat he can't get up

Şmh țbh

>that's probably the pinnacle of human achievement that you are capable of. don't try to soar too high or like Icarus or you'll crash and burn
Watch out guys, we got a solar aryan aristocrat over here

>optimization problem of hormonal balance and simulating the correct environment?
no, i always felt terrible even during my best times.

it's not evopsych, base pleasures like sex and food are quite literally ingrained in us.

Whenever I see a spiritualist mouthing off about their pretensions I consider it quite ironic.

Why is being "animal-like" framed as insulting? The fact is we are fundamentally animals, we are flesh and blood and have behaviors and desires. Now the sophisticated brain is a nice plus, but that doesn't negate the reality we live in.

Even your language betrays our biological nature, the poetic metaphor for being "low" or "high" stems from our survival instinct, being low is vulnerable and dirty, while being high affords you an advantage and you can see approaching threats. We instinctively equate the sky with "heavenly" ideas because we evolved here on the land.

> Even your language betrays our biological nature, the poetic metaphor for being "low" or "high" stems from our survival instinct, being low is vulnerable and dirty, while being high affords you an advantage and you can see approaching threats. We instinctively equate the sky with "heavenly" ideas because we evolved here on the land.

>an optimization problem of hormonal balance and simulating the correct environment
The worst problems people deal with on a regular basis are chronic diseases, not hormonal imbalances or bad "environment." If you could eliminate all disease somehow then you might solve the problem of human suffering for the most part.

>all disease is eliminated
>tfw no gf normies REEE

If you don't solve the mind you won't solve the body either. Depressed people die young, not just from suicide but from heart failure. Being miserable is a direct toll to your lifespan and your health.