Thoughts on Safex?

Thoughts on Safex?

I am considering investing but I never did on a such low price coin


Stay far away

Run. But take my backs before you go.

Bags, god damnit.

Listen man, just go with your gut. Look at their website, their devs, their forums/reddit/twitter and decide yourself. Personally I think their design is tacky AF, too much dark colors not enough brightness, their cheesy "Release" Breaking News screen shots on twitter. It's all very poorly designed when it comes to the visuals...

but as for the coin itself and the idea behind it, I like it. The devs are transparent AF. They are honest when mistakes are made.

I bought a fuckload at 350 sats and I'm now currently a bag holder, but I know damn well these bags are going to feel like feathers in the future.

stay away from it

I Fucking hate safex, but this fucker is right.
I fucking hate it...
I fucking hate it...
but you got a good old classy autsy dev and real grassroots startup team here..
Safex may save the crypto trading world.
We're getting sunk real fast out here.
These guys could really be heroes.

same here, waiting for chille release

I'm talking about exchanges getting fucked up and leaning towards regulation real soon.

Yep, The devs are really open about their progress. Website has a public forum instead of slack, and their road map is prioritized as the first pick. Lotta balls for that.

As for regulation. It's going to be really hard for the SEC to do with this kind of asset. I see it happening, but no time soon, it's called cryptocurrency for a reason. Unless they launch a quantum comp to fk up all existing ledgers. That would create havoc, but there are already coins in the market made to combat that. Crypto is the self accumulating and self-healing currency. You can break it down for a little while but it'll come back immune to whatever it is you just did, look at MT. Gox.

Yep, who knows when, but when it does it's going to be very interesting to see how the markets will adapt. Right now it's in it's baby stage, undervalued like hell.

I am currently only holding 500k Safex. I really like the team, the Idea, and the roadmap. Jonathan is a bit narcissistic, but that will mellow with age. One of the most endearing things about this team is the Honesty and Transparency .Unfortunately, that is their Achilles Heel. In the realm of Crypto, the gullible only seem to flock to unsubstantiated hype of the b.s. Marketer, like sheep to the slaughter. In any case, at 500k coins, if they make it to a buck, it will give me some spending change.

Expect them to miss deadlines based on past performance. How long until Chillie will have a functioning MVP?
How many competitors do they have in the decentralised market place space? How far along are their competitors with their code? Why would anyone want to buy a token with cash to buy items on a marketplace if the value of the tokens like all cryptos is volatile beyond belief and could devalue easily at any time?
I asked myself these questions and sold this one at 800 sats because I knew based on past performance the wallet release would most probably be delayed and the only thing that will pump this token again is a release of and alpha testnet for their blockchain.

When the fuck did this reach 800 sats? I might've bought your bags at 750 and lost half my money before I pulled out and put it somewhere else. Are you a whale? Are you the one responsible for that pump to 700+? Because if you are, fuck you my man. Fuck you.

BOi i bought under 500 sold at 900 bought bk in at 940.......and down and down down down it went....that fuckingg wallet man....supposed to go to 1200, or 1300 i fucking hate myself. I bought into a dead end and now am stuck cause all my usable capital was used to buy bk in at 940....fuck expensives lessons learned

That sucks man. I took a 50% loss and put what was left into BNB, made 200% gains thus far.

Relax ppl it's going back to 600-700k for sure , of course you have to wait for chillie

They didnt wait. Millenials have a 5 second attention span, which is why they are always broke. Boomers have nothing to do with it.

This, those who left you with those heavy bags will be back when the time comes to try to buy em off ya. You just gotta wait now.

Hope so...I am a rare millenial still holding heavy bags...charts are looking promising though

Kill yourself my dude, I saw an opportunity to regain my money and then some, and I took it. Thanks to my "5 secondbattention span" I now have a lot more money to put into this shitcoin than what I would have if I held.

btw does everyone still have wallet maintenance for safex on bittrex? Havent been able to get into it all day

Hodl with 50%, 5 second hop with the rest. Works for me.

And safex and xrp are damn comfy hodls.

Ive been in safex and xrp from the getgo. I always buy these kids weakhand bag dumps on the dips. My gains are insane. Its raining money.

The logo looks like two dolphins having sex.
